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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Exactly this. The entire world of cinema is available to everyone with a simple voice commands. You can find yourself engrossed in anything from some lavish Bollywood flick to some Korean drama to some Spanish horror. I can sit in my recliner at home in my underwear with my 4K HDR TV with surround sound and yell out "play me Roma" and it just happens. While I love the theater experience, I have to convinced to find a baby sitter and spend the cash. For me, that's winds up being movies that really benefit from the big screen or movies I really don't want spoiled.
  2. You can tell how unhappy he is as he perks up and starts looking around.
  3. The only thing that bugs me about the Star Citizen cynicism is where the game is treated like vaporware when there's obviously a real game here. Whether the game is good or not is an entirely different story.
  4. I would instantly pick up remakes of the Oracle games. I never finished Ages and it was the only one of those games I had way back when.
  5. Anyone that thinks any president that isn't a Republican can get any votes on anything coming from Democrats is not paying attention to the last decade of politics. The only ones that think there's some middle ground to be found with the modern Republican party are no different from every bank that thinks maybe Trump's next business venture will be successful. It's often said that we should believe people when they tell us who they are. Modern Reublicans have been very vocal about being all in on liberal tears, so unless something drastic happens, I don't see that changing anytime soon. Maybe something will when all the boomers die or when Texas goes blue. Until then, it would be a better use of any Democrat's time and effort to control the public narrative than it would be to reaching over the aisle. Would that mean moving more toward the left? Sure, but even the more left-leaning Democrats in this country are positively centrist compared to the rest of the world.
  6. There is literally zero reason because the complaint was already verified before it became public. The only reason Trump wants the whistleblower to testify is so that he can get a name and then attempt to publicly crucify them.
  7. Jesus. Shot through a window? How would you even know they heard your orders?
  8. To some extent. However, there's a vast difference between dropping new severs in a space you own and manage and acquiring the footprint to handle all those new servers. It's not just severs and data centers. For companies that don't also have a large presence all over the place, there are employees than need to be hired to manage and support those servers. There's a lot that can't just be done remotely.
  9. Ha, beaten by a few seconds. This really feels like it's going to be one of those heartwrenching Pixar films.
  10. It's not about the largest cloud providers, but who has data centers closest to the people in footprints large enough to support these services. Those servers need to be near people. There's no way to get around the speed of the tubes running all of this. I guess a Comcast or Cox or any other ISP could totally leverage their control of their portions of the network across the States, but that's a whole other net neutrality issue. Also, that's already being taken advantage of by the largest cloud providers. Comcast and Verizon don't have an interconnect at major data centers across the country for nothing. That's pretty much what Netflix means when they stream from within Comcast's network to Comcast costumers, for instance. As for all those other companies, I'm pretty sure they're already using someone else's servers. Isn't Sony using Microsoft's Azure for PlayStation Now? My whole point is that the latency issues people see aren't caused by things the providers have much control over. How they handle those issues will be there trick. Could a company like Apple spend gobs of money dropping a ton of servers at every street corner in the nation? Sure, but then they'd go broke. At that point, it would probably be cheaper to just loan out game consoles on a rental basis and call it a day.
  11. I'm not sure I'm really seeing the practical difference here. I shot that guy and bullet went straight through him. I tried to shoot the guy and the gun never fired. If the predictions are off, you get the same result. The part that sucks is that this can affect single player games in a way that only online multiplayer games has to suffer. However, this was always going to be a problem. There are only possibly four companies in this country with servers close enough to people to make online gaming like this really possible. You have Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Even then, someone like Microsoft recommends a dedicated tunnel for lag free Excell and Skype. Either you go with predictions, the same way online gaming had to deal with in the dial up days or you just get random pauses, stutters, and reduced image quality. I'm not entirely sure what the solution here is. Internet access in the States is shit. Speeds, price, competition, latency. I'm not sold on any of these game streaming services, so I guess we'll see how things work out.
  12. Haven't games been doing this since Quake in the '90s? Like, I remember John Carmack giving interviews about this kind of thing back when I was in highschool. I guess the biggest difference here is that previous latency predictions were done client-side and now we're looking at server-side predictions.
  13. I didn't see this, but thought it was cool... https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/09/facebook-tells-biden-campaign-it-wont-remove-false-ads-from-politicans.html?__source=twitter|main Very cool. Facebook will remove or flag all misinformation, unless that misinformation is coming directly from a politician.
  14. You want a good example of why I hate the press on this country? Oh my... Oh... That's a really weird way too say someone was almost killed when a guy that tried to beat him up, pulled out a gun, shot him, and killed an innocent bystander. Is it technically correct? Yes. Does it bias the reader into reacting negatively to Brown? Absolutely.
  15. Exactly. The best part would be the character creator. It would be like City of Heroes only with random ass powers. One Punch Man has heroes like Double Hole who fights with his nostrils or Eyelashes that uses a pair of eyelash curlers as a weapon. That could be a lot of fun.
  16. How many legit whistleblowers have a legitimate fear for their lives after a legal whistleblower complaint? That is, going to the press with your complaint does not count as a legal whistleblower complaint. That article was suggesting that we as a country should expect whistleblowers to be abused by the system. That's just a ridiculous notion.
  17. He would be if the whistleblower here wasn't in witness protection because Trump has been telling his followers that the whistleblower deserves to die. Also, Trump would totally throw that person in jail if he knew their identity.
  18. He's playing off the fact that most people don't know what an impeachment actually entails. I'm sure this is the best play for Republicans. Act like impeaching Trump isn't right without a trial or investigation and see if that sways public opinion. They can just ignore that an impeachment kicks off those investigation. They can get away with it because most people don't know any better and nearly all journalist in this country won't call them out on it.
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