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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Do they? I thought it was just the slow Pokemon that couldn't keep up. Well, that sucks. Here's the thing, I really like Pokemon. I'm out at the ocean after catching a giant wailord and then get immediately chased by a sharpedo and it's everything I've ever wanted in a Pokemon game some I was a kid. It's just a shame so much if it is lazy. Say what you will about image quality or framerate, but Monolithsoft figured out the whole scale of giant and tiny monsters sharing a huge open world where you fight them right then and there in that open world with minimal loading screens on the Wii U. It's just an issue of effort.
  2. Protestors should help by piling every brick and ounce of dirt they can find to just bury the station in. Just fill in everything being the wall with concrete. That'll keep it safe.
  3. Yes and plenty of games get around that by just including two slightly different scripts. They don't even have to record two sets of lines from every actor since there isn't even any voice acting. That's why I called it lazy.
  4. Well, at least the scaling of Pokemon in the wild area of Isle of Armor is right. Wailord was visible huge it at sea and I rode my bike over to him and caught him in a net. He's still too small in actual battles so that's the only time you can see him scaled right. Also, I can't describe how lazy it is that nobody in the expansion seems to know you're the current champion.
  5. Please do this. I want to see Trump go to court over the NDAs he's made everyone in the White House sign.
  6. There best thing from that trailer is that the Pokemon actually scale right. I don't understand how, in a game with Pokemon forms a mile tall, they can't get the scaling of like wailord right.
  7. That's why I can do nothing but laugh. She's crying because McDonald's asked her to pull over for a few minutes to wait for her sandwich? And then they had the audacity to bring her some coffee to drink while she waited? They're damn monsters, I tell you.
  8. No reason to since, unlike Aunt Jemima, Mrs Butterworth's isn't based on a minstrel show caricature usually performed by white men in blackface singing and dancing in drag.
  9. No thanks. I was writing for IGN DVD when their 7.9 Double Dash review hit way back when. I don't need to relive any of that shit. It's nice to know that nothing has changed in the last twenty years.
  10. I also have the pear box. I just sent @EternallDarkness one. He can send one your way over he gets it.
  11. Apologize is the wrong word, so feel free to black it out of any conversation here. I'll admit that's not the expression I'm thinking of in this instance. See, that wasn't that hard, was it? People just need to own up to their clumsy wording. Folks online feel this desperate need to never own up to any of the stupid shit that comes out of their keyboards. The word isn't apologize, it's empathize. If Jeff here had just empathized with those that were offended then nobody would have cared. This wouldn't be a story. Instead he goes into double/triple/quadruple knots just to make his point when he could have just ended the conversation by just acknowledging that it his comparison was kludgy, amateurish, juvenile, and not very well thought out. He doesn't have to say sorry or write some insincere "I apologize to those that were offended" tweet. All he had to do was respond to the first person that called him out and say "Yeah, I didn't really think that one through. I could have come up with a better analogy." End of conversation and he doesn't wind up spend hours of his life dealing with it. This sort of dumb pride is the sunk cause fallacy of tweets.
  12. Watching that video made me realize I'm REALLY disconnected from the game reviewing scene. I don't remember the last time I actually read a review and the only time I check OpenCritic is for those random games I'm really on the fence about and need a sanity check to know if it's hot garbage. Watching that also made me feel like I'm not really missing much.
  13. That's pretty cool and I guess makes senses. I've been given that and/or prednisone when I've had severe bouts of asthma or bronchitis.
  14. And if his reaction to a film about the literal Holocaust was equal to his reaction to a game about zombies, it just shows the profound disconnect he has between real life and a film reenactment of it. Also stating that both are for profit venture is meaningless here. It doesn't even approach the topic here. The whole playground I refuse to apologize for accidentally bumping into and knocking you down bullshit is just that; childishness that keeps much of gaming journalism a joke. The onus isn't on the offended to prove they a leg. This wouldn't even be a discussion if he just manned up, admit his callousness, and moved on. What then? Would you lose respect for him or something? How ridiculous would that even be? As I mentioned previously. I don't think he deserves to be vilified for being all Godwin on his movie chart. The worst part about all of this? The shear laziness of his description. It was literally "what's a sad movie? i know. schindler's list. yay. tweet that". Either he's being intellectually lazy or assuming his followers are a bunch of troglodytes that haven't seen a drama since high school when they were made to sit through Schindler's List and whatever version of Romeo and Juliet was in vogue at the time. How about Million Dollar Baby? A Clockwork Orange? Brokeback Mountain? Beasts of the Southern Wild? This isn't difficult and if his attempt was to illustrate how games can be art, he should put a little more effort into the comparison. His comparison was a kludgy and amateurish and his defense of it all is positively juvenile. We all fuck up, even unintentionally. Well, maybe not @Emperor Diocletian II, but that's certainly true for the rest of us mortals. I get home from work and throw my shoes to the side. One of my kids trip over them. I apologize, I put the shoes away. I don't berate the kid for watching where they're walking. The world would be a lot simpler if people just afforded each other that much respect. There is literally nothing to lose other than a little misplaced pride.
  15. Sounds about right. It's just missing the part where a bunch of sports journalists carry water for ownership to try to pit the fans against the players. Baseball is such an easy sport to play in a COVID world. Get all the players and staff tested and the sport already has plenty of social distancing built into it. They'd be the, literally, the only sport in town.
  16. That's it much my point. It's the difference between based on real events and telling the story of real people. That makes it more OK to compare to fixing events than something like Schindler's List. Either way, there's this ridiculous online culture where admitting any fault is seen as some sort of stupid weakness and dammit, I'm never wrong. People don't apologize for not being more considerate with their words and comparisons, it's your fault for not understanding them or being offended. Like yeah, he didn't compare TLoU to the Holocaust. He just compared it to what could be considered as the definitive Holocaust movie. That's splitting some pretty damn fine hairs for no reason other than him not having a library of films to pull from in his head. Hell, there are a dozen Kubrick movies he could have pulled from to make his point just as clearly without having to go all Godwin.
  17. Funnily enough, I just beat a game that reminded me of BotW. That game being The Touryst. It was on sale in Nintendo's Summer Sale event. Sure, there's no real combat and it's not a huge open world, but it's open ended with no hand holding, barely there story, and puzzles you start solving before you even realize there's a puzzle. It's tiny and literally tilt-shift miniatures compared to BotW's vast vistas, but they share a lot more DNA than you would think at first blush. I could go for more games sharing that DNA.
  18. You know how I know everything is fucked? I had read up on that story at the time and it had completely slipped from memory, even with everything else that's gone on. This kind of stuff happens so often, it's just impossible to keep it all up there. I really hope she gets her pension. Funny how the police union in Buffalo will send crowds to cheer guys relieved of duty for giving a 75y/o brain damage, but will turn a blind eye to a 19yr vet.
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