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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. No idea in this new game. Saturdays are not good days in the these games since those are the "get out of these before they rot" days. You'll normally take a 50% hit. This seems like the best guide for turnip prices. Seeing that my selling price last night was like 60 bells and then went to 110 in this morning before hitting 181, I'm fairly certain my prices will likely drop back under 100 tomorrow. Now, whether 136 is your peak or not is another story. It might be? It might not be? It depends on what your prices were earlier in the week. If Monday it was at like 100 bells and then 50 bells yesterday, you might be safe waiting. If it was decreasing every day this week until now, you might be at your peak.
  2. In the older games, you'd normally only get the chance to double your money once. I'm at that now. My prices were at 11 in the morning and bumped up to 181 in the afternoon. The chance of ever getting two days where the selling price is double your buying price in a single week was pie in the sky, blue moon, pig's flying rare. I don't know if that's changed in New Horizon, so I don't know if the logic of the older games still apply here. Usually the games would give you a second chance to sell off your turnips at the end of the week for a small loss if you miss your best day of the week. I'll have to see if anyone cheating the clock in New Horizon has figured out if that's the case or not.
  3. Yeah, I need to decide to wait for someone else to sell mine. If this game works like previous ones, I'm assuming I've peaked at 181 bells this afternoon.
  4. You also wouldn't want end to end encryption on a service like Zoom. That would suck, regardless of cloud recordings. Anyone have experience with Polycom's teleconferencing solution from like 10/15 years ago? That one was end to end encrypted and it sucked up ALL the bandwidth and it was awful. If you connected to four other people, that was four two-way video streams running at once for everyone calling in. If you had a video chat with ten people that was ten two-way video streams. Good luck getting anything more than that on anything but the fastest Internet connections. The solution most video conferencing providers have found since then is to just stream everything to their cloud and then out to everyone else from there. If not, then they have to either really quickly lower the quality or cap the number of people that can call in or provide video.
  5. At first I thought it was a little large for a graphics card, but the stow away cables to allow it to run as a standalone motherboard and CPU more than makes up for it.
  6. This is dumb. Zoom offers cloud recording of meetings you can then share with folks that miss your meeting. It can't do end to end encryption if it also allows for recording meeting in the cloud.
  7. Because without the USPS, stock in FedEx and UPS would gain in value. No investors are making bank off the USPS, so there's nobody to bribe donate to Republican campaigns.
  8. No matter how we count it, we're going to be far under-counting how many people are dying so I guess it doesn't really matter. Unless we're talking about pure mortality rate issues, I guess we're just arguing semantics. Even then, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is being effected by how over-burdened hospitals are, so we still need to track that. A person in critical care is more likely to survive in a hospital in Maine than a hospital in New York right now simply due to how much stress New York's network currently is. No matter, it's not like here in Massachusetts we just had a dozen die in a state-run veterans center and discover that not a single city or state official knew anything about the outbreak there.
  9. Preventable deaths should be taken into account. A flattened curve would feature fewer ancillary deaths due to keeping hospitals from becoming over-burdened. That difference matters. Lives saved from fewer people driving to work would be a nice number to have on hand to argue for an increases to the use of public transportation or even just telecommuting. That argument, however, has nothing to do with whether we're doing a good or bad job keeping this pandemic in check.
  10. That thing isn't very good, mostly because of the joystick. It's an analog stick. Why? I mean, it plays the games fine and the selection of games on that International unit is pretty good. No Windjammers is bullshit, though. Other than that, it does make for a great desk toy. While I'm stuck working from home, my Neo Geo is sitting on my desk in the office just looping through the Metal Slug intro.
  11. The original Super Mario All-Stars would probably end up being free on the SNES virtual console that comes with the online subscription. That is, assuming Nintendo would actually start adding more SNES games to the catalog.
