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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. CT is so, so good. It's still a great game and one of the best I've ever played. The only thing CC really got right as a sequel to CT was the music. The music was a perfect step in the right direction. Everything else just slightly missed. Shyof possibly the best JRPG of all time didn't make for a bad game, but the things that it lacked really hurt it as a sequel. I still argue that CC would be more widely loved if it had nothing to do with CT and was just an odd, little, one off game. I don't really get Square. CT gets two sequels and one of them is a visual novel with the other being a JRPG that is nothing like CT.
  2. Modders are trying to to put the res l missing Pokemon back in the game and are finding it'll be a lot of work. The models can be reused along with some animations. Textures have to be redone and a whole ton of new animations need to be created, whole cloth. None of the camp stuff is animated, nor the dynamax stuff or even the overworked stuff. A lot of Pokemons don't have those run, hide, walk around, or otherwise animations for interacting with the player. Game Freak doesn't seem the type to bring in tons of contractors to help ramp up dev work, but they also haven't really grown in size all that much since they were dealing with much simpler 2D games.
  3. @BrickGame Freak does nearly everything in house some 150 employees between. That's for everyone working on two Pokemon games and whatever random new IP they feel like working on. By two Pokemon games, I'm not talking about Swore and Shield because it's certain that Sword and Shield's development overlapped the Let's Go games along with Little Town Hero. I don't even think they license any game engine for the Pokemon games and develop even that in house. The studio should probably be a lot bigger, but I have no idea why that hasn't happened.
  4. Shield has ghost and ice type gyms where as Sword has fighting and rock types. I am sad that I'll miss our on the ghost type gym. That could be fun and it is a first for the franchise, I do believe.
  5. Scorbunny. My last starters were rowlet and froakie, so I was due for a fire starter.
  6. Sword. I always go with the legendary I like better and a wolf carrying around a sword wins for me.
  7. I have little doubt next year will give us something like Pokemon Let's Go Phanpy and Let's Go Togepi.
  8. @GameDadGrant I've lucked out some my son loves the Pokemon cartoons, so it's been a good excuse to play the game. Also, he flips over the Dynamaxed Pokemons. I just took care of the first gym. My current team is a raboot, corvisquire, lombre, yamper, espurr, and roselia. The espurr was from a raid win. I wanted a ghastly, but those start at level 26 and the firm gym badge only lets you catch Pokemon up to level 25.
  9. It's a new Pokemon. Only an hour or so in and it's no better or worse than the most recent Pokemon games. It's prettier than the previous games, but that's just part of the natural jump when going from 800*240 to HD. I enjoyed the most recent Pokemon games, so this looks like it'll also be quite enjoyable. We'll see how any of the new stuff added to the game works out. I'm most interested in the gigantimax raids, but I'm not there yet.
  10. By *some* people, let's just assume we're talking about rich execs that thought this would be some cheap R&D spent over a few years.
  11. Galaxy S10. I need a second phone for business and I like the second phone being a different size than my personal phone, so it's easier to fish out of my pocket. I'm also not about to do a Note+ and a second full size phone. That's way too much clutter in one pocket. An S10 plus a Palm Phone has worked out pretty well, but it'll be nice to see email on a screen that isn't 3.3 inches.
  12. Facebook just can't get enough of that right wing money. So much that they've gone all the way around and started giving them money by sponsoring a Federalist Society event set to honor Kavanaugh.
  13. Why would they do that? These things really shouldn't be difficult.
  14. Correct. As far as I'm aware, the best print of the original, unaltered movies is on Laserdisc.
  15. I'm actually getting this phone to replace my current secondary phone, the Palm Phone. Let's see how well it works out. It'll be nice to have my second phone get back to someone larger than the tiny screen my Palm has.
  16. It was released on a disc...just not a DVD disc.
  17. I would love a preroll from a film historian that explains the overt racism of these films. I'd also love it if Disney hid these films from the child profiles. A small blurb in three description doesn't do enough. That so said, I also grew up on Song of the South. I didn't recognize the racism as a child and my parents barely knew enough English to really pay enough attention. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah was just about my favorite Disney song growing up.
  18. That seems about accurate. He'd be a starter upgrade for 9 teams and a backup upgrade for almost every team?
  19. So this is apparently what the artists that worked on this movie actually wanted Sonic to look like. I guess anyone assuming his awful first look was the result of some higher up was spot on. I'm still guessing that his first look was cheaper to animate for motion capture purposes since it's so much more closer to human proportions.
  20. No activation page is annoying. I wound up changing my password because it was one of those LastPass 30+ random character things. PBS has an activation page for smart displays. Disney has no excuse.
  21. Well, at least it seems to work fine on my kids' TCL Roku TVs. You know...if I can get past the login screen.
  22. Well yes, but that's a case of how the app, itself, works. What app store you can get it from is irrelevant. For instance, I bought Kiteworks last year for securely sending files of varying security levels. The app can be acquired from either Google's or Apple's app stores. However, the local file store is locked down and our instance is FedRAMP authorized. An end user would have no idea, because the app works the same regardless of the security level. Where their data is stored and at what level is entirely dependant of the server and database their account is configured for.
  23. Ehhhh...not necessarily. It all depends on how you're user profile is configured. The same app that serves up non-FedRAMP services can also serve up FedRAMP services. Different user profile can just be pointed to different servers. Microsoft's own Office365 apps served up in any app store can point to anything from their commerical cloud tenant in Azure to Azure Gov to Azure DoD.
  24. The standard is called FedRAMP. At my current employer, every cloud-based app we buy into has to be FedRamp authorized. Part of FedRAMP authorization states the data within can't be stores overseas or accessed by non-US persons. Am I reading this right? Is the Army directing folks to download a non-FedRAMP authorized app? If the app developer stores the Army's user data in a FedRAMP instance of the app or its databases, this is a non-story. Blackberry isn't even an American company, but they offer FedRAMP authorized services.
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