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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. So basically mostly stews that have been cooking for the last five hours.
  2. In an ideal world, sure, but there are a good number of states that just can't be trusted. Not only that, bit there's also a nontrivial number of states that can't even afford to keep schools open without a great deal of federal assistance. If my tax dollars from Massachusetts are going to keep schools in Kentucky open, there should be some form of federal oversight into how Kentucky is using that money.
  3. I actually agree. A lot of the egregiously racist stuff that gets Miller all hot and bothered will get instantly thrown by the next Democratic president once Baron can't be voted to a third term in 2048. The stuff that she's done isn't sexy enough to make national news and will likely leave a more lasting legacy.
  4. In all fairness, he's also a terrible businessman. His most successful businesses have been money laundering and lending his name to foreign nationals to give themselves a greater sense of legitimacy. So yeah, he's been running the country exactly like any of his other businesses.
  5. This is a permanent problem for people unless there's a stimulus check on the way that's large enough to cover the multiple months of rent people owe since we opted to put a moratorium on evictions and not rent/mortgage payments. After which we'll we'll have landlords that will legally keep security deposits to make up for the lost rent, leaving renters on the hook for new homes they may or likely do not have security deposits for. Also, good luck on getting accepted to new rentals if their credit took a hit while they were out of work and coming off a fresh eviction. Washington will pass some legislation to force banks to forgive late mortgage payments and do nothing for renters. Renters problems are, very likely, permanent. Any scratching renters have done over the past years to get ahead in life is probably lost.
  6. Some of that stuff is pretty horrific. I don't even understand how it's possible a company as large as Ubisoft to get that bad.
  7. And here I bought a bunch of Goya stuff earlier this week. Some beans, coconut milk, rice flour, crackers, and even some soda. Talk about not being able to read the room.
  8. Let's see... No One lives Forever Escape from Monkey Island Shenmue Grandia 2 Quake 3 Animal Crossing Max Payne
  9. I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but that only gets you so far. When kids live in run down apartments and go to run down schools with underpaid teachers that can't afford to care with parents that might actually care but are working multiple jobs and are rarely home, it becomes a systemic issue that needs to be resolved by the only people with the power to change the rules. The other stuff just goes by the wayside when folks don't feel society has abandoned them and the state is out to kill them. All the while pasty politicians and pundits are telling the rest of the nation that they suffer only because they don't care enough not to, that their plight is not real, and that systemic racism is a myth.
  10. This is where I stand. It's what I grew up in. The culture is just wildly misogynist and that's with me growing up in the States where all of that is tempered a bit. Like I said previously, there's no reason to be less inclusive, especially when the company I keep knows what Latinx means. Like, I wouldn't use the term around my grandmother because it would take hours to explain it to her and she could totally be feeding me in that timespan.
  11. It's "anyone can die" like GoT, but it doesn't weave multiple storylines like GoT. It's also not really political enough to make the comparison for me either. That said, I do enjoy a good "anyone can die" series. There aren't a huge number of them in the anime world, at just not in the action/adventure genre. I'm thinking Akame ga Kill and...my head is coming up blank here.
  12. It's right there. If schools don't reopen, parents won't be able to return to work to get money moving in the economy again. Trump is banking on his supporters not taking the rising death toll as serious leading up the elections as long as life looks like it's back to normal. Trump believes his best election chances is contingent on everything going back to normal in the weeks leading up to the elections. It really doesn't matter if everything goes to shit, November 4.
  13. It's not a Spanish word. It's a purely English concoction. It is however, pronounced as it's spelled, so at least the made up English word learned something good from Spanish. So, that would be latinex.
  14. Latino is normally the gender default to refer to all people of Latin-decent, particularly in the Caribbean, and Central and South America. It's also a masculine noun for Spanish speakers. Latina being the feminine version of the word, specifically referring to women, but not as a general catch-all term. Latinx was, I believe, started to catch those that didn't see themselves as masculine or feminine and be more inclusive. Once that caught on, I saw no reason to not switch to it in formal writing since there's no need to not be more inclusive in my writing. It's also more specific in it's usuage as, I can imagine in written English, it has wor will become the common word for the group with Latino and Latina being used as more specific terms.
