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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. They could have also put the screen on the bit of the accessory that you can see from the front. That way, if you forget the current assignment, you can just look at it, on a screen facing you.
  2. Hey, let's be fair here. Facebook doesn't just allow politicians to lie in ads. Lawyers can also spread lies on Facebook about HIV medications. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/12/09/facebook-ads-are-pushing-misinformation-about-hiv-prevention-drugs-lgbt-activists-say-harming-public-health/
  3. 4 hour wait at the ER with a broken bone? Yeah, that sounds like a normal wait time for any ER I've ever been in. Hell, when my son needed surgery when he was just a month old, I got stuck waiting hours in the ER of one hospital to them be told they couldn't help me. They transferred him to another hospital, in an ambulance ride that wasn't covered by insurance, and we had to wait at that children's hospital ER for another couple of hours. The idea that we don't deal with huge wait times in the US is ridiculous.
  4. Can I just say that ALL the Forky Asks have been fantastic? I wasn't sure how much I'd like them when the series was announced, but they're really good.
  5. Skimming the interview, he says he was in the room helping write out other characters and the direction of the show, but was never actually assigned an episode to write. He claims that's what got him a producer credit, but not a writer credit.
  6. I believe the reports say it was Gaiman that pushed him into the writer's room because Jones seemed passionate about the character. EDIT: And as soon as I post this, I see EW pushed out a big interview with Jones.
  7. There are three reports about Trump's use of an unsecured iPhone. One that simply states he has an unsecured iPhone, another that states he has two unsecured iPhones, one he uses for calls and another he uses for Twitter and browsing the web, and a third that states he has two secure iPhones and a third unsecured iPhone he uses for whatever he wants. However, the official story from the White House is that Trump only has one phone. I'm willing to bet the truth is somewhere off to the side. Trump has an unsecured iPhone that he uses for whatever he wants to use it for that he doesn't let anyone else touch and he has a secured phone that he hands to aids to post stuff on Twitter for him at times and is the White House official, only phone that Trump has.
  8. If Trump has his own personal cell he's making calls on, I'm pretty sure he also has Twitter on it. There's no way Trump is making phone calls on a personal device but not also using Twitter on that same phone because policy dictates it's not an approved application.
  9. Yeah, he never created characters, whole cloth, with the sole intention of having a new toy to sell.
  10. Taking these boats out onto the open sea was a brilliant idea. Very safe and not at all physically demanding.
  11. I grew up trying to convince everyone that Kyo was way better than Ryu since I seemed like the only person that was all in on SNK fighters over Capcom ones, so I'll have to go with him...even if I haven't played a KoF game in forever.
  12. They should have just renamed the Xbox One the Xbox Series One and then named their new console the Xbox Series Two. Then the mid-generation upgrades could get the extra X moniker. That is, Xbox Series One X and Xbox Series Two X. There you go. Still a dumb mouthful, but at least it makes sense and it would be easy to move beyond this one generation. The cheaper diskless console could be something like Xbox Series Two S.
  13. I've bitched about gamer OCD for years. It's an industry where's it's not at all unusual to see someone dump hundreds of hours into a game and then declare they hate it. Just...what? You're upset that there's no reward for collecting a million of those stupid widgets the game says you don't have to collect? Why? Stuff like trophies and completion percentages in games feed into gamer OCD and loot boxes are just the natural progression. It was literally the only place feeding into gamer OCD would wind up. Want to see some stupid Youtuber flaunting? Watch some guys spend thousands on a bunch of loot boxes on Youtube. That right there, I don't believe is healthy for anyone involved. Youtubers dumping tons of money into these games for views and audiences filled with kids and addicts that go off and try to replicate their results.
  14. SNP with 55 seats. I imagine they don't stick around for long.
  15. If it makes you feel any better, at least there are some anarchists booting Labour...
  16. That about tracks for me. The best Star Wars is when someone was there to tell Lucas NO and manage the actors. Outside of that, Lucas-free Star Wars is leagues better than free range Lucas.
  17. I actually think we have 3/5 really great, 1/5 pretty damn good, and just one weak episode. The one weak episode, I think, has messed with folks a bit much and I think that's mostly because of the pacing. If there was some other plot moving episode between episodes 4 and 5, I think episode 5 would get a lot less hate. Hell, if they had just swapped the order of episodes 4 and 5, I think that would have been enough to remedy much of the pacing issues.story-wise.
  18. Republicans and right-wing news will, even if they don't actually really care.
  19. This country is run by senior citizens that are either evil, stupid, or evil and stupid.
  20. Yes, the name of their headset is what's creating all the market confusion over their product.
  21. Why open in so many theaters if you aren't also going to advertise it? I heard if this movie for the first time, late last week. Even then, it was only in reaction to how much like a shitty rip on the Lego Movie it looked.
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