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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. With how many times I've been to Anime Boston and PAX East over the years, knowing that folks from here and IGN were also there, I'm shocked I haven't run into anyone in real life. That's especially true with Anime Boston since I was pretty heavy poster on the ACB and my tag at Anime Boston has always read Ghost_MH.
  2. I acknowledged that with a reaction. Editing my own post so I would look less foolish sounds like way more effort than I'm willing to expend at 1am.
  3. I had forgotten all about that. If I'm remembering right, I think IGN, for a time, was experimenting with a bot that automatically created threads linking to articles posted to ther sites.
  4. Ha, I can still get into my IGN account. Looks like the last time I was there was back in 2011 on the basketball boards. Looks like the last time I posted on IGN's CEB is when everyone else left to Bad Cartridge. https://www.ignboards.com/threads/ive-been-moonlighting-on-another-forum.198666921/
  5. It's an Android fork. We might see emulators and/or APKs for Android devices fairly quickly.
  6. This. I think many people forget that suicide is often an act of passion. We already know that fewer guns lead to fewer murders, but nobody for a second believes that just because there are no guns around doesn't mean people just magically stop fighting or hating each other. It's just that those confrontations when faced with a very easy to use murder weapon will often escalate in ways they won't without them. The same applies to suicide.
  7. Nobody should be surprised by this. It's like being told the Tooth Fairy is real your entire life; watching the news tell you the Tooth Fairy might be real; watching cable news tell you the Tooth Fairy is very real; watching the president on TV declare that not only is the Tooth Fairy real, but he was at her very exclusive party a few years ago; and then being shocked when money doesn't magically pop up under their kid's pillow.
  8. Blame this on the vagueness of the EO. If, in this case, Apple cannot perform any type of transaction with Tencent, how would that not ban Tencent from, say, updating or Apple providing tools and such to support the iOS port of WeChat? The EO seems to state that US companies cannot engage in any sort of transaction with Tencent in regards to WeChat.
  9. Not having Facebook is nice. Also, I do appreciate that Twitter allows me to run the app with all permissions set to disabled. The only thing I allow Twitter to do is shoot me notifications. One thing I saw mentioned elsewhere but not here was that this ban could really kill Apple's entire Chinese market. Android-based phones, even those made by Google, can always just sideload apps like Tiktok and WeChat. Since Apple controls the entire ecosystem, that won't be possible. We're about to see two of the most popular apps in the China just stop working on every iPhone in the country.
  10. You're not giving them enough credit. A lot of these kids know they're getting screwed, but they also know it's likely their best shot at success. The calculus here doesn't make sense for players. If you catch COVID-19 you might be fine, but you may also develop heart and lung issues that will kill any future athletic career. The kids that so play well likely be lied to and have been told that the risk is minimal. The issue there is that I'm not sure if the schools here would liable for lying to their athletes if they bring up such concerns. How much would I be willing to bet that, though the relationship between player and school isn't supposed to be a employee and employer relationship, Republicans will want to include college athletes in their blanket coverage for COVID lawsuit immunity.
  11. No college athlete is going to play college if they were smart. They'd be better off going to play in the CFL, get paid, and play in a country that has a much better handle on pandemic. This virus may possibly ruin NFL careers for these kids even if they're at no risk of death.
  12. At this point, even McConnell may have realized that leaving half his state homeless right before November elections might not be a great idea.
  13. It absolutely is. I have three kids, ages 2, 3, and 4, and my three year old daughter is on the spectrum. I read these stories and I see them and it just puts the ugliest knot in my stomach. I think of my three year old and how she's virtually nonverbal, doesn't even know how to call me daddy, but is also the happiest child in Earth. A lot of these kids getting lost can't speak. Not can't speak English. Just can't speak. However, I'm a brown minority that was raised in a minority-majority city in the middle of a very white Massachusetts. The only public highschool in my hometown housed thousands of kids and we lost our accreditation halfway through my tenure there mostly because it was run on a shoestring budget. You grow up around that with the hope and faith you'll lift yourself out of that while carrying the knowledge that the vast majority of the white voting age folk just a half mile away in the next town over just don't care. You're absolutely invisible and may as well be some collateral damage in the Middle East mentioned in a footnote in their Sunday paper. It doesn't make it better, but the context makes it an obvious outcome.
  14. We already know they're losing thousands of kids. It's grotesque and in a just world these people losing children would be treated as the Nazis we8 coming out of WWII. However, these kids are all brown and there is a sizable portion of the population that just doesn't care.
  15. The story going around is that it might also be available to nonsubscribers. This is just Disney looking to keep the whole $30 from this rental. I'll rent it. I was already spending that much to go to theaters. I did Trolls World Tour for $20. If this movie is even marginally better than Trolls $30 will be worth it.
  16. I've lost count of the times I've asked people if they remember when the shootings were so frequent that they didn't have time to focus on any one of them.
  17. This. Kickstarter is the closest I get to months/years long pre-orders and that really shouldn't count as a pre-order. The soonest I order a game is usually the soonest I can preload a game prior to launch.
  18. Simple solution then. Fire every cop that works for him and give him one intern for the remainder of his contract. Methuen is a tiny, quiet town. I doubt anyone would notice the lack of local cops for the next few years until he's gone. Reading through the article, he's likely the second highest paid officer in the country right behind LA's Chief of Police? The man should be a pariah. He shouldn't be able to step foot inside any business anywhere in the Merrimack Valley and not get straight ignored.
  19. Methuen? I'm from the area. Methuen? How does a small town of 50k have a police chief making that much? They have fewer than 100 officers.
  20. The post office isn't the problem. They're already just about stopping by every address in the country everyday. The issue is managing the infrastructure that handles ballots after they've been mailed in. It wouldn't be too big of a deal if states just extend early voting to give them more time to process ballots as they come in. Every state is already set to manage absentee ballots. It's just different when going from thousands to millions.
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