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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. It wasn't an accident because the specific symbol here was used in the absolutely correct Nazi context. The only Antifa groups that use anything like it is some small group in Germany that barely has an online presence; especially from English language search engines. The only way it could be an accident is if the design of the ad was outsourced to Germany and even then that would be doubtful.
  2. To be fair, Mount Rushmore was only built to convince people to go to South Dakota so...missions accomplished?
  3. The entire thing should be razed to the ground. It should never have been built. However, please don't do that in this thread. History is filled with slave owners and nobody is complaining about all of them. Columbus was a literal, monster who bragged about raping nine year old girls and has literally nothing to do with US history.
  4. Nope. Turnip Prophet says this is my peak. My Internet connection crapped out, but I'll reopen my gates in case anyone wants to swing by.
  5. Anyone have turnips they still need to sell off? They're going for 434 bells on my island from now until 12ET.
  6. I assumed it's games that sucked up hours of your life for little to no reward. 16/32bit JRPGs were really bad at padding their games with high encounter rates that didn't really add anything to the game. A 2 hour mandatory tutorial is pretty bad. Just games that really like to waste your time.
  7. I had heard there were some QoL features added to the game, so that's good. I just never picked it up. It's be so down for a remaster, but I'm fairly certain both releases were sales duds. I wonder why the music was worse though. The Dreamcast had smaller discs that the Gamecube, so it couldn't have been a size issue. I looked it up. Huh...a botched port. Yeah, that sounds like early-00s Sega.
  8. They literally could have just said they'd follow whatever the local laws were if they really didn't want to choose a side.
  9. His hardcore base are true believers. They're either racist or have been fed decades of Fox News telling them not to trust the other news sources. Now they have a president that tells them the MSM is a real problem and they're just completely sold. People either have to acknowledge they've been lied to for years and question their beliefs or double down on them. Most people will opt to double down. The worst Trump gets the more ardent their support because there's no way they made the wrong choice, it's the liberal media that's wrong and their Facebook and YouTube bubble agrees with them. Only when/if something directly affects them will their minds maybe change and even then only maybe. Some people will choose to suffer over admitting they were wrong or tricked in some way.
  10. Let's put one of my favorite games on here, Skies of Arcadia. I don't know if this is something they fixed when they ported it from the Dreamcast, but wow was the encounter rate in that game over the top. I'm thinking of one particularly egregious dungeon that was built like a maze with random encounters, what felt like, every three steps. Just this ridiculous grind just to make it from one side of the room to the other. The dungeon I'm thinking of probably could have taken less than a minute to run through, but wound up taking like an hour or two.
  11. Because the last thing Republicans want is a third party Trump or a Trump that is actively campaigning against them because he's a bitter old man who would do exactly that. He's still popular among their core base as well. If he were impeached there is no way every talk show on Earth wouldn't have him on to talk about the impeachment or his opinions on the upcoming election and there's no way Trump would ever turn down the chance to talk about himself. What other option do they have? If the drop Trump from the ticket in November they'd still have that exact same problem, only maybe Trump convinces his base not to vote and ushers in a blue wave. I'm sure most Republicans in Washington are just hoping he'd keel over, but that just hasn't happened. Until that happens, they'll just keep backing every horrible thing he says because none of that is more important than the power they hold.
  12. The white retro pump is in the mail. I have that sign you're talking about in purple and pink and blue and red. If you want one of those colors, I'll send it over your way.
  13. Someone that knows better than I really should chime in, but this has always been my understanding of these things. If the publisher, themselves, are not cleared and come into possession of classified information, unknowingly, the government can ask nicely, but they can't stop their 1st amendment rights from shouting them from the mountain tops. That would be because the publisher has no existing relationship certifying that they'll properly handle classified information. There isn't any existing contract between the government and the publisher that would stop the book from being printed. The damage has already been done and the government can instead go after the leaker of said classified data while also issuing a warning to current holders of security clearances that reading the book could be a breach and cause the loss of your clearance. I don't even know if there's any other punishment for anyone that reads the book other than losing their clearance. If I'm right, Bolton would be the only one this administration could go after, but his book was already cleared, so they likely won't have much standing in court. I guess his security clearance could be revoked in that case, for whatever that may be worth. 2, no idea.
  14. See, I don't actually know if they can even compel the publisher to stop the presses, so to speak. A functional administration couldn't do anything about literally stolen, actually classified data from being disseminated. I don't know how this one would figure out a way to stop a book with data of questionable classification that likely was already cleared for publishing.
  15. Even if it weren't the case and say Bolton's book was chock full of classified data that for some unknown reason was never cleared by the NSA or whoever reviews this stuff. Unless I'm mistaken, Trump still can't stop the book once it's in civilian hands. He could send the DoJ after Bolton and stop anyone with current security clearances from reading the book, but it ends there. At least that's about how much I remember the last time I went through a clearance review, but I've never claimed my memory was any good.
  16. @johnny it looks like only slow Pokemon can't keep up and lag behind. I just tried it myself. Cinderace can keep up while I'm on foot, but falls behind if I get on my bike. Zacian is so fast, they not only catch up while on my bike it has to slow down to not go past me. I think they handled the running speed of Pokemon fine here.
  17. It's also already out in the hands of civilians. Wouldn't that just mean government officials or those with security clearances couldn't read it, but it's free reign for anyone else that already has their hands on it?
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