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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Everyone is coming out pretty strongly against this story... https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/4/17936968/apple-amazon-deny-servers-chinese-spy-chips It's not often you see these companies out right deny a report this detailed.
  2. It already has Bluetooth. The controllers pair up over a regular Bluetooth connection. Nintendo is just being stupid. Upgrades is like to see is a better screen, better battery life, and a better kickstand. Would be cool to see a power upgrade that did nothing more than allow the Switch to play docked content in portable mode on an upgraded 1080p screen.
  3. At the same time, I can see a future where a lot of food is grown in greenhouse conditions, closer to city centers. This is the kind of tech that will allow us to squeeze more food grown into a smaller space.
  4. If the boards met their stores during QA, why would they know? Sounds like everything worked as designed and intended...up until the small chip kicked in and tried to do something. I imagine that in behavioral analytics, this would be hard to pin down if you're seeing suspicious traffic going over your network with no clear origin.
  5. My two year old son has an iPad. He can make video calls to my wife, navigate to different games, watch different shows on PBS Kids, and read and write letters with some educational games. We don't even let him have the thing everyday or for long periods of time. It's crazy to think of the world that'll belong to this coming generation of kids.
  6. This should probably be added to the end of every thread on this board...
  7. I think that's mostly because dedicated TRU stores were very few and far in between. Every TRU in Massachusetts closed its doors and I'm fairly certain the vast majority of them were also a Babies R Us. Even when I count New Hampshire, there want a single TRU left within reasonable driving distance that want also partially dedicated to furniture and baby clothes. Are there actually any stores left? I remember it was announced back in June that the last few TRU left would finally close.
  8. That change is certainly worth a few points taken off.
  9. We're also talking about a woman relating her own experience at the hands of someone she knew. Like, if she was assaulted by an anonymous stranger and years later swears that person was Kavanaugh, I'd be far more skeptical. In this case, she's talking about a person she knew at the time and identified as her attached years ago.
  10. https://deadline.com/2018/09/dark-phoenix-alita-battle-angel-deadpool-gambit-release-date-changes-1202473229/ This is only Ok if Ryan Reynolds is yelling some random vegetable over every swear uttered in the movie. I'm just focusing on that because I don't want you think about the fact that Alita had been pushed into next year. It's only been like forty years since the film was first announced, so what's a few more months. Also, Gambit has now been pushed back to 2020 and it's really cute that people are still pretending that this movie is ever going to get made.
  11. It isn't. The press barely does any real critical thinking here. They'll just regurgitate anything they're fed. They have this wavering fear of ever losing their access and refuse to call anyone out on the BS or straight up label someone a liar. Trump lies all the time and we still see most media outlets refusing to just straight up admit that much. Instead, they'll dance around it with wording like "Trump appears to have contradicted himself".
  12. I don't think they're the ones doing the flip switching. I'm pretty sure that's going to be done on Epic's end. Sony doesn't have to do anything, but let it happen.
  13. This was known back before the console launched. The 3.5mm jack on the Switch is a TRRS port. That extra ring was always going to be for a microphone. Nintendo just decided to be weird about it for whatever crazy reason that is beyond any normal human comprehension.
  14. Am I the only person that enjoyed Jean Claude Van Johnson? It's was dumb, but it's a fun stupid way.
  15. There are also people out there with a lot of hair. That is, enough hair that over the head headphones are uncomfortable after long periods of time. My wife or anyone else with a fro would probably appreciate a headset like this.
  16. Ha! https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/gynvnw/brie-larson-was-told-to-smile-so-she-put-smiles-onto-marvel-dudes
  17. You aren't denied the ability to create threads, so by all means, start one. I just haven't the faintest ideas what that story has to do with Kavanaugh.
  18. One big thing is that I wish Netflix could get the rights to the series and continue it since Nickelodeon doesn't seem to want to. I know Korra's sorry continued in comic form, so there's more story to tell. Even then, the universe, itself, is a fantastic place to tell stories. I'm completely invested in the Avatar universe. I'm in for this adaptation only because the original creators are on board as show runners.
  19. Good thing this guy isn't in charge of shaping the lives of children or anything like that.
  20. This is exactly what has stopped me from buying additional Switches. I guess it's time to change that.
  21. Cool, so you can use those gold coins you get for buying games to pay for your subscription. I think I buy enough games digitally to make that $20 a year free for me.
  22. It's not even about faking it. It's the number. Like, if the letter were signed by five women, sure. Ten women, whatever. Twenty women, yeah why not. 65 women? That's large enough to be seen as an obvious exaggeration. It's like that kid in high school that swore he had like thirty girlfriends in twenty different states.
  23. 65 non-family members who knew me at 16 and are willing to vouch for my character? Yeah, that's not happening. That's such a weirdly large number.
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