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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Cool, my grandfather's brother is one of the confirmed cases Connecticut. Sounds like the only reason he was even tested was because he's in the ICU. That means in my family I've got one actual positive and two presumed cases that don't qualify for testing.
  2. Correct. Once you become part of that tribe it isn't just about abandoning prior beliefs but sometimes friends you've made along the way. Once your identity becomes associated with some stupid belief, it becomes incredibly difficult to disassociate. Doubly so when you're a part of like minded a community.
  3. Reminds me of the company that bought up the old Theranos patents suing because one of the companies working on a COVID-19 test may be infringing on their patents. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/03/firm-uses-theranos-patents-to-sue-company-making-coronavirus-test/
  4. I hate the word mainly because it gives journalists and pundits, alike, a word they can use to avoid calling Trump a liar while feeling good about how technically right they are.
  5. There are a few restaurants I love that are on the verge of doing the same. It's cool, though. I'm sure $1000 in a month and a half would make everything better.
  6. The problem is that kind of thinking can gain stream because we don't know how many people or even who is actually infected. My wife is in quarantine and I'm doing everything I can to stay healthy while being home with the kids. Her doctor thinks she probably has COVID-19, but can't say for sure unless she gets tested. Except he won't test her because she doesn't qualify. He also won't test her for the flu because he doesn't want her anywhere near his office or the local hospital. His instructions were, "don't go anywhere unless you need to be checked into the ICU. If that happens, then we'll test you." Since nobody knows what's actually going on and how widespread this thing actually is, people just start filling in blanks and coming up with theories on their own.
  7. Nintendo really should just drop this game tomorrow. With the wife and my two year old under quarantine, it really would be great to have right about now.
  8. My kids were very appreciative of Disney releasing Frozen 2 on Disney+ a few months early. This will give them Trolls 2 earlier than like this fall. They're still too young to take to theaters
  9. Like a flu, but with asthma. Only, she doesn't have a fever at all. She's wildly tired with a headache, sore throat, the mildest of dry coughs, body aches, and trouble breathing.
  10. Cool, so we're still in a situation where not everyone that needs to be tested can get tested. My own wife just off a video consult with her doctor. Her doctor has suspicions, but she doesn't qualify for testing. Instead, she has to self-isolate and if she gets worse over the next week, then she can call back to see if she can get tested for COVID-19. That's pretty awesome and reassuring.
  11. They also need to agree to put a moratorium on rent and mortgages. Telling people not to work for a month and also make rent is stupid. However, I've only seen this done on evictions in the States, which doesn't really help. That just puts everyone behind on rent/mortgage a few months which could still lead to evictions when the moratorium is lifted. Not everyone is making enough money they can afford to pay their rent twice or three times over once they get back to work.
  12. Yup. Now that Massachusetts has banned gatherings of 25 or more, I've gotten a few phones calls asking about how to stream services online and such. A few churches in my area are either going online only it running like 5 or 6 services on Sundays with a cap off 20 congregants. The latter still seems crazy because this stuff can just remain on chairs and then just get everyone sick.
  13. I bought a desk as well. For the odd day here and there, working from my dining room table had worked fine. I can't, however, make weeks of that work with toddlers running around.
  14. I just ordered like 25 monitors to hand out to people to help them work from home. I imagine I'm not the only one.
  15. Well, all schools in Massachusetts are closed for the next three weeks along with all eat-in restaurants. It's delivery or take out only.
  16. I'd actually love to know more about those that are infected. As in, what percentage do not regularly consume the news, those that primarily watch Fox News, or those that get their news elsewhere.
  17. I hadn't thought about hitting up the Indian grocer near by. They always have a great selection of produce.
  18. That's just silliness. Even an odd day, even day schedule for employees would be better than doing absolutely nothing. Either way, starting next week, I'll be working from home most of the week. I offered to come into the office a couple of times a week since I know there are some folks that can't do their job from home. Even if I don't do desktop support, I'm sure folks will be happy seeing someone from IT around.
  19. Because that would make this administration look like they made a mistake and everything is perfect and Trump should be reelected.
  20. Ha, that's how I felt after the first two. Luckily our kids are pretty independent. They don't even like sleeping with us. Sometimes my wife will want to sleep with one of the kids and our oldest two will legit sneak out in the middle of the night and he back to their own rooms and beds. It's especially insulting since our girls, the younger two, are perfectly happy sharing a bed even though they each have their own beds. I have a 20sq/ft freezer in the basement I never use to save on energy. With how things are going, I think I'll plug it and stock up on some frozen food. I get that might be feeding into the shopping frenzy, but I'm expecting my office to shut down for a few weeks. I don't know why I wouldn't expect the same for some stores.
  21. Yup, I do weekly groceries with three toddlers in the house. I was going to go shopping tonight, but I hear stores are running pretty thin. I'm going to have to camp out and go shopping first thing in the morning. Also, a few grocery stores have announced they are closing down this after this weekend for a couple of weeks. Fun.
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