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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. All of them. Just wait and see how bad it'll be when Trump is campaigning for his third term.
  2. I was totally expecting him to change the subject. That wasn't even a dog whistle, but nobody is going to talk about it. Is wild that the outside literally asked a white supremacists group to stand by and watch who's voting in 2020 and that isn't the lede everywhere. We deserve this.
  3. Yeah but assuming they are playing with their own money, that show is literally about a bunch of rich folks trying to make a buck off random people begging for change. The last time I saw a clip, I think they were talking about how they all lost out on not investing in Ring or something. It makes WAY more sense than a literally reality show following contestants over the course of a season like it was The Bachelor.
  4. That's why the coverage should be about how he's not a billionaire and maybe not even a millionaires when taking his debt into account. It would also be hilarious to watch him break down over it. It's the only thing he actually cares about.
  5. So did Google hear the judge talk about how 30% was industry standard and decide that meant now was a good time to start cracking down on guys like Netflix and Spotify that weren't giving Google 30% of subscription fees? Google announces crackdown on in-app billing, aimed at Netflix and Spotify ARSTECHNICA.COM Google gives developers one year to stop ignoring its in-app billing rules.
  6. The new Slowing is equally parts amazing and awful... Galarian Slowking is the headcrab zombie of Pokémon WWW.POLYGON.COM New Slowking regional arrives with The Crown Tundra
  7. I'm not fully convinced that progressives exist across the country in large voting numbers once you control for Sanders supporters that love him, but don't necessarily care about policy.
  8. I don't believe that's from his hair stylist. That's just residuals from the orange skin dye.
  9. There is no good way to make a comb over look good. This is just a case of his stylist being the only person that can bilk Trump and the only reason it's possible is because he's incredibly vain.
  10. Ah, those "economically anxious" voters that will supposedly cast a vote for Biden, who is just months away from croaking, and his black running mate. I'm sure their minds can be changed.
  11. Trump saying he approves of the Oracle deal is really going to kill him in court here. Like always, Trump's mouth is going to make his lawyers' job all the more difficult.
  12. The series airs starting on October 3. I'm looking forward to it. To anyone that remembers my time from IGN's anime boards, I was/am a big InuYasha/Takahashi fan. This could be fun.
  13. Looks weird. Maybe a fevered vision the...uhhh...Vision is having while dead and in the process of possibly being revived.
  14. Yeah, but he's a black QB and they aren't worth shit if their athleticism is at all in question
  15. I didn't see this elsewhere, so here we go. Tatiana Maslany had been cast as She-Hulk... 'She-Hulk' Disney Plus Series Casts Tatiana Maslany in Lead Role VARIETY.COM Tatiana Maslany is near a deal to play the lead role of the upcoming "She-Hulk" series at Disney Plus
  16. Shocker. Trump's in approval of the Oracle deal. Trump Says He’s Approved Oracle Deal For U.S. TikTok WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM Donald Trump approved Oracle Corp.’s bid for the U.S. operations of TikTok “in concept,” a deal forced by the president’s orders last month declaring the popular video-sharing app a...
  17. Sometimes I forget it's been nearly twenty years and there's already a generation of voters who weren't alive then.
  18. This is correct. Studios do the same thing the front offices of sports organizations do. They have their people spread untruthful and negative rumors to sympathetic media outlets that are keen to maintain their connections. Anytime I hear any media outlet saying an actor or athlete is unlikable or difficult to work with, I'd always take it with a grain of salt unless it's being corroborated on record by another player or actor.
  19. The latter. Just watch. Kept unchecked, I have no doubt that these same forces will give rise to people a generation from now that won't believe anybody died in the 9/11 attacks.
  20. Allow me to chime in here. Yes. And by insidious forces, I'm referring to social media and the Internet writ large. It's really easy for Facebook and Google to ease you into alt-right garbage, and once you head down that rabbit hole, there's only literal Nazis at the bottom.
  21. Regardless of all the weirdness, this show handles racism and sexism quite well. It's almost like putting a black woman in as showrunner for this series actually made a difference.
  22. Pick up Jackbox Party Pack 3 and try Fakin' It. If you all are terrible at lying, this is a pretty good game to work on your deception skills.
  23. That reminds me. This article has been making the rounds as well. Facebook Needs Trump Even More Than Trump Needs Facebook WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM Employees fear Zuckerberg’s commitment to free speech is more about protecting the president than the company’s ideals.
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