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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Thank you. I was so fixated on how dumb this method of coming rice is that I forgot to mention that making scrambled eggs saving them for later is such a weird extra step to take. It's more work and doesn't even taste as good. Anytime I've ever made fried rice, as soon as the egg hits the heat, the rice is going in. That rice is also usually some straight from the fridge, day or two old rice. This should literally only take like 10 or 15 minutes to cook.
  2. He's just didn't want to steal the thunder of another stupid thing Trump said. First it was delaying the election and then it was banning TikTok. Unfortunately, waiting for a week when Trump isn't saying something stupid means he won't actually announce his running mate until November.
  3. He's not going to shut it down. At most, hell likely force the app be sold to a US entity. Speaking of which, Microsoft is interested. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-to-sign-order-demanding-chinas-bytedance-to-divest-tiktok-11596219920
  4. I hate this. No ARM chip manufacturer should own ARM. ARM doesn't even make a whole ton of profit. I'd be more comfortable with ARM being owned by someone like IBM
  5. The game deals are up to the publishers, so they aren't really scheduling anything. Nintendo will hold their sales like the recent summer sales and that will often get other publishers on board, but that's about the extent of it. I do a lot of my shopping on Nintendo's website. I find it easier to find games there over the eshop on the Switch, itself.
  6. Really? It's always been wash the rice before you cook it and then cook it at a ratio where there's no water left after you cook it. If you don't want all that starch, why cook the rice in all that starch? This is the case whether you're cooking it in a rice cooker or on the stove. That's also the case if you aren't using water. I just cooked some coconut jasmine rice for dinner. I just sub the water for coconut milk. Same ratio. Still aren't left with any liquid in the pot and I certainly don't want to wash any of that residual oil and salt on the rice afterward. That's just crazy talk.
  7. They really are horrible cooks. Took over half the world and the best thing they've brought us is watered down Indian.
  8. Who washes their rice after cooking it? I have literally never heard of anyone doing this before. Why would you do that? What? How? Wash your rice and cook it. There shouldn't be any water left in the pot when you're done. What? Why?
  9. That's a pretty great start considering like half the country is out of work and the cheapest buy in was $69 for a little less than 11 months.
  10. Yes, it did. WhatsApp didn't do anything Facebook Messenger didn't already do. All WhatsApp brought to Facebook was its userbase. I'm pretty sure I remember the acquisition being billed as very cheap on a cost per user basis. As with Instagram, Facebook has been pretty hands off with the development of both. That was, until they announced they were uniting the chat client technology and likely firing tons of staff in the process.
  11. Facebook deserves it. Google can, with a straight face, make the argument that they bought YouTube to shortcut they're way into a new market. Microsoft can make the argument that it bought LinkedIn to shortcut their way into a new market. Amazon can argue that it bought Twitch to shortcut its way into a new market. Does it suck when these huge companies buy up these small and successful companies? Sure, but that's besides the point. Facebook straight up bought Instagram because young people were sharing photos over something that wasn't Facebook. They bought WhatsApp because people were chatting with an app that want Facebook Messenger. They brought nothing new to Facebook's portfolio.
  12. I don't really buy into the break up big tech thing as much as many others do, but this is a prime example of where it should happen. Facebook should not own Instagram and WhatsApp. Both were bought specifically to kill off competitors, not to help them enter new markets.
  13. The balance with police unions is completely broken, though. Imagine a company where the CEO, president, all of HR, the auditors, all of management, and every individual contributor was also a member of the same union fighting for the same benefits. How would that even work? There is no way that union wouldn't become dysfunctional the first time it came into negotiations. Yet that's how police unions operate. Nobody can convince me that these unions report to and are accountable to the cities and towns they operate out of.
  14. I'm signing up. I can't bitch about how much I miss them and then not put my money where my mouth is when they finally get to come back. T-Mobile also just offered up a free year of the Athletic, so that's both I guess. That said, I need to know who got knocked in the dick and balls every week and I just doubt the Athletic will do that.
  15. Actually, I also forgot to mention that cloud saves are finally coming. That will be some nice relief.
  16. And here's the best wave of updates... Custom fireworks are it cool land it's nice to see the dreamsuite is back. I was looking forward to a new building, but it being accessible from any bed is fine.
  17. This game isn't coming out for a couple of years. They're just assuming there will be some sort of major Switch revision in the next two years. That's probably a pretty good guess. The Switch will be 5 years old in 2022. Hey, this is about right for me as well. Maybe swap V and Tierkreis for me. IV was awful. Everything about that game sucked. I can't even get that janky running animation out of my head sixteen years later.
  18. Isn't part of the problem with this entire wall design that debris is getting trapped between the bars which is then putting a ton of stress that the walls were just never designed to handle? Such a fun waste of money. I'm pretty sure for less money, they could have just planted a tall pole with a 360 degree camera on it every quarter of a mile and wound up with better results.
  19. A lot of those sunk costs come down to real estate and employees. Both of which could have easily been alleviated by the fed if they weren't afraid some "undeserving" folks would also real some of the benefits. I can't help but feel, based on nothing but my gut, that rent and mortgage moratoriums were a nonstarter because Trump was worried about a loss of income at his properties.
  20. I'm killing myself trying to remember. Like, there was Donnie Yen in one of them and probably a few random vampires, but nothing like Blade busting up some vampire dojo or anything. I have no idea what he's talking about here.
  21. This would only really work as a pure esports endeavor. All custom players on an all custom team controlled by multiple players. I would totally watch that, actually.
  22. The Taino weren't completely killed off in Puerto Rico. I think last I saw, some 60% of all Puerto Ricans are of some part Taino ancestry. Either way, the history of Hispaniola is all sorts of messed up. How did it go? The French killed off nearly all the Arawaks and Taino on their half of the island, replaced them all with African slaves that then escaped for greener pastures on the Spanish side of the island. Anyone that wasn't to deny slavery has an ill effect on future generations, should just look at the cultural identities of the Caribbean versus the rest of Latin America. They didn't have to deal with the red lining or segregation blacks had to deal with in the States, but still wound up scarred.
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