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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. There's a simple way to look at it. Mexico was conquered. The Caribbean was enslaved. You had the conquistadors making their way through Central and South America while Columbus bragged about raping kids on the islands. Let's also think about how fucked up it is that since Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth to the US, Columbus Day is a federal holiday for them. All that shit has a ripple effect into the future. It's made doubly so worse in Puerto Rico since everyone living on the island today is still treated like a second class citizen.
  2. That pride is the result of systemic racism. Because of media portrayals and how good of a job you can get depending on how well you get some with white folk, you end up with this perverse cultural appreciation for all things more Caucasian. Straight hair is good hair and curly/nappy hair is bad. Lighter skin is prettier and darker skin is unfortunate. There's Puerto Rican slang specifically for people like my wife, that is white skin but with the super curly hair. She's also first generation Puerto Rican. When you get raised in Spanish-speaking churches, you meet people. Either way, that's how you end up with folks that for some crazy reason are proud of their Spanish ancestry. Cause I guess it's better than remembering that you were all slaves and that your great great great grandmother from way back when was probably raped by Columbus and his buddies when she was ten.
  3. So many wypipo. I'm first generation here from Puerto Rico. My parents both moved up here from the island in like the 70s. Their parents were also from the island along with their parents and so on going back to probably a bunch of African and Taino slaves that were raped by Spaniards.
  4. This move will likely be permanent. As long as the US is one election away from undoing any good its done for foreign talent there's no point in building things up here when there are other nations with a more stable government.
  5. Yes please. There are a few of us Suikoden fans around here that have just been dying for another game. I'll be backing this as soon as it's up.
  6. They're banking on using any looming collapses to blame on Biden, were he to win. Even if that doesn't make any sense, it may make enough sense to help them win back seats in Congress come midterm elections.
  7. It's a project started by the NYT last year telling the history of the US from the perspective of slaves and their ancestors. It's made a lot of racist white folk really unhappy. I think it started getting more attention again after the BLM protests and some schools adding a few essays from the 1619 Project to their remote learning curriculum.
  8. That would literally stave off the upcoming eviction crisis. People think spending is bad now, just wait until that happens.
  9. She should be financially on the hook for any and all COVID-19 related expenses and losses incurred by any of the folks she infected. That includes all these people who may have been working now having to call out sick and go into quarantine because of her depraved indifference. Dock her pay for the rest of her life until she's paid everyone back if she can't afford it.
  10. Looks like the Enjoys language Direct left out a game. Supposedly, Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin is coming November 10 on Switch, PC, and PS4 in North America. No clue on releases in other regions. We also missed out on an Altelier Ryza 2 trailer.
  11. Nocturne was a great looking game on the PS2 and, I think, has aged pretty well. It is highly stylized, so that much certainly helps.
  12. I was just thinking about how good of a game Nocturne was a couple weeks back. Not sure if I'd pick up an HD remaster. I probably would if it were a full on remake, though. That said, I'm definitely picking up SMTV, but we already knew that one was coming.
  13. And Trump already put that enforcement on hold two years ago. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/upshot/trump-delays-hud-fair-housing-obama-rule.html
  14. Obama actually started enforcing the AFFH to try to kill segregation in the suburbs. Trump undid all of that a while back. Biden had promised to restore the enforcement of a law written like fifty years ago. Trump has no idea that he already undid the enforcement Obama did here.
  15. He admits that but his lawyer told him not to comment on the Twitch ban. Like I said before, this screams financial misconduct. Maybe not enough to bring up criminal charges, but certainly enough to spook his partners.
  16. I agree. I don't think Jesus as he's described in the Bible would have wanted anything to do with the government. He had no interest in any of that. However, since modern Evangelicals in this country insist that the country should be run as a Christian nation, I really do want then to explain what that when looks like. Nobody ever has answers for that outside of banning the gays and getting rid of abortion.
  17. Oooo...I've heard that one a couple of times. That's said because in Matthew 4, the devil quotes one of the songs from Psalms to temp Jesus into throwing himself off a roof. The real answer is that, when pressed to send folks home because the disciples don't have food or money to feed a large multitude of people, God performed a miracle to feed the masses because Jesus felt he had a responsibility to feed the hungry that were right in front of him, so why wouldn't he expect the same from us. When they respond that Jesus was a special case, the next reply to them is that Jesus tells the disciples in John 14 that they'll perform greater miracles than he ever did. It's at that point that they'll mumble that you don't know what you're talking about and try to end the conversation there. In my, I just respond that my father was a minister for 20+ years before he died, I taught a Bible history class for late highschool/early college and was the lead pastor got the children's ministry with my wife for our local church for like 7 years. That's when they really don't have an answer and just say we can talk about it some other time. It's infuriatingly fun.
  18. This is a conversation I've had multiple times and it doesn't work. Let me summarise it. Do you believe the Bible is unerring? Yes Do you believe this is a Christian nation? Yes Do you believe the laws should reflect that? Yes Did Jesus say "For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’"? Yes Should we, as a Christian nation, do those things that Jesus explicitly says not doing will leave you "cursed" and thrown into the "eternal fireprepared for the devil and his angels"? No, because then people will get lazy and we can't afford it and blah blah blah racist/middle/upper class garbage These people don't actually care.
  19. It doesn't even make sense. All these northerners making everyone sick could only do so thanks to everything being open, so...what?
  20. I saw this story when it popped up. It's a crazy small world. Sitting in the grass with a laptop on your lap must be terrifying.
  21. This one really gets me. Myth busters was a huge part of my life when it was airing and he was easily the best of the trio. https://people.com/tv/mythbuster-host-grant-imahara-dead/
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