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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I wonder how things will change when it get so bad everyone in this country will know at least one person that died to this pandemic.
  2. My wife has been seemed essential since she's a mental health worker for special needs kids. She terrified. And yes, that's the same wife that's currently in quarantine. Once her doctor clears her to work, she's supposed to head right back in.
  3. Go figure that Massachusetts is one of the states with a huge number of infected and its Republican governor had to be dragged kicking and screaming into issuing a shelter in place order. He's still not issuing a shelter in place order, just ordering everything but essential businesses to close until, at least April 7. However, that'll still only be enforced at the local level. Fun.
  4. So what you're saying is that we could probably get the Fed to foot some of this site's server bills?
  5. I don't know if he can fire him directly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but he can certainly order someone else to fire him or fire the people that refuse to fire him.
  6. I haven't had much time to play. Finally getting the new house in the morning and have a huge collection of tanks surrounding my tent. I have a feeling that collection of tanks is going to keep growing until the museum is built. I chose the map with a small island in the middle, so now I'm locked away from the rest of the island until I can build bridges. I actually kind of like that.
  7. So while everyone is scared of being around other people, these clowns are still sharing a gym?
  8. Italy has a higher percentage of adults smokers than the US, for sure, but it's not some crazy higher percentage. We're talking 24% vs 14%. That leaves us with, what? Three times as many smokers as Italy in total numbers? We likely won't come out of this any better than they.
  9. Even more so when you realize that in absolute numbers, the US has more smokers than Italy. I feel the need to point that out because I've seen some people point to the deaths in Italy as a comment on the percentage of adults that smoke there.
  10. Oh god, he's going to announce county-wide trials of a drug that haven't been tested yet, isn't he? Does anyone trust drug companies to not produce untested drugs for everyone if the federal government is willing to pay for it?
  11. I hope this money really does get to the people that need it. Netflix is putting aside $100m to help entertainment industry folks that have been affected. https://media.netflix.com/en/company-blog/emergency-support-for-workers-in-the-creative-community I hope more production companies follow suit.
  12. Certainly true. I was expecting the movie going on sale and then bring up for renting soon after. On Disney+ in two weeks? That's something else entirely. Thinking about it a bit more, could we be getting ready to see a ton of movies in theaters for only very short runs unless they're smash successes one theaters are open again? I have to imagine that with so many movies getting pushed out, that means either EVERYTHING is getting pushed out or we'll see studios being quick to pull the trigger on bringing movies to streaming services at least for the next couple of years. However, if that happens, I can't imagine it being very easy to uncork viewer expectations.
  13. This is a failure of government. Those beaches should be closed, non-essential stores and restaurants should be closed. You can't stop people from being stupid, but you can stop stupid people from making things worse for the more vulnerable.
  14. This story is easy to get upset over. That makes Burr a good scapegoat to take some of the pressure off of Trump.
  15. At least Gamestop will stop buying used games and hardware for the next few weeks. That'll make everything better.
  16. I've said it before. The country is run by senior citizens that are either stupid, evil, or evil and stupid. Forget about not being able to find toilet paper in stock somewhere, we're about to see a hundreds of thousands Americans not even have the money to afford rolls of toilet paper. That reality is literally less than two weeks away. There's is no reason to believe unemployment offices around the country, that normally handle thousands of requests a month, will be able to manage thousands of requests a day. Hell, the last time I was laid off due to staff reductions, I didn't see my first unemployment check for more than a month. I already had accepted a new position at another company before I actually saw a check in the mail. However, sure, that's a fine way to help folks in need today.
  17. Thinking about it, I guess this is probably a low risk/high reward situation for Brady. He gets a ton of money while also getting a chance to prove he isn't a system QB. If the o-line can't keep him safe then he has an easy out while raking in some cash. If the o-line can keep him safe, he has some pretty great talent on the receiving end to do some damage. It's still just going to be weird.
  18. That would require a level of coordination this White House had yet to even come close to achieving. We still don't have enough tests to cover even suspected cases, let alone one for every American.
  19. That entirely depends on Tampa's offensive line. Can they protect a guy Brady's age?
  20. In all fairness you highlighted a chunk of the article and I read that. If there was more that you wanted us to read, it's really your fault for not quoting the whole thing.
  21. Just wait until the US refuses to give folks rent and mortgage holidays and issue an eviction moratorium that get lifted later this year. One that happens THAT'S when people will start losing their homes and businesses.
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