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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. As I said in the LoU thread, it shows a clear disconnect between film and reality to make the comparison. I also don't think he should be raked over the coals, but his issue was doubling down and not even acknowledging that it's an insensitive and dumb comparison to make. He could have just explained himself in another tweet and said "yeah, not the smartest comparison to make". That would have been the end of it. It's simply disrespectful of the real people that lost their live. With more than a hundred years of film to choose from, there are plenty of other to pick for his comparison. Hell, even Grave of the Fireflies would have been closer to OK since it's not depicting any real people only real events.
  2. Remember Tamir Rice, the twelve year old was shot and killed for carrying a toy gun in an open carry state? Those open carry laws really seem to apply equally for everyone.
  3. This is why I'm curious to know his reaction if/when Fox News/OANN starts talking about how this ruling may affect the LGBT protections he just finished killing off.
  4. I had actually never seen any of his videos until I saw this one floating around. I must say, he's been pretty good the last couple of weeks. His video titles are also really right-wing clickbait, which I very much approve.
  5. You say that, but didn't the RNC literally just reaffirm that they were against em same-sex marriage in their 2020 platform? I mean, they did just copy and paste their platform from 2016.
  6. And everyone should get their outrage out of the way now for when Trump proudly proclaims that his leadership prevented a second wave.
  7. I've got to know. How much work was it moving all the stones? I REALLY like rock garden you've got.
  8. Not specifically a white man, but it looks like he thinks it's a government conspiracy to oppress BIPOC.
  9. I don't know if I could even tell you all the ways I despise the phrase "officer involved shooting".
  10. I don't know if Nintendo shares any sales data.
  11. In all fairness calling any game as emotional draining as Schindler's List is ridiculous. One of them is emotionally draining because, while it is a masterpiece of cinema, it's also a window into a horrific and monstrous real life event. The other is wholly imaginary tale and while I'm sure the comparison wasn't meant to belittle the events in Schindler's List in any way, it's still tone deaf in ways that are flat out shocking. It's not a comparison anyone should ever make because making it shows a disconnect from the reality of the events in Schindler's List. It would be as horrifically callous as saying a stealth game had you feeling like a runaway slave or Anne Frank. Those are just comparisons you don't make out of respect for the people that lost their lives in the real world.
  12. I don't know which is worse. His saying that what Lincoln did for the black community in this country was questionable or her saying "I get it" to just agree when Trump doesn't explain what the hell he's talking about.
  13. One of two of my TVs. I have a 4k Vizio P-Series Quantum and a 1080p Panasonic plasma that I still quite love. The Panasonic Plasma is quite nice with my Switch with the Vizio being nicer for my gaming PC.
  14. We're in moderately polite company compared to Reddit. I was trying to be nice.
  15. Game developers should want this kind of competition. Having store fronts like Steam and EGS vying for exclusives is beneficial to the developers and publishers. I'm not saying it's beneficial to the consumers, but the argument could be made that what's good for the game creators is ultimately good for the game players. Immediate and guaranteed money in the form of advances, preferential placement in store fronts, and just straight cash for exclusivity deals cannot possibly be a bad thing for the people we want to remain in business. Suggesting it isn't would be suggesting that we understand their financials better than they. Even then, if unrelated folks on the Internet did know their financials better than they were should just assume that dev was doomed to fall thanks to mismanagement. Hijacking over, I'd love to see this thread keep track of the gems hidden in this crazy huge bundle. They did a lot of work for supporting a bundle of a size I doubt anybody working there ever imagined would happen. Kudos to them. They did a phenomenal job for a really great cause.
  16. The XBX is, what, like 1cm taller than the PS4 Pro on its side. No idea why that first tweet was trying to figure it out when we already know the XBX's dimensions. The PS4 is really wide. Sony is really taking advantage of the 17" they get.
  17. I've worked in Boston for years. More than a decade. It sucks. I love the city and most of the people that love in and around the city. However, Boston has a lot of old people and I've had to deal with it so many times. I'm just a brown Puerto Rican. I don't know how many times my opinions were labeled as disrespectful or without merit only to watch my white colleagues make the same point in the same words and be praised for their leadership. Hell, I worked for a company with CEO that was a BIPOC and watched as my boss forced every minority working under him to resign because they "lacked leadership skills" before he finally got me to quit. It was supposedly a coincidence. Every one of them replaced with a white guy. He even overruled me when I tried to hire a BIPOC for one of my reports preferring I hire someone else that "had more leadership potential". You can guess his skin color. It's nice to see the Red Sox admit it. Even better to see all the asshole racists whining about it.
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