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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. We can sync up tomorrow, maybe. Either way, I'm stepping away for a bit with my town's gates open in case anyone in bored and looking for town's to visit. I actually went full city on my island with streets everywhere, but left the north eastern part of my island mostly to nature with a ton of trees and some hiking paths. I did at up something nice for Redd, and by nice I mean really sketchy.
  2. I so need an ironwood cutting board. I'd trade you two ironwood cutting boards for an ironwood kitchenette. I have this kitchenette recipe I can't use because I can't make the cutting board needed as an ingredient.
  3. There are no mortgage moratoriums. That's the problem. There's a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions and that just means late payments get to come back and bite people in the ass. As I previously said, what now feels like five years ago, there's going to be a wave of people losing their homes as soon as the moratoriums are lifted. It was basically designed to do that.
  4. I do. I think I have like 20 of them in my storage. Cool. Name's Frank and my island is Makai Isle.
  5. Anyone have any apples or pears they can throw my way? I'm still missing some fruit and I have a few places already carved out waiting for trees.
  6. They had to because of the bad press. However, the biggest change they made was to default everyone to the settings everyone in this thread said to secure their Zoom meetings.
  7. Did you actually look at the security updates they rolled out? They defaulted everyone to random meeting IDs with password protection. They also rolled out waiting rooms to be free when it was previously a paid feature. The only real security change they made was change what kind of encryption they use and that was nothing but a PR stunt. Since there was news about Zoom not having end to end encryption, people assumed that means Zoom has no encryption. Changing the type of encryption they use covers the bad press there for people who don't understand why Zoom isn't encrypted end to end. Zoom still does not feature end to end encryption and it never will unless they break a lot of the functionality people need from the product.
  8. I meant to leave you a tip, but got distracted by a bunch of toddlers fighting over some tater tots. Is mailing bells a thing?
  9. It's supposedly still coming, but as an exclusive for the Amico.
  10. I've already begun moving stuff around to make room for future shops and such. That mostly means clustering the houses into neighborhoods.
  11. Theoretically, we could still see other updates. Nintendo says this is the final major update, but I wonder if that leaves open the doors for minor updates like a power up or enemy here and there. Either that or those minor updates would just be patches for bugs and such.
  12. Hey now, a week is a week... Looks like they'll be back at it again for this week.
  13. What's wild about this is that this isn't even a secret. An entire Patriots Jet worth of supplies that Massachusetts paid for were confiscated by the feds and went...somewhere...and all of that happened very publicly.
  14. No, I meant to do something like jump on Reddit and trade Nook Miles tickets for furniture items you don't already own. Secondly, I was wondering if you did that would those furniture items be available in the Nook Store.
  15. Trade Nook Miles tickets for items you don't currently have? If you trade for an item, does that make it eligible for buying again in the Nook store?
  16. I watched a good amount of this and now I'm driving my wife crazy playing way too much '90's hip-hop.
  17. They just turned the UMass Lowell Rec Center into a field hospital for the same reason. The BCEC is so huge, it's kind of wild to imagine.
  18. Ha. My sign of a man with multiple children is the table next to my desk set up with another computer that's mostly there for the kids to see themselves on camera and bang on the keyboard. Toddlers are fun.
  19. Well, it looks like I'm peaking at 163 this morning. Time to dump unless someone has better prices.
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