  12. Just go with any of the more recent games and you'll be fine. Moon logic was more of a thing in the 80s, 90s, while dying out going into the 00s. Being stuck in a fail state in these games is only really a thing for 80s and some early 90s games. Papers, Please is a phenomenal game. You basically play a random bloke scanning passports and patting down travelers for contraband. I don't know why Steam includes it as a point and click adventure game. I mean, it is a point and click game, but not in the same way. It's just a mouse-based game. I wouldn't really include it as part of the same genre as Life is Strange or Broken Age.
  13. I didn't even think about it being near the end of March until I saw that people were freaking out over not having caught a Stringfish.
  14. The Broken Sword games are pretty good. They also don't suffer from tons of moon logic that others do. Papers, Please is a great game. I hadn't really thought of it as a point and click adventure game in the same vein as the others in this thread, but it's still fantastic. I have not played The Last Door, but it looks pretty good. I may pick it up for mobile. Either way, if look into more recent games. The bigger issues with moon logic are really from games released in the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. That's not always true, but the kind of crazy nonsense puzzles I'm referring to were definitely more common then. If start off with some more recent games. Kentucky Route Zero, Life is Strange, Thimbleweed Park, or Oxenfree all around like good places to start.
  15. A full HD remaster of Mario 64 and Sunshine with improved cameras would be amazing.
  16. Yeah, I really feel the need to stress this again; especially for anyone that's new to the genre and hasn't been neck deep in it since the 80s. Moon logic in the point and click adventure genre refers to puzzles whose solution make sense only in the mind of game developers obviously on acid and whatever shrooms they had growing in their backyards. Do NOT feel you should stay away from online guides for some of their solutions. Do yourself a favor and look up solutions to some puzzles if you feel stuck. This is especially true about older games being recommended. I consider The Longest Journey to be one of the best stories told through a game ever. That said, it has some puzzles in it made me vow I'd never buy my kids a rubber duck. If that made no sense to you, good.
  17. Grim Fandango is pretty much my favorite point and click adventure game ever. Very fun story and pretty great puzzles. However, it it does admittedly contain a few moon logic puzzles. Great story, memorable characters, and there's a fairly recent remaster available. Broken Age is a pretty recent and pretty damn fun point and click adventure game by some of the same people that worked on Grim Fandango. It's a pretty recent game and a good deal of fun. How in the weeds on point and click titles do you want to get? I consider The Longest Journey one of the greatest point and click titles ever made. It does, however, have a few wildly obtuse puzzles.
  18. Yeah, I would love some mini games, even if they were ridiculously simple. A simple beach volleyball would be cool. Maybe some overly basic soccer in the summer and hockey on the winter? I would love to see arcade games actually be playable or a return of the consoles. Like, maybe if you have an active account you can get an SNES or NES that just plays the games you already have in your switch. It's stupid, but that's the kind of silly/cute I'd like to see in this game.
  19. People seem to have tried, but when the question of what to add comes up can change the formula substantially. Add combat and it's an entirely different game. Add farming and it starts veering into Harvest Moon territory. Nintendo views the game as a game you only okay for like an hour everyday for years. That said, I did notice I haven't seen any of that "meet me here at 8pm" stuff. When was that removed from the series?
  20. Sounds like deaths are just catching up to the large infection rate, even if that rate is decelerating.
  21. 17yo kid goes to urgent care with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and gets denied care because he doesn't have insurance. He then died en route to the closest ER. The federal government has removed him from the COVID-19 death toll for reasons.
  22. I wound up picking this one up. It's pretty damn fun.
  23. It's a commentary on capitalist consumerism. Your character is always yearning for more. It's never even enough; even if it means digging up weeds too earn some frequent flyer miles you use to fly to a tropical island you visit to do more yard work for additional frequent flier miles. Meanwhile you're in debt to a sleepless raccoon who should be the wealthiest on the island, but doesn't look it an certainly isn't happy about his lot in life. All the while, neither you, Nook, or any of his accursed spawn will ever be as happy as the gorilla in a luchador mask sitting on the beach, watching the waves.
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