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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Here the thing. My wife is a mental health professional. At the end if the day she has to review all her notes and every other shred of documentation she has on the day to take these crazily meticulous notes of everything that happened with her clients to enter into her reports. If it is proven that she just bullshit her way through a day, she'd be fired, lose her license, and probably be in legal trouble for insurance fraud. It is beyond me that cops can bullshit their way through official police reports with no consequences.
  2. Well, they started shooting again, so I'm placing the blame all on you. Either that or they're only coming in bursts every like ten minutes.
  3. Saddest shooting star event ever. I got like 7, @EternallDarkness showed up and then scared them all off. 3 MINUTES LATER: I knew it. They started shooting again.
  4. @EternallDarkness @Bjomesphat @Keyser_Soze I'm a no good liar. There are apparently shooting stars tonight. At least there appears to be. I just nabbed three stars.
  5. I opened my gates. No idea if Apple is still has the DIY. Let me know because I do have a spare now. Also, Celeste was last seen to the southwest of the airport along the beach.
  6. Nope, they're an awful 50 bells. Just ignore the mess that is my current island. I'm redoing everything right off the airport and moving everything around. Gates are open.
  7. I've got no shooting stars, but Celeste is in town. Lief is also mulling about and Apple is working on a Cabin Wall DIY, so if anyone wants to swing by let just let me know and I'll open my gates.
  8. Other than our fearless authoritarian here, people weren't happy that there wasn't a drug that could save lives. People were upset that what Trump said was ridiculously irresponsible. Even if the drug is a miracle cure and Trump turns out to be 100% right, none of that makes his words and actions and less irresponsible. Let's take this to an extreme to make my point. Gwyneth Paltrow is being criminally reckless selling her stupid jade egg things. If it miraculously turned out to be the cure for cancer, AIDs, and restless leg syndrome all in one, that doesn't make her previous actions any less reckless. The results do not matter given the risks of the unknown when it comes to medicine.
  9. People weren't hoping it would fail because Trump was promoting it. People were upset Trump was publicly pushing an unproven drug.
  10. This does pretty much go right in with the protests. The only reason this even became an issue was because the local police decided to brush a hate crime under the rug and hope nobody would notice.
  11. Is the test, itself, any different than getting a flu swap? I've gotten a couple of those and they always suck, but this one sounds worse for some reason.
  12. Yeah, I just read that. I'm not so interested any more. https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/3/21278895/sega-game-gear-micro-games-list-price-magnifying-glass I'm even ok with the 1.15" screen, but the game selection is awful. Maybe if this thing ever comes States' side, Sega will rethink the game selection and go for a single unit with more games.
  13. Depending on the games included, I'm totally down for this.
  14. And it's a painting I don't have. I was about to pass it along to someone else if I just happened to have it already.
  15. I feel there's likely a large number it Americans that trust the military and National Guard to show restraint more than the local police. It's likely naivety leading them to not think local police would still be calling the shots. If Americans are anything, it surely is naive.
  16. @TwinIon @ort My phone has been holding up or damn well. Now, I'm not using it as much as my main phone, but since it's my work phone and I've been working from home for a good while now I am using it a lot more than I used to. The creases are still there. I can't tell if they've gotten worse, but they're still hard to see in normal light for straight on. The internal display hasn't scratched and I have gotten the phone wet a couple of times. The only real wear and tear on the phone is on the powder coating on the hinges. Motorola left the RAZR's toothed gears in the hinge a little visible and some of the powder coating has come off. Either way, today's a slow day and I finally got around to playing with some of the new stuff that popped up when I upgraded my RAZR to Android 10 like two weeks ago. This was a really good update. Looks like Mr Mobile did a review on Android 10 on the RAZR, so I'll just have it here. Either way, this update has me really looking forward to future foldables, but only if the outside display remains large and usable.
  17. My turnip prices will be between 190 and 570 tomorrow morning. I'll let you all know if I'm closer to 570 than 190.
  18. It's an excuse to start pushing folks around. Protests in Boston were mostly peaceful with no rioting or looting until the police started trying to kick people out of downtown due to a curfew.
  19. There are sometime sidequests to hunt those unique monsters. They also drop pretty good loot and offer up a huge amount of XP. I remember there being some backtracking, but you'll be likely go back to just to hunt them as well. One of the best feelings in the world in these games is finally getting able to take out those ridiculously strong mobs that you've seen all game and have had to avoid.
  20. Was it a unique monster? The Xeno series is weird in that an area with level 4 mobs can also have level 99 mobs you just need to avoid for most of the game. There can also be unique mobs whose level doesn't at all match their actual strength. They have their own level scaling and they can be bonkers strong. Luckily, these guys are normally passive and we'll not attach unless provoked. Just be careful for monsters that have name tags. It should be easy to spot them. I wouldn't approach one unless you were at least twice they're level.
  21. Looks like she's still working on it, so I'll open my gates. Naomi is the bottom-right house in the southeastern neighborhood.
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