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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Yeah, it's fine. The regular rules of the Internet apply. Don't click on links unless you know for sure where you're going. Don't join Zoom meetings with folks you don't know. The biggest issue is that people are getting good at guessing Zoom meeting IDs, so if any of those Zoom meetings aren't password protected you do pose the chance of having some rando jump into your meeting and spamming the chat with malicious links or airing porn if there's video.
  2. Here in Lowell, MA we finally have drive through testing. They can only cover a thousand people a day, so it looks like they're keeping it just to folks that are high risk, even if they don't have any symptoms.
  3. I get that. In the end, I still get my four fossils a day, so I'm OK with it. The other eggs were really messing with me because I could throw my line in to catch 20 fish and only end up with 5. I could hit a rock hoping to get iron or clay or stone and wind up with half eggs. That one is even more upsetting because it's not like the minerals from stones respawn ten seconds later.
  4. Yes, it has. Balloons, fruit, wood, and rocks can all disappear if they hit weeds or there just isn't a clear chunk of land to fall on. I don't think Nintendo changed the spawn rate on sky eggs or earth eggs. There are still always 4 fossils available in your village every day, there's just an additional four or five earth eggs along with them. Those eggs didn't bother me at all. Same with Nook Miles islands. If there's one fossil on that island, there will also be a few earth eggs. Same with sky eggs. You still get two or three balloons a day with regular DIY recipes in them, but you still get an additional four or five bunny balloons. At least those balloons are easy to spot since they're all rainbow. The only eggs that really bothered me are the eggs you get that take away from some other thing you were hoping for. That would be water eggs, wood eggs, and stone eggs. Sky eggs, leaf eggs, and earth eggs are no big deal since they don't reduce the amount of fossils, fruit, or regular balloons you get. I do still miss digging up gyroids, though.
  5. Fish bait is the only way to catch them. As far a I've seen, you always get fish with fish bait.
  6. Eh, I wouldn't hold it against the local government. We're talking about a Vieques. There are exponentially more views on this thread than there are people living on that island. They were also without power for months, so it's very likely the knowledge of this cache existed only in the memory of the folks who put them in storage. They didn't have networks up to keep track of the dead, let alone medical supplies. After some time and a series of earthquakes later, I can easily see this getting forgotten until a huge need like COVID-19 comes up.
  7. That's why organizers need to select the mute on entry option.
  8. And this is now going straight to Disney+. No release date yet. That said, I'm a little surprised it isn't even going for $20 rental for a couple of weeks first.
  9. That's why you don't actually have to enter the meeting password with Zoom to get in. The meeting organizer can just admit people they know should be in the meeting. You can just skip that and not have to wait for the organizer of you know how to enter the password.
  10. People can only listen in if you use the same meeting ID over and over again and you don't secure your meetings with a password. Do both or either of those things and it's no longer an issue. The issue is more than Zoom uses a ten digit number for meetings. If you used the same one over and over again and it gets out, either by email leak or random guess, then people can jump into your meetings and listen in. To prevent this you can either use a randomized meeting ID or just put a password on your meeting. I always use random meeting IDs with a password, so this isn't much if a problem for me.
  11. There's this major elevated intersection in my city that's been in desperate need of a rebuild. Imagine if we had some time where it wouldn't be such a terrible traffic disruption to work on.
  12. Cool, so according to that, Massachusetts runs out of beds this weekend. Would sure have been nice if our governor had issued a shelter in place order way sooner than he actually did. He basically had to be dragged into issuing one by mayors across the state.
  13. I found it; the biggest Nook scam in the game. Selling land to have other animals move in costs YOU $10k? Nook, you bastard. I need to give you $10k so you can build a home you're going to sell to someone else? I don't care about your Nook Miles reward. What kind of a monster are you?
  14. I think they're measuring social distancing based on how well people are staying home. That just means folks in Wyoming are just going about their regular lives out and about.
  15. My turnips are at 189 today, so there's a chance they might actually ride this afternoon. I'm not a monster, so if I get good prices, I'll let people know. SW-4138-3664-7311
  16. I hadn't thought about that one. I could see a user joining something like a yoga class and then sending a malicious link if chat is allowed in this online classes. Yeah, don't click on links.
  17. I've been really lucky. My office was cleaned top to bottom the week this started and then again every weekend even with only a skeleton crew. Tonight there's going to be an emergency cleaning because someone in my office tested positive.
  18. That's the kind of thing I was wondering about. I know Zoom is incredibly popular on the corporate/nonprofit/educational side of things, but I didn't know if people are actually trying to set up Zoom accounts for their own personal use. Go figure. I actually didn't realize there was a free tier of Zoom that supported 100 damn participants.
  19. I mean, yeah. Still, who are people having Zoom meetings with that they have to worry about malicious UNC paths? Even if you're using your company's Zoom account to video chat with a bunch of friends and family, it's still friends and family. Eh...I guess it's more a theoretical worry than something we're actually seeing in the wild. That doesn't really count. Schools are still just using enterprise software at educational license pricing.
  20. Are people using Zoom outside of corporate settings?
  21. It's ALL underground and takes up the entirety of your island. There actually isn't an island anymore. It's all just museum roof.
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