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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Here you go... http://thispersondoesnotexist.com//favicon.png This Person Does Not Exist THISPERSONDOESNOTEXIST.COM This Person Does Not Exist
  2. Single or dual issue, religious voters. They'll vote for whoever says they'll do something about gay marriage and abortion.
  3. "This is only happening because Wall Street is afraid of a Biden presidency." Nothing muddles Trump's message about anything. He can always excuse his way out of it.
  4. "It's been a year and Biden claimed he knew what to do and hasn't done it. We can't hold Trump to the same standard. Nobody knew what this was when it first hit." It's also going to be cool too see all the Republicans that will successfully wash themselves of the Trump stain and not at all be held accountable when they, inevitably, turn against him.
  5. Good thing police in this country would be unwilling to use extreme force. Also a good thing they aren't armed to the teeth. Also also a good thing the majority of them aren't Trump supporters. Crisis, averted.
  6. I'm sure an appeal to the Supreme Court will reverse this. Trump has been trying to save money on his own defenses by having the DOJ defend him everywhere they can.
  7. And that's exactly what Republicans have been saying is the route they'd like to go this election. It isn't even a secret.
  8. Republicans literally said that they need to rush through the confirmation to help Trump with the election. The one and only way Biden wins is if he wins big on election night and even then that won't stop Trump from attempting to steal it with only the Supreme Court and a Republican-controlled Senate to stop him.
  9. I'm assuming the issue here is that Trump hates him and think he'd make a good scapegoat for a potential Trump loss. Just pin all the failed lock'em up chants on him.
  10. This is basically it. Nobody's entertainment time or money is better spent with abusive language hurled at them. The only people having a good time there are racists and misogynists, and I'm not even convinced that's the case. Harboring that much hate must be exhausting when people could just be having a good time. Honestly, mainstream attention from places like GMA is the only way this changes. These devs, desperate to not alienate racists, enable their poor behavior and bad publicity is the only way to get their attention.
  11. For this one, I'm willing to bet it's a limited release because it'll be added to the Switch's NES virtual console. Sort of like a movie starting on PPV and then moving to Netflix.
  12. I'll outline a system every dev can use freely... AI to filter for abusive/hateful language Immediately mute the abusive player on detection Seriously, that's it. That alone would do a ton of curb a lot of this toxic behavior. However, if you want to go further you could also just ask players after a match if <insert clip here> was abusive and/or hateful And dole out punishments from there. If, at any moment, you thought to yourself that it would be a lot of work to ask players to do then you understand that's only because there's so much toxicity in online gaming and that's not a good thing and should never be tolerated. No, the real reason nothing is done about it is because developers either don't think it's that big a deal or because they're fearful of turning away a large chunk of their player base.
  13. If I can just convert one white supremacist, it'll be a good day.
  14. The corner bodega was where I went for Neo Geo gaming. They had Metal Slug, King of Fighters, Ghost Pilots, and some random brawler whose name escapes me. Between the bar and bodega, it's what kept me from really ever becoming much of a Capcom fighter fan. I was always just playing either a Mortal Kombat or some variant of KoF. Good times.
  15. Ha. That's basically me at a local bar that had Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam. Like I probably shouldn't have been hanging out at a bar playing games at like twelve, but the bar owner kept ratting my friends and I out to my mom so she probably thought it was fine. She never really did stop me, but that's probably because she didn't realize it was Mortal Kombat I went there to play.
  16. I was playing Doom at home and Mortal Kombat in the arcades when I was that age. It's fine. Even then, it's not just M-rated shooters that are issues. Have you ever been in the lobby of any online game with chat? Have you seen the Internet as a whole? Just because you normalized the behavior, just because I've grown numb to it, doesn't mean that's the best we can hope for our kids. That's bullshit and you have to agree with me here. My job as a minority with brown kids is to protect them as best I can. However, it would really be pretty damn nice if we could move forward in society as a whole where I didn't really have to anymore.
  17. That's bullshit hand waving. It puts the onus of poor behavior on the victims of that behavior and the not perpetrators. It doesn't even matter of nobody is truly offended. I have kids. We're all brown-skinned Americans. Do I want my kids being exposed to that kind of talk when there older and in their early teens? No, I don't. Should the result then be to just tell my kids that they aren't allowed to play games they like online because publishers are afraid of upsetting a large chunk of their white, young, male customers? That would be bullshit of a highest variety, but if my kids were 12 or 13, you bet my ass I wouldn't be letting them go online for that very reason. I don't give two fucks if it offends them or not, I just don't want them to internally normalize that kind of racial abuse/language.
  18. It is the norm and the number one reason I don't bother with online gaming much. Every publisher claims that this behavior is unacceptable and not allowed, but they don't actually do anything about it because they actually don't care. You can report people but unless they have a racist username, nothing is done about it. The GMA segment touches on the problem here. Since such a huge percentage of devs are white they can argue to themselves "I'm white and I get called the n word five minutes into a match, so it's not ACTUALLY racist, it's just shit talk." They can justify it as such because it doesn't register as a slur that hits them personally.
  19. What drives me crazy about this is that we should now have the technology to deal with this stuff. It seems like it would be incredibly easy to just automatically listen for key words and just straight ban repeat offenders, even if nobody is reporting it. I'm going to assume nobody is doing this because they don't want to have to deal with the fact that they're likely be banning a TON of paying costumers.
  20. That sounds about right. Facebook is awful and literally at fault for much of the hyper partisanship and shit like QAnon going around. You think grandma is on Reddit and 8chan learning about Satanic cabals or whatever?
  21. Ha, I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing this isn't a musical with their next musical being next year's Encanto with Lin Manuel Miranda handling the music. After the work he did on Moana, I'm quite looking forward to a Latin America soundtrack with him at the helm. Either way, I like what I see, so I'm looking forward to this.
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