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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. That's the biggest problem with it today. I hope the Genesis Mini did well enough that maybe, maybe Seeds would entertain making a Saturn Mini. I mean, we got a PC Engine Mini, so anything must be possible.
  2. I'm also looking at a potential max of north of 650. Hopefully between @Emblazon and I, someone around here will have good prices.
  3. I'm waiting on a friend to send me the super hero pinball machine. Over I get it, I can send them out to you all.
  4. That's counter chair. Sorry about that. Can't think of anything I really want right now, so no worries. They're pretty cheap.
  5. Correct. You can open your gates for anyone on your friend list or anyone on your best friend list. The Dodo Code can be used by anyone who has the code.
  6. And the first thing I did was but a second server. I'm turning my basement into a probably evil lab. I'll need a good blood splatter design. Anyone have jail bars? I actually made use of my wife's profile. She was playing Animal Crossing on my Switch until she got her own. I moved her house dead into the middle of town and am turning it into the local arcade.
  7. That's only counting ones built by the Army Corps. The field hospital here in my own city has more patients than any of the ones in that list and I somehow doubt we're some national anomaly. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/15/nyregion/coronavirus-central-park-hospital-tent.html I guess we're not. I should clarify. That NPR article isn't about how field hospitals aren't being used because hospitals are overrun. It's about how the federal government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars building these things that aren't being put to use. The 39 total patients in Detroit is dwarfed by the Central Park field hospital's Tuesday. Hell, the one in my city was filled the day it was built. That's mostly because the least sick in our hospital's main campus we're moved there.
  8. It's a good thing reopening won't lead to another spike in cases where we'll need the help. It's also great that we're guaranteed to not see multiple spikes pop up in multiple places that need these very limited numbers of traveling medical professionals. I mean, it would have been nice if there was more guidance at the federal level to contain outbreaks into regions allowing limited supplies and staff the flexibility to move around where needed. It would have been real nice.
  9. Two more then. I'll send those your way tomorrow. Anyone have a server they can send my way? Also, anyone want an ironwood dresser DIY? I have an extra recipe I don't need.
  10. How long do you think we can continue running medical staffs at 90 and 100 hour weekly schedules? Those people are being overworked, so unless you think it's sustainable for that to be their new normal for the next year we're clearly above capacity.
  11. Who do you think is working in these field hospitals? You think states like New York and Massachusetts just have tons of extra doctors and nurses just sitting around just in case there's a new hospital opened up in a college somewhere they now have to manage? Sure, we're not at capacity at these cases because we're running medical staffs on double and triple shifts to keep up with demand.
  12. I don't know. Having to rent freezer trucks to store bodies and set up field hospitals in Central Park really sounds like running past capacity. Once this starts to really hot more rural parts of the country, I wonder if they'll have the ability to do the same.
  13. @EternallDarkness I think you have all the surfboards now. Maybe? How many did I send you? I lost count. I don't know if I missed any.
  14. If there is anyone that still has yet to rid themselves of turnips, mine are going for 203 bells.
  15. I really want to get rid of my original villagers. Their houses are awful, but I don't believe there's anything I can do about it.
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