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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I read a story about this in a local paper and it seems like the kids parents assumed he was fine since he was quarantined for a couple of days after testing positive and didn't seem sick.
  2. I didn't realize the Patriots had already had their turn. Why Your Team Sucks 2020: New England Patriots | Defector DEFECTOR.COM Some people are fans of the New England Patriots. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the New England Patriots. This 2020 Defector NFL team preview is for those in the... Yeah, that all checks out. All the racist garble about how Jarrett Stidham was obviously the better starter coming into the same than Cam Newton. It was awesome. I'd love to see a genuine likable QB succeed in New England, but that's probably hoping for too much and also very worthy of scorn from everyone that isn't a Patriots fan. Also, hey Defector has an RSS feed available on Feedly. Awesome. Guess I won't miss their articles anymore.
  3. I really hope this is like Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii with a bit of Fine Factory 4 mixed in the. I loved both of those games. The gameplay looked a little rough, but the game also isn't out for a while, so I guess there's still some time.
  4. Here is New England a cheese steak is just that, steak and cheese. Peppers, onions, and usually mushrooms make it a steak bomb. I'd actually prefer my cheese steaks pretty plain, but I'll normally get an egg on it when I gave the option because fried eggs make everything better.
  5. These numbers sound about right. If you don't believe that some 20-30% of the country is unabashedly racist then I don't know where you've been the last few centuries. That accounts for the Holocaust deniers, the ones blaming the Jews, and the ones that don't view the Nazis in a negative light. The rest is just good old American ignorance. They probably know a bunch of Jews died in the Holocaust, but they couldn't give you a number. They'd probably guess somewhere between 100,000 and a million, or maybe highball it to like 10m. As for the names on concentration camps, people don't even know the names of streets in their towns or the capital of the state at their closest border. I don't doubt for a second half of Americans couldn't name a concentration camp. I'm sure that number is closer to 90% if you tell them they can't include Auschwitz.
  6. Galaxy is running weird in this one. That's a weird trick. I wonder why they went this route instead of just emulating the entire game. I'm assuming the physics just runs better natively than through an emulator.
  7. My guess is that this wouldn't normally be sufficient. However, selling this tiny portion of TikTok to a company Trump is a fan of may be enough for Trump to declare victory and move on. A Facebook video service being used to steal content from other creators? Well, I never.
  8. They've updated the story. CBP is holding that these are counterfeit AirPods even if they aren't trying to sell themselves as Apple products. US Customs isn’t backing down, says seized OnePlus Buds violate Apple AirPods trademark WWW.THEVERGE.COM US Customs and Border Protection says it didn’t make a mistake in seizing OnePlus Buds.
  9. Why would it be? This entire fire sale is only happening because of this administration, so why wouldn't ByteDance factor in potential administration approval? This is the best case scenario for them. Sell off only their US cloud infrastructure to a company on good terms with the White House. This allows ByteDance to get away with not selling full control of TikTok to another company and keep everything under one roof other than management of their US backend. We still don't know if this will actually work, but I have a sinking suspicion it will. I also don't believe this would have worked out if, say, Amazon or any company not on friendly terms with the White House had made the same offer.
  10. I'm sure a part of their math included how likely it was for the White House to try to derail any deals they were working on.
  11. You might be talking about me. I used to work at SoftBank. If they actually make a profit off ARM, I'll be shocked. One of the most amusing things about them is that they really want some name recognition in the US, but their three most prominent US purchases did not take on their name; Sprint, Boston Dynamics, and ARM. If they keep Boston Dynamics long term, I'll also be shocked, but also not because it'll only be because Son thinks their robots is REALLY cool. Same goes for when they bought the that French company Aldeberan Robotics.
  12. It's not meant to be a realistic compromise from Apple. Apple is hoping to get a PR win with folks that only read headlines. Microsoft snubs Apple’s olive branch to cloud gaming: ‘a bad experience for customers’ This policy change will easily make this a both sides issue.
  13. Best way to do that would be to delete the record of registered Democrats in competitive districts/states and those of Republicans in strong blue districts/states. If you do it right, then the numbers come out and even, so the narrative gets to be that both Republicans and Democrats were equally affected by faulty voter rolls.
  14. I'm imagining that he could come out and say that he is god reborn in the flesh and should be worshipped, and that night sour him along Evangelicals. However, I'd have to imagine that a large portion of his followers would just say he was joking.
  15. Mamoa is the first one to back up Fisher here. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/jason-momoa-ray-fisher-justice-league-1234762350/
  16. And that's the thing right. Apple's best case here is that they win this case in the US and delay what will likely come in the EU from happening in the US. Apple's best argument so far is that allowing other companies to sell applications outside their App Store is tantamount to those companies sharing Apple's IP in the form of APIs. That night even with for them in the EU. However, that argument had nothing to do with whether or not Apple can force companies to use their services for financial transactions. Apple needs to argue that they have to be the only app store on iOS to protect their IP, but it's a harder sell on in app payments when Apple already allows companies like Amazon and Uber process their own payments.
  17. It's not going to come down to who has the better lawyers on this one. It's going to come down to how courts want to treat these tech giants. This stuff has been milling about for years. I don't know if the US has the what it takes to try to take the big tech companies down a notch, but I'm sure Epic started this case with their eyes on Apple's issues aboard as well.
  18. Apple's argument is that anything that uses their APIs contains Apple IP that they have the right to control. As such, anyone trying to sell software outside of Apple's control would be looking to distribute Apple's IP and profit from it. I guess that's the argument for not allowing outside app stores, but it also runs counter to the argument that Apple has its own monopoly. That argument will have to hinge on Apple convincing the courts that their App Store competes with Google's and that there is no need for competition within iOS.
  19. Nah. They're mindless fun. I don't see them being any different than a brawler only with hundred enemies per attack instead of 1 or 2. The formula can sometimes work pretty well. I think they did a phenomenal job with Fire Emblem Warriors, for instance.
  20. My daughter is a brown autistic girl that's barely verbal. These are the stories that my wife doesn't like hearing about. My daughter can be hungry and she still doesn't really know what I'm talking about unless I'm pretty much waving the food in front of her face. She's good with singing though, so that's something. Completely nonverbal, but can sing any song you teach her. Go figure. Screaming "get down" at these kids is pointless. This mother called the right people and the wrong ones are those who showed up. My wife and I have a rule that we'll never call 911 for anything unless it's for an ambulance. Even then, I think I'd rather get a speeding ticket. I do only live like a mile from the closest hospital. Either way, it doesn't matter what's going on or what age she is. We're just never letting the police come our way because of how terrible they are with this stuff.
  21. That backstory should be good, but that's also going to be a weird way to end a game.
  22. This has got to be a stand alone game. Also, a musou game that covers the war 100 years prior to the events of BotW? Yes. That sounds like a great idea.
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