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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. As I had mentioned a few weeks? months? years? back, there has been a huge rush of memes and straight disinformation specifically targeting Spanish-speaking religious folks. News about Biden wanting to close all churches or clips of Trump saying something that sounds religious, but lacks any sincerity that wouldn't be picked up when English isn't your first language. A lot of it was straight gross and would have been flagged as offensive were it in English, but gets a pass because Facebook seems to be way more lenient on Spanish-language content.
  2. Someone else correct me if this had changed, but there are more than a million votes in Pennsylvania that nobody will start counting until tomorrow. The only reason to stay up is to see what happens with Georgia.
  3. My oldest, when he was younger, thought it would be cool to hide an opened pouch of yogurt in one of his toys for later consumption. There is nothing like going under his bed to grab some toys he hasn't played with in a while and finding an entire ecosystem oozing out of some strawberry yogurt.
  4. Which is worse? That the eggs were always in there waiting to hatch or we may get a Biden presidency where the GOP spends the next 4 years investigating Hunter and trying to impeach Biden?
  5. I don't believe any exit polling this year. The number of people that voted early or by mail just throws it all out of wack. I'd have to imagine that in person, election day voting this year would disproportionately lean toward those that aren't as concerned about COVID-19.
  6. Thanks for the reminder. I have no Yamazaki left. I do have some Yellow Spot, so I guess I'm going with that tonight.
  7. It's still pretty early, so I'm doing CBSN, specifically CBSN Boston so I get a mix of some local news so it's not so Trump doom and gloom.
  8. Similar happened to me. Fun with pliers. I guess I'm not enough of a man, though, because my response was "nope, don't wanna do that again".
  9. Here's my guess... Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com
  10. What do you do about them for the next three months? Like I said earlier, this is my biggest worry about this election. Doubly so since local law enforcement is very right wing and now than happy to embrace these terrorists.
  11. Actually, my biggest concern is even more judges being confirmed. I do recall seeing news of some right-wing judges that were looking to retire if Trump didn't win reelection.
  12. Trump isn't who worries me. It's a lame duck Republican Senate with a lame duck president willing to sign anything that hits his desk.
  13. I'm probably seen as one of the more pessimistic on these boards, but that's not entirely the case. I absolutely believe Trump will attempt some shenanigans, but I'm rather hopeful that Biden will win by enough to make even the very conservative courts not just give it to Trump in as a toss up. I believe some Republicans will absolutely try to invalidate a ton of votes after the fact, but I'm willing to bet they'd be more concerned with maintaining a majority in the Senate than keeping the White House. That all said, my biggest worry are Trump's militia followers. I don't trust Trump to not to instigate violence in his name because the election was stolen from him by some cabal of cannibals. If Trump loses and nobody managed to keep his Facebook/Twitter account in check, he'll literally be calling for a Civil War. Were that to happen, it would come down to like Facebook acting in time to keep Trump in check and I don't at all trust them to. My next biggest worry is the impending mass foreclosures. A lame duck Congress and White House will do nothing to help and everything to make things worse so that Biden will come into his term with the worst economy ever inherited by a president. It's going to suck. Millions will be homeless just so that Republicans can shore up their chances in 2022. This much is almost definitely going to happen if Trump loses. Even if Democrats win back the Senate, there's no way to undo the damage done with foreclosures between now and when everyone is sworn in.
  14. I was about to swear this had to be fake,p but then... Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens, 2020 | The White House WWW.WHITEHOUSE.GOV On this National Day of Remembrance, we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens. As sons a Really just doubling down on the racism. If Trump loses, he's definitely going to go scorched earth on any semblance of not being a raging racist.
  15. I didn't see if this was posted in any of the other mega threads, but it seems the Trump campaign had been trying to use HHS funds to rebrand COVID-19 PSAs as Trump campaign ads, as per Politico... http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png ‘Helping the president’: HHS official sought to rebrand coronavirus campaign - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM Documents reveal how political considerations shaped planning for a taxpayer-funded ad blitz to 'defeat despair' over Covid-19. Where this gets fun is that they also came up with a list of celebrities that could appear in their "PSAs". That included this gem... http://www.si.com//favicon.ico Ronda Rousey's WWE arrest listed as real on government document - Sports Illustrated WWW.SI.COM Someone in the federal government got duped into believing Ronda Rousey really got arrested on an episode of “Raw.”
  16. He was taken 111th? Yeah, he's done. I'd assume anyone taken in the top half of the draft will likely just get picked up again by someone else.
  17. I don't think many people outside of a Trump's most ardent supporters are worried about actual voter fraud. The issue here is that Trump believes his own bullshit and so he's fighting made up voter fraud with litigation presented before a very packed conservative court to just throw out votes for whatever random reasons they can think of. Literally having judges change voting laws AFTER hundreds of thousands and millions have already voted, potentially leading to their ballots being thrown out. They're stopping counties from counting voted early and then also forcing them to stop counting them at midnight. Thisis stuff they're already doing in public. Then there's the drastic stuff they're saying they'll do if the numbers don't come out on their side. We can be dismissive and just assume they'll never take such drastic measures, but they've already done everything they've said they'd do. I just don't see why anyone shouldn't be worried that they'll continue to do what they're warning us they want to do.
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