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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Damn. That lack of voice chat for the single player meme goose game has got to suck. Cloud saves also suck for this 2.5 hour, no replayability game. I mean, I have separate backup software for my gaming desktop just because, but that's because the point. Everyone got mad at Nintendo for not having cloud saves since they didn't allow you to backup those saves anywhere else. I could totally see not wanting to pick up some big multiplayer game on EGS because you don't want to use some other voice chat system. I could also see not wanting to pick up some 500hr game on EGS because you don't want to bother using something like Google Drive or CrashPlan. Skipping out on a stupid meme goose game that's actually pretty fun for any of those reasons makes zero sense. It's cheap, it's fun. Also, I picked it up on the Switch because it runs perfectly there and I honestly don't really have much time for non-portable gaming these days anyhow.
  2. Good thing there Pats traded DT to the Jets. So...where does he wind up now? My guess is that he goes unsigned until later in the season when some exec hopes people forget all about this. Nothing he's done will send him to jail and even that's never been enough to keep someone off an NFL roster. Hell, just look at Pittsburgh.
  3. I had completely forgotten that you need to claim the extra 9 months after the first 3 months.
  4. Yup. It's marked as $5 off on the eShop, so that seemed like a no-brainer for what's reported as a very fun 2.5 hour game.
  5. It can sometimes drop from 60/fps to 30. It doesn't seem to drop any further than that. I'm actually surprised they didn't just lock it at 30 and be done with it. It doesn't seem like that would have been a big deal, especially with Link, himself, being directionally locked like he was on the Gameboy.
  6. It's cute that you think the Democrats trying to impeach Kavanaugh is what would give future Republicans with control of both houses the green light to impeach any liberal Justice they don't like. When Barron is president, we'll see how that winds up holding up.
  7. How does "Hey, we hooked a CRT up to a modern PC and think games on it look awesome" equal looking at CRT tech through rose tinted glasses?
  8. Ha! Back around the time Fire Emblem Warriors came out, I was playing that quite a bit. My son was also two at the time and started screaming while attacking us with anything he could get his hands on.
  9. It's a Platinum game. The story is some craziness that's fun enough to keep things going. The gameplay remains thoroughly solid. It really is one of Platinum's best games.
  10. Cool. So aside from Iran, this would give us an excuse to throw a few thousand soldiers at Palestine the second they lob a bottle rocket over a fence.
  11. For this exact reason, I wound up buying my son a Leapfrog RockIt Twist. It did a damn good job of teaching my three y/o son how button presses and such could affect the characters on the screen in a way he was mostly use to seeing with touch screens.
  12. And Biden is naive enough to feel above that sort of thing when Trump is off on the side forgetting he has a teenage son.
  13. There was and it was a pretty cheap upgrade if you had a Wii Fit. The biggest addition aside from some new modes and stuff was a pedometer you could sync back up with the game.
  14. I think one of the kits pushed a million units in it's first year. I have no idea if that's good or bad. Still doesn't stop people from talking about it like it's a gaming peripheral and not a STEM toy for kids.
  15. Aren't the current line of watches also OLED? That is, unless Apple is doing one of those crazy dual layer screens, with OLED over low power, low res LCD. I have the Armani Connect and have the display set to always on. At the end of the day, it's usually at around 20-30% left. That seems perfectly reasonable to me with an AOD.
  16. https://kotaku.com/surprise-nba-2k20-is-still-full-of-bullshit-microtrans-1838000636 You can use points purchased with real money to buy anything in the game or in the in-game casino.
  17. LED lights are the best. Also, if you live somewhere that loses power often I'm the summer or winter and a generator isn't an option for you, you can get those great LED bulbs with built in batteries. They're crazy cheap on Amazon. My entire basement is full of them. If the power goes out here, I'll have like three hours of light down there, which is more than enough time to muck around with the generator.
  18. If the Steelers didn't want to look like they were rolling over for the Pats by trading AB to them...
  19. That didn't take long at all... It makes the most sense for him, even if it was a bad joke everyone was making. He gets to play for a winning team, show how valuable he is, and then cash in a year from now.
  20. Even if the answer to all of that was yes, that just makes it a pain on the ass. That never passes into impossible territory.
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