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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Hell, he could have said "I have, but at the time I didn't realize their firm was representing the president". There are like a million ways to answer that question. Simply refusing to is like the worse way possible.
  2. He very easily could have said that to his knowledge, he hadn't. He's under oath, so he wouldn't be lying if he was not aware that someone he had spoken to worked at that firm. Nobody would have held that against him. His caginess here is the issue.
  3. It's going to be some not household name on Pence's staff. Then Trump and Fox will laugh about how "senior" was fake news and everyone on the right will summarily dismiss everything else as a result.
  4. This is a 35 minute presentation. Online launches this month. 35 minutes for a Direct is a long time, so I have to imagine they'll use some of that time to go over their Online service.
  5. There's a difference between Trump goes away and the deep state stole the presidency from Trump's grasp. That would be a story no news agency could ignore. Trump loves to be in front of the camera, so he'd be on every station talking about how horribly unjust it all is. Unless he's going to jail, the GOP can never allow him to be in that position and there's just about no chance he'd ever go to jail. The best they could hope for, as far as removing him from office while saving face, is to just convince him to not run for a second term.
  6. People are terrified of his base turning against them. That base won't ever vote Democrat, but it could certainly lead to a new Tea Party-like wave driving out many of those currently in office.
  7. No problems here. Didn't he come out like a month ago saying he'd love to play the part? He's a fan and shouldn't have much trouble looking the part with the right makeup. Sure, he's young, but it's not like he needs to look sixty years older or anything. He's also a good actor and can pull off the charisma he needs just fine. I wouldn't hold any acting you get out of any of the DC movies against the actors themselves. Those movies are train wrecks. No actor was going to save any of them.
  8. Yeah, I'm not buying the gas, but it is crazy to think that anyone broke in and robbed a house full of so many people as they slept. That's some ninja'level stealth, incredible luck, and balls the size of Jupiter. You just need to hope that all these middle-aged folks don't end up having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, less your burglaring being interrupted.
  9. If you only having a boring machine, every problem tends to looks like a hole. Is that how that saying goes?
  10. The way the industry works makes this weird. Like, if this was a multinational organization, you would expect them to fire anyone that raped a coworker. Just moving that person to an office across the country wouldn't cut it. Rehiring that rapists at a later date would also not be ok. All if that would be fine and totally normal. No woman should be forced to work with some of these guys and if they're hired back into the industry, I don't see how that could be entirely avoided.
  11. Wait...is Trump now claiming that his Lester Holt interview was doctored somehow? He normally doesn't make any sense, but I have no idea what he's talking about here. When Lester Holt was caught doing what?
  12. Not internally developed, but they did scoop up a small chunk of the developer a little while back. This looks so much like those thousand other similar games that I get random pop ups for all over the place.
  13. Those polls are basically a furrowed brow from all our favorite members of the GOP. A lot of people don't believe he should, but there's zero reason to believe they wouldn't fall in line if he did.
  14. Let's just drop this one right here... Or, you know. These schools could just get their unpaid employee/athletes to just stop raping girls.
  15. I'mma just leave this one right here... https://www.theroot.com/audio-recording-catches-georgia-school-superintendent-u-1828556692 It's nice everyone carries recording devices on then everywhere they go. Looks like this guy resigned, but wow. This wasn't even just dropping the word once. This guy went full blown racist in public.
  16. Anyone saying that is insane. These special investigations typically go for what? Three years on average? Yeah, we still have a ways to go.
  17. Nearly always with the wife. She's wildly expressive, so it's like having my own one person studio audience sitting right next to me. It's great.
  18. Maybe? The bigger is the screen resolution. It's just way too low for good VR. Nintendo might have been toying with the idea in the past, but I doubt they have any plans for it with the current Switch. Then again, maybe they do something with Labo and keep the colors and graphics simple so that the low resolution ins't too straining on the eyes.
  19. It's ALWAYS been like that at IGN. I don't even think I was of drinking age yet back when I wrote for them. These sites just churn through kids. There just isn't a lot of money to be made.
  20. I didn't think season two would be so far away. There's plenty of manga, so I have no idea what the hold up is. Season 1 was already three years ago.
  21. Even if the gameplay ends up being weak, the art alone keeps this from being just another generic indie platformer.
  22. The problem is three-fold. One; brown people. Two; Trump just stirs so much shit there's something new to discuss everyday. Three; brown people.
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