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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. None of this is a surprise. Since the very beginning, many of us here were complaining that one of the easiest and best forms of stimulus people and small businesses could use was full blown moratorium on rent and mortgage. This silly moratorium on evictions is just kicking the can down the road, only the longer it's put off, the worst of a monster it becomes. I'm sure households and small businesses that can't afford to pay their leases or mortgages can totally afford to pay 4 or 5 months worth in one go. That's totally not going to lead to millions losing their homes or place of business in the upcoming months as soon as those eviction moratoriums are lifted.
  2. If he's able to transition over to a new streaming service, that screams financial crime all the more. As long as his new partners weren't financially or legally liable for whatever he did previously, he'd be all good. They would have no reason to care if his cut of ad revenue went to pay some fines or out to some settlement.
  3. Sure, the next time I'm online at a reasonable time I'll let you know and he can visit my island.
  4. Correct. There were fairly major protests in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania with a number of riots mixed in and there aren't major outbreaks there so far. Amazingly, there seems to be a fairly direct correlation between mask mandates and COVID-19 outbreaks.
  5. That's pretty much exactly what Georgia did. Oh, well having the Confederate battle flag is racist, so let's switch to the official Confederate flag. I can't imagine Mississippi will fair better.
  6. Yup, if you don't pick them up some of the fossils from previous days will not despawn. I had one fossil I never picked up because it was in an annoying place to get at. It just stayed there for a week until I finally went up and grabbed it. All the while, four fossils were still spawning every morning. That also means if you missed one because you didn't find it, it'll still be there the next day.
  7. This really does feel like a financial crime. Everyone is quiet about it and all the people in control of the money have bailed out immediately. I don't care for this guy at all, but it's always cool to watch bad people go down in flames. It would just be nice if he didn't have to hurt or harass people to get there.
  8. I'm telling you that if you can put a good enough presentation in front of Son, you'll likely get money out of them. I remember when they bought ARM there was a request to switch all the robots over to run on ARM. However, what that meant was anybody's guess. Also, there was an existing agreement in place with Intel. Also, ARM doesn't make chips so who is supposed to replace Intel here? Qualcomm? Samsung? Mediatek? I'm so happy I wasn't very much involved with any of that. I also don't think any changes there were actually ever made.
  9. When I worked for one of SoftBank's a million acquisitions there were stories that Masayoshi Son being the most random billionaire CEO. We were a Google Suite company and I spent months buying and installing a bunch of Skype-powered Surface Hubs costing tens of thousands of dollars each because he did a conference with Satya Nadella. Why? No idea. That was the reason I was given for just tearing my budget to shreds. He just had everyone across every subsidiary buy them up by the truckload just because. There were rumors he has one craned into his office, even. That's my only SoftBank is run by crazy people story. Nothing there company did made sense. Half of everything they did looked like the choices were based on something Son thought was cool or he had some great idea he never explained to anyone else.
  10. Facebook to finally start labeling stuff as false and even pulling down posts that violate their hate speech rules, even if they're Trump's. https://apnews.com/b38818f48561889452c77fe736646454 In completely unrelated news, Coca Cola is joining the Facebook advertising boycott. https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/26/21305065/coca-cola-pause-ads-facebook-social-platforms-july-boycott
  11. You almost had it. The best reparations payment would be land and the most economically feasible way to do that would be in the form of highly subsidised home loans. That would give the African American community the mobility many just don't have.
  12. This probably belongs here. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/splash-mountain-ride-disney-change-princess-frog I went with the BuzzFeed link since they specifically call Song of the South racist.
  13. Caravans of rapists and murderers are like cicadas. They only pop up every couple of years and normally around election time.
  14. I have not and have not been tested. My wife was exposed, was tested, but came back negative. I have four family members and one friend of the family that has or had COVID-19. Only an older uncle of mine in his 60s wound up being hospitalized for it. One of his daughters wound up bed ridden for a month, but never in need of intensive care.
  15. Nah, locking things down again today won't fix anything when the death toll will rise again in a couple of weeks. It'll be at that point when everyone asks why there was even a need to shut things down again if people are still dying in record numbers regardless. People REALLY don't understand how the trend here works and these avaricious politicians are more than happy to take advantage of it.
  16. It effects even people who didn't lose their jobs. My wife may file soon, herself. She's a mental healthcare worker. She was never out of work. However, as things locked down she did more work with patients over video chat. Problem is that so many people have lost their jobs her hours have been cut to basically nothing since so many of her patients are now without insurance. There is Mass Health for a public option in Massachusetts that most of these people should qualify for, but many are still choosing to forgo help for fear of getting hit with a bill they can't afford right now. That fear is there even if Mass Health tells them they're covered.
  17. I'd rather direct all my ire at Facebook. The world would be a better place even if their Bob Ross fan groups went up in smoke.
  18. Twitter is a dumpster fire, but not because of parody accounts like those. There's no need to be conflicted in this case.
  19. Let's see if this book was more interesting at some point.
  20. I have a controller with a turbo button that I just left depressed with a book. It's fine if left alone to just do it's thing. She found my Switch and ran off with it and went wild. She does the same thing to my son that has a Switch Lite. Mash buttons trying to get as much play time in before she gets discovered. I have an old 2DS I might give her, but she's not even really 2. She turns 2 in a week and I didn't let my son start playing games until he was 3 and I got him his Switch for his 4th birthday.
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