  15. This story needs more attention. Here's a great article from Kotaku that covers it. https://kotaku.com/ubisoft-employees-have-grave-concerns-over-toronto-stud-1844277486 Choking a female employee at a work party is something else. You'd probably report that to HR, only the head of HR st the time and for a while was also Béland's wife.
  16. Absolutely not. At least not within any TV or Spanish media I've seen in recent years or with any native speakers that includes my entire family along with my in-laws. I use it mostly when writing formally or in a business setting when communicating with mostly white people...which, well, I work in IT, so that's mostly every business setting I've experienced in my entire career. I also use it because Latins isn't a thing in my head. It should be Latinos. However, I've latched onto Latinx since it has fewer letters and it's clearer in intent...at least in my head.
  17. My highschool was less than 50% white with the rest being a mix of Latinx, Asian, and African American. I know most smaller cities' and towns' demographics aren't as wildly mixed, but I guess that's what happens when your home town is mostly made up of the Irish, black, Hispanic, and Vietnamese immigrants that came in as cheap labor after children were barred from working in the textile mills.
  18. It's true for most drafts up to a point. The NBA second round should be based on the team's needs more than the simple best player around. NBA drafts aren't usually that deep, so the players drafted in the second round aren't usually going to be starters. The same definitely goes for the NFL. The first round should be spent on the best player available with subsequent rounds filling in holes. The Patriots usually know this and so they have no problem trading out of the first round if they're mostly concerned with filling holes. They also causing have pretty solid teams, so they're usually concerned with tweaking. The MLB draft is such a crapshoot and so wildly long and ridiculous that I chose to ignore it exists as anything more than a curiosity. I also refuse to take like 90% of scouting reports seriously. There are usually like what? 1 or 2 sure things and then a pile of maybe highschool kids that might not even sign with the team that drafted them and may opt for college instead and try again later. Baseball is weird compared to any other professional sport in this nation.
  19. Who are people supposed to march against? Who are they supposed to demand change from? Gang violence has been on the decline for years, but until we get drug laws, poverty, and over-policing of minority neighborhoods under control there's not a lot that can be demanded from the less reputable members of society. Look, I Iunderstand full well the changes that need to be made to reduce gang and other forms of inner city violence. I'm an inner-city born and raised minority. My first encounter with gang violence was a buddy of mine being stabbed on the playground when we were in sixth grade. The most severe was another buddy of mine getting killed in a drive-by outside a pizza place because he was dating the wrong girl. Hell, the triple decker apartment I lived in while I was in middle school was a literal crackhouse one floor down. The police deserve the protests they're getting here. Everybody you and I know puts more and more of our tax dollars into funding their military LARPing adventures while taking money away from the very social services and education we need to improve things in the impoverished neighborhoods like the one I grew up in. My current city only spends like 8% of their annual budget on police and fire while dropping some 50% on education. It's one of the reasons I moved here. My home town has started to do much better when they did the same. Now they're spending some 8% on police and fire and a whole crazy 70% on education. Also, shocker. Crime has gone down and we don't have a police killing people problem. Those are the kinds of demands people need to make for their towns and cities and the same ones police departments across the nation are trying to avoid.
  20. Ha! No problem. Anytime. I wish Nintendo would bring back the Dream Suite. Fingers crossed it's one of the shops they're considering adding.
  21. @Mercury33 My gates are open again with Dodo Code JGMLF I have as bunch of DIY recipes up for grabs outside the airport. I'll leave my gates open for the next several hours.
  22. Everything Trump is saying publicly he's also reported to have told people in private. At some point we have to just take his word at it and accept that he simply doesn't know any better.
  23. No problem. As I did last time, next time I'm around and online I'll just open it up again with a Dodo Code. I have a few houses I'm building out, so feel free to explore even if I'm not around.
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