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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. It drives me crazy. It's only October and my wife and I already decided we weren't going anywhere or hosting anyone for Christmas. We're just going to be Santa dropping off presents on the doorsteps of of friends and family.
  2. I've baked enough vegan pizzas to know the answer here is no. I don't care how close to cheese the stuff from Daiya or Violife are. They might she'll the part, but they still fall short on taste and especially melted texture.
  3. Just how many of these stupid neighbors got a kidnapping message on like WhatsApp and thought "yeah, I'm game"?
  4. Graham must be really hurting for money. I do believe this is the first time I've ever seen a donation request from an out of state senator wind up in my mailbox. Emails from campaigns? All the time. Letters? Ha. That's some postage going straight in the trash.
  5. I really want someone to confront Trump on how these NDAs on federal employees are not legally enforce. He's been forcing folks to sign them left and right and none of them are valid.
  6. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but it can't be more than all the advertisers boycotting them because Facebook refuses to do anything about the vitriol on their site.
  7. That's actually not it. I believe Facebook when they say political ads are like 1-3% of their revenue and doesn't make much of a difference for them. No, I'm pretty sure it's because Zuck is pulling for a Trump win and since Trump doesn't have much money, advertising on Facebook is his best bang for the buck. This has to be it because their sleeping at the wheel when it comes to political ads, hate groups, and conspiracy theories wouldn't make sense otherwise. Major brands have boycot the site because if their policies here and I can't for a second believe they make more off of political ads than like major players like Coke.
  8. What absolute bullshit. If they think it's a problem that needs addressing after the election, why not address it now?
  9. House: Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Google have “monopoly power,” should be split ARSTECHNICA.COM Blockbuster report calls for beefing up enforcement and aiming for breakups. Of relevance to this thread... I had completely forgotten about how Amazon figures out what popular among third party sellers and then make their own off brand version. Let's see if anyone decides to do anything about this.
  10. Someone should start a rumor that there's a new subsection of Antifa and BLM that are teaming up and forming a squad to fight the police called the Avengers. If we can get Fox or OANN carry it, we could very well get a Trump tweet talking about sending the National Guard in to defeat the Avengers and it'll be glorious.
  11. Random guess. Trump wanted them to open an investigation into Biden and then publicly announce it, but they didn't. It's not like Trump didn't do exactly that with a foreign nation, I'm not sure why he wouldn't do the same with his own FBI.
  12. They're going to announce that they're opening an investigation into Biden's ties to Hillary and Obama's totally illegal spying of the Trump campaign.
  13. The follow up to a quote like that should be "Does the White House consider wearing a mask to be the responsible thing to do?"
  14. This sounds about right. I certainly believe Apple's stance that distributing apps outside of their control to be a trademark violation of their APIs is crazy and monopolistic. The simple thing there would be to open iOS to other app stores. Amazon is tricky, but also so large that they can sell loss leaders like nobody else in the online sales industry. Walmart can barely keep up with them, so I don't see how anyone else could possibly do the same. I just don't know how to combat that. You could split Amazon sales from AWS and force Amazon to survive on its open merit. I've said before, Facebook should never have been allowed to buy Instagram and WhatsApp. Both entities should be split off of Facebook and allowed to offer competing services Google search is also tricky, but I think there are a couple of easy ways to combat this, even if they won't work. Splitting search into its own company would just force the new Google search company to double-down on everything that makes them a monopoly. It would probably be better to force Alphabet to no longer bid to keep Google search the default on platforms like iOS or browsers while also forcing Google to offer alternative search engines as the default in Android or Chrome. I don't know if it'll actually work, but it's likely the best you can do.
  15. And if he loses, there will be no stimulus so Republicans can blame the tanking economy on Biden/Harris and take the Senate and House in 2022.
  16. I believe this as much as Trump testing negative on Thursday and popping up with symptoms on Friday.
  17. She just needs to show up with a shield and let Pence refuse to join her in stage. This is definitely Trump and Pence trying to goad her into bowing out.
  18. For Trump, getting his SCOTUS seat filled before the election to "ensure an honest election" makes way more sense than doing anything to appeal to voters worried about the economy, COVID-19, or unemployment.
  19. I wonder why Republicans think the only way the election can be honest is if they hold a stronger majority in the SCOTUS.
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