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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I find leveling up weaker characters is easier when you have a few really strong characters. I just head over to some level 45 or 50 zone and put Ophelia on keep alive duty. Also, since the game doesn't artificially prevent you from going nearly anywhere, I was wandering around those level 45 zones when I was still in my low 20s. That's it much where I spent all my items. Screw saving those for bosses. Also, stealing high level weapons and armor made that but easier with every town.
  2. So I completely forgot Alfyn is a person in this game. My main cast of characters are all around level 40 with the less often used down in their mid-20s. Alfyn is down at 8. I guess I'm up for some grinding to get him up to speed before jumping into his second chapter.
  3. Balloon Fight would be perfect on mobile. Tap on the right side of the screen to float up and right, tap on the left side to go up and left. No need for anything more complicated than that. Would work perfectly and they can just keep the NES sprites. Thinking about it, that just sounds like a more interesting Flappy Bird with more than one direction to travel in. Yeah, that could work.
  4. In this specific case, we're talking about people complaining that the lead in a series designed to sell toys to little girls isn't sexy enough. Just because a cartoon might be designed to sell toys doesn't mean it can't also be good. In this instance, it's just insane that we know nothing about the actual story. Hell, we don't even have a trailer yet. Literally, the only thing anyone has anything to go on are some screenshots. To complain about the integrity of the character designs in a series that gave us Bow is insanity. Like, I'm half certain most of the characters in the series were designed to just allow Mattel to reuse old Barbie and He-Man molds with sight tweaks. Any character design without those restraints is going to be an upgrade.
  5. As for the design, I think it's fine. She Ra was supposed to be He Man, but for girls. If this reboot is supposed to target the same demographic, this style works perfectly fine. Honestly, I have two daughters, and I wouldn't want a cartoon aimed at them to star someone that's supposed to be sexy. That all aside, I do find the idea of complaining about the integrity of a series created with the specific goal of selling little girls themed dolls to be hilarious.
  6. I need to stop wandering from town to town and start following the story. I just keep trying to fight my way at level 24 through all those Danger 45 zones to get to later game towns.
  7. Remember when DC was rebooting all of their comics with New 52? Remember when they reboot the Titans and everyone was pissed and completely befuddled by why DC didn't capitalize on the success of the Teen Titans cartoon and not go all grim dark? That was nearly a decade ago. Good to know DC hasn't learned anything.
  8. It's not the asshole approach if giving him the refund opens up some crazy can of worms. Imagine having to refund everyone that is unhappy with the direction the game is going on? Even then, if you make an exception for him, are they going to make the same exception for everyone that claims a medical issue? Are they going to all for doctor's notes? That's just too many questions and no company would/should have to ever put themselves in that situation.
  9. Just head toward the next town where you can recruit/play through the first chapter of the next character.
  10. I went into this game knowing nothing and I'm happy I wound up going with Therion. It's nice not having to go back to other towns to pick pocket random NPCs.
  11. You would be too if you were dealing with a criminal mastermind trying to steal a pack of adult diapers.
  12. Here's a dude really triggered by this woman wearing a Puerto Rico shirt... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2152660761432069&id=908009612563863&__tn__=*s*s-R
  13. Let's just make this the official scary minorities thread... https://www.buzzfeed.com/jimdalrympleii/black-woman-police-pool-access-idadam?utm_term=.ff7eJOWQJK#.tcARZLwXZk
  14. Why do I feel like this is just legend's weak attempt to crowd source his settings for Skynet?
  15. I may have mentioned this story here before, but I had to deal with this shit with my son. At just two weeks old, he wasn't keeping even half an ounce of food down. We took him to the nearest ER and he needed an IV. At that time of the night, however, they didn't have anyone that could get the IV in him or perform the surgery he needed, so he had to be sent over to Tufts in Boston. Since he was still under hospital care, we couldn't opt to just drive him there ourselves. Since we, apparently, took him to the wrong hospital, insurance didn't cover the cost of the 35m ambulance ride. We wound up getting stuck with the cost of that and the IV they failed to get in him. It was great. It took months to pay down that bill. So many others would have just gone bankrupt with the charges. Yay!
  16. There's a very easy solution. Just start banning these shitty people from social media. There's a difference between shitting in a character in a movie and shitting on the movie. If Facebook and Twitter made it easy to just report and get these people off the, this wouldn't be such a problem. The issue is that neither company really wants to do anything about it and will normally just play lip service to the toxicity. Twitter is, by far, the worst in this aspect. If you can't dislike something without harassing people and making death threats, maybe you just shouldn't be allowed to interact with your fellow humans online.
  17. So what you're saying is that LeBron, a perennial finals player, is going to end his career in a series of conference finals exists?
  18. Sweet. You didn't have to do any of this, so it was much appreciated. Thanks!
  19. This is the sort of thing that always gets lost in the both sides talk. There's a big difference between spinning and trying to be deceptive with how you're telling the truth and straight up making up facts pulled out of thin air. Also, yay. Using government agents to intimidate people is always cool.
  20. Hey cool. I'm about to have another girl so that's going to be some long nights. Let's go for an RPG. Octopath Traveler comes out next month, right? Yeah, let's go for that, if that's not a pain in the ass.
  21. It's ridiculous how intimidating those stupid, mouthed, gun sounds wonderful up being as the stores went along. Great anime with not at all annoying CG, even if it is noticable at times. As to the question in the OP, I started with all the stuff find in the back of Blockbuster. I think that wound up being stuff like Ninja Scroll and Akira. The first anime I ever imported were some Kodomo No Omocha bootlegs. I think my first anime VHS was Ghost in the Shell. God, I remember dropping like $150 on a Record of Lodoss Was box set from a Suncoast way back when. Same place I picked up my first anime DVD, Perfect Blue. I haven't had a lot of time for anime as of late. Before binging Inuyashiki, I think the last anime I completed was the second season of Attack on Titan or Mob Psycho 100. I caught those around the same time.
  22. Random: I just binged Inuyashiki with my wife. It's a short eleven episodes. It does a great job of recreating the manga, even if I never realized how much crying was in the manga until I saw it animated. Good stuff.
  23. Employers can't give negative feedback on those calls to previous employers. All you can do it confirm the days they worked there and titles.
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