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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Pretty sure ANN made a mistake there. Either way, now that has me curious. Could Platinum make a multiplatform Bayonetta 4 with Sega again?
  2. Someone is REALLY worried about making up for the money spent redoing effects and moving the movie out a few months.
  3. I hate this reasoning. This reeks of the enemy of perfect. If it helps anybody, all the better. The US doesn't have enough federal holidays and if adding one more is too much for fragile America, drop a bullshit one like Columbus Day.
  4. They wouldn't be jeopardizing their copyright by not going after some PTA for playing the movie during some after hours babysitting session. That's a bit extreme. It's just silly he's apologizing on behalf of the company. It's not like the company is doing anything to show they care. Even the donation is coming from his pocket and not Disney's.
  5. He's also not STOPPING them from paying the fine or anything to that effect. He's just donating money to the school. They're still on the hook for that $250.
  6. It is, but it's amazing how poorly he's reading the room here. It looks like it's from the same event only after everyone yelled at him and he got his turn to take the mic. He just went and doubled down on being a racist.
  7. I just looked at the text. It bans the products only if they label themselves as milk. They're perfectly fine if they rebrand under some other name.
  8. Teams always get more for pitchers than position players, especially in comparison to outfielders.
  9. That wasn't the case when I was in school, but that was years ago. However, this wasn't screened to students in a school setting. The school was running a babysitting event for parents that can't normally afford evening babysitting. The school solicited donations, but they weren't required.
  10. That's the question, right? How much does a top-10 position player in their 20s in the MLB get? They definitely earn long term contracts, so Betts should be getting ten years, at a minimum. Betts is also better than a few folks already making $30m/yr. Also, from his perspective, if his current team was willing to give him $30m/yr, there has to be someone else out there willing to do $31m or $32m, or maybe even just $30m but for more than ten years. Once you get to $32m, you're talking Manny Machado money, and that doesn't sound ridiculous. There are a few teams that can afford him, but I also consider the Red Sox were one of them, so who knows. He could also get an offer from any one of the teams that doesn't usually carry much of a salary and is just looking for a player that can sell gear.
  11. That's the thing that stuck out to me most. How does something like this wind up on anyone's radar?
  12. Of course, but they and everybody else knows he wants to test free agency. His situation hasn't changed much from his perspective.
  13. He was never going to garner much since he's a one year rental.
  14. Why? Just, why? Even those old IBM terminals you found in every library back in the 90s had a 24 line resolution. How can you not for everyone on one page?
  15. Sounds like both franchises are 50/50 owned by Nintendo. Nintendo might just not consider W101 a big franchise series with staying power. Considering they're already working on a third game and Bayonetta was a fan favorite in polling that got her in Smash, that's probably true. W101 was actually the first Wii U game I ever played over at PAX East, but I never did pick it up. If we're going to speculate about Platinum games that could use updating, how about MadWorld? I thought that game was actually a ton of fun and I think it wound up doing poorly on the Wii.
  16. Was this game actually any good? I remember thinking it looked nice, but the demo I played was pretty bland. Bland in a way I couldn't figure out why Nintendo seemed to put such a spotlight on it over like Astral Chain, which was a ton of fun.
  17. And I refuse to believe they haven't always been. Even if everything works as intended, you're still only giving a voice to whoever wants to be a part of that chaos and has the time for it. I'm sure caucuses were great a hundred years ago when it was a whole 20 white guys in a room playing musical chairs.
  18. Prior to all this bullshit there were people here defending caucuses. Nothing about these things is sane, even if it works out fine. Paper ranked voting works just fine pretty much everywhere.
  19. And as a result, the vast majority just don't vote. Ever. Pandering to that group doesn't do you much. Those people aren't swayed by policy, so why does it matter? They aren't going to get excited over anything policy-related. Obama got the support he did because he was the hot newness up against the most boring candidates the GOP could find. Bush won because Gore might very well be an Android and Kerry isn't that far behind. Trump won because he's loud and bombastic...and racist in a way folks that are "uncomfortable" in "black" neighborhoods can plausibly deny.
  20. It's the Internet's fault and I'm not even making that up. The more liberal leaning of folks can be exposed to people all around the world and realize the US has it pretty awful. Like when you're everyday chatting buddy is some rando in Canada, that's second hand experience nobody had unless they had family North of the border. Same goes for the other side of things. Google and Facebook can just isolate you in their attempts to feed you the content you want. That just drives people further into that right-wing bubble. I'm a Christian guy that taught a highschool Bible study and was also a children's pastor for years. There has always been this idea of rabbit hole Christians that completely avoid the world outside of their religious ideals. The Internet has made it just that much easier.
  21. You mean the dangerously uniformed people? Of course they do, that's why I mentioned them. These are the people not scared by facts but by Republican attacks. There's zero reason to pander to them and dumb us all down in the process. All you can do is educate them, hope for the best, but not rely on them because they are by their very nature unreliable.
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