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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-plus-not-working-vizio-smart-tvs-chromecast-2019-11 Awesome. Seems like it would work fine over Airplay, but Airplay is just a mirror here and we're an Android household. I guess I could hijack my kid's iPad, but I'd rather not.
  2. @TwinIon @Jose So I have a 2018 Vizio 4k with HDR that was supposed to be equal to a Chromecast Ultra. More specifically, I have the P65-F1. Disney+ says my Chromecast device isn't supported. I'm not talking about not supported for 4K HDR. Not supported for any playback. I just ran a firmware update to see if that would make any difference, but nada. It works on my Nest Hub for whatever good that does me here. I'm hoping it's just Vizio being behind on updates or Disney+ being a separate app that just has yet to launch.
  3. Character design is a whole time better. Actual CG is worse. The lighting is off, so Sonic doesn't sit well in each scene. I won't blame the artists on that one. Whoever greenlit the original design screwed then over and not having all the time in the world to fix it doesn't help.
  4. It's more than that though, right? They can outsource animations and modeling, but they still have to handle balancing for competitive play in house. There's one place where they obviously messed up is in not including every starter from previous generations. I get that they aren't going to introduce wild versions of any starter so it's a lot of work for a much smaller portion of the population, but those are the Pokemon people want to most bring from game to game. I also think there's a difference between the shortcuts they took with previous 3DS titles and the new HD, has to look good on a TV world that find themselves in. It's math, right? Let's say it takes a full extra year to fill out the Pokedex? Is a year less of sales worth it for them when they know how many people are actually paying for Pokebank and even able to transfer Pokemon over from previous games. I'm betting the answer is probably no, even if it's upsetting for someone like me that actually has hundreds of Pokemon in the bank on some random Pokemon Company server.
  5. I don't think a couple of months delay would be enough to cover this. My guess here is that the next Pokemon game will have many of those missing Pokemon and then the next one will have more of the missing Pokemon until we get to the point where they've slowly reintroduced every Pokemon into their new game engine. That said, I'm happy folks are trying to cheer up the Gamefreak devs online and trying to combat the absolute toxicicty coming up.
  6. They're not dense. People just REALLY want others to think she's racist.
  7. Sounds like this could affect something like my local church that streams services live on YouTube. They only get like 100 views for a 2-3 hour stream. I doubt that's very profitable to host.
  8. So this feel like one of the best examples of showing the entire movie in the trailer. I'm not one to freak out over spoilers, but wow does this trailer show a lot of the film.
  9. The fact that kids these days will have their entire lives documented with pictures and video, possibly, taken of every single waking day of their lives is a crazy thing to think about. If you threw a random number at me between 1 and 1421, I'm almost positive I can find out what clothes my son was wearing that day going back to the day he was born. That's a level of documentation that didn't exist, even for the most wealthy and famous, just twenty years ago.
  10. Im going to keep watching user reactions to this game until it his PC next year, but this bit sounds like a game I'd totally be up for playing.
  11. Are they threatening to stop policing again? It really sounds like it. All this over JUST being able to be called on bullshit, not even being punished over it.
  12. Ha! I completely forgot that game ever existed.
  13. Eh...I didn't notice that this was everyone's favorite games of the last ten years. Whatever. I'm not sure I could come up with a list of ten for the last decade. Ummm... Minecraft, Pokemon Go, Undertale, Zelda BotW, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, Celeste? Is that ten. Nope. Two short. Let's top that off with Mario Maker and Oxenfree...Maybe. Why not?
  14. Any games of the decade list here that doesn't include Minecraft is wrong. Minecraft really deserves a place in the top games of all time, let alone in the last ten years. That, PUBG, and Pokemon Go should be on any list. I don't even like PUBG, but creating a whole new genre doesn't come around very often.
  15. I actually agree. The generations here really should be split between those who grew up with the Internet being a major part of the teen lives and those where it wasn't. I was an early Internet kid, but even I wouldn't consider the Internet being of major impact on my life until I was already in college. I think the group think around this doesn't realize how different life is pre and post Internet for a lot of these kids out there.
  16. I really should spin my PC up again. I haven't had the time to play anything on it in quite some time. I have an i5-8600K, 32GB DDR4-2400, 256GB+512GB NVMe drives, and an RTX 2070.
  17. Vice has been hosting a few ex-Deadspin folks. At what point do they just spin up a sports page?
  18. I'd be all for this as long as there's a plan in place to also increase teacher salaries. They already don't get paid enough and lengthening their week by fifteen hours would suck if they aren't also getting compensated for it.
  19. A large part of that is because stationwagons don't sell, but a crossover that is totally a stationwagon in everything but name? Yeah, people will buy those right up.
  20. When the guns that enable them are largely sourced from the US, it certainly doesn't help.
  21. That's still a net positive. I'd take more low speed accidents if it means fewer casualties.
  22. It surely doesn't hurt that they border a country full of military-grade weapons run by a government that doesn't want to keep track of them.
  23. Safety measures are put in place to help prevent deaths by vehicle occupants. What safety measures should be put in place to protect people from the occupants of vehicles? If we can't put airbags on the outside of trucks and cushion every sidewalk in the nation, then we should probably try to limit vehicles that are more dangerous to pedestrians. It doesn't matter than pedestrians are a small part of all vehicle deaths.
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