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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Massachusetts had two initiatives in the ballot. A right to repair measure easily passed, but the move to rank voting failed by 10 points.
  2. The best case scenario for 2020 is for Trump to spend the rest of the year sulking at Mar-A-Lago while most of his rich buddies there bail on their memberships.
  3. Trump excited his base enough to get out and actually vote. Now I'm curious to know what he'd do to help with the runoff in Georgia. I'm assuming nothing and am mildly hopeful that means Democrats can pull it off, but I don't know if they actually can without the excitement of running Trump out of office.
  4. He absolutely was, but the story isn't sexy enough to get any real attention.
  5. That's Maine, though. There are independents that actually fall for her shtick. Still holds true though. Republicans don't hold onto the Senate is some conservatives aren't splitting their ticket.
  6. Yeah, but if the state legislatures vote to enact those changes, who is a federal court to tell them otherwise? Also, this is exactly what Republicans have been saying they wanted to do for weeks. I'm completely not shocked that even after the election, they're still claiming the same.
  7. Cool, Massachusetts is going back into lockdown starting tomorrow. New Massachusetts Coronavirus Restrictions Start Friday – CBS Boston BOSTON.CBSLOCAL.COM
  8. To cast doubt and keep their base riled up. They're claims of the vote being illegitimate carries more weight when it's also tired up in court. It's easier for the media to both sides the story.
  9. I love libertarians. A libertarianism friend of mine actually voted against moving Massachusetts to ranked voting. It's always a fun reminder that many libertarians are just Republicans that refuse to admit it publicly.
  10. What was that about Trump just labeling everyone as "acting" to avoid Congressional oversight on who he hired?
  11. Occam's American razor. In many places, pollsters and others just ignored minority communities and failed to adequately listen to them.
  12. This is the Trump grift fund since he can't run a charity anymore. Even if he loses, he'll prop up a campaign to run again in 2024 and take in all the cash he can from now until then.
  13. This is the Trump grift fund since he can't run a charity anymore. Even if he loses, he'll prop up a campaign to run again in 2024 and take in all the cash he can from now until then.
  14. That depends. It would probably be for the best if Republicans turn a blind eye to any investigations into a theoretical former Trump admin. The GOP can find some other authoritarian figurehead and folks will just go with it. I mean, it's either that or run a wildly old Trump in 2024 or one of his far less charismatic children, right? ...Then again, if the Dem ticket going into 2024 is like Harris/Beto, I can imagine an Ivanka/Kushner ticket making headway. It's really hard putting myself into three mindset of these ghouls.
  15. They'll put mayo on anything. Fries, hotdogs, whatever. Though, I will admit, a completo hotdog with mayo and everything else is pretty damn tasty. I mean, that's not Argentinian, but whatever.
  16. It's also a loss for the workers since they don't really get much in the way of protections. The problem is that people don't vote to protect workers at the cost of goods. Sure, they'd vote to increase workers' wages, but they aren't going for added protecting. Most aren't going to connect the dots when it comes to something as nebulous as the difference between employee and contractor. That was an impossible hill to climb.
  17. Did anyone actually think people would vote to raise the price of their Uber/Lyft rides? That was a non-starter. I'm not at all shocked to see those one win out.
  18. I do use Latinx in more formal settings, so depending on what time of the day it is, you might see it from me. Like, if I'm in the middle of shooting off a bunch of email while working at my desk, it'll more likely pop up than if I was just shit posting on a Saturday night.
  19. That's literally all it sort of comes down to. Like, just because I think Colombians sound all hoity-toity and Mexicans are all weird compared to the rest of us and Peruvians eat guinea pigs and neither Brazilians or Haitians even talk the right language, sure. Hell, I don't even know if anyone outside of Puerto Rico considers the rubbish we talk Spanish. None of it matters. We're all exactly the same.
  20. It's such a good thing that so much of our government is held together with goodwill and faith that unelected government officials will just behave themselves even without penalty or any type of mechanism to hold them accountable.
  21. Yeah, I don't get it. I think I need to repost that SMBC comic with how sports fans seem to understand probability better than people that follow politics. Like, if I had a 10% chance of winning the lottery, I'd play everyday and not even blink.
  22. Yeah, a Trump win means no stimulus because folks will forget they didn't receive any help by 2022. A Biden win means no stimulus because that would lead to a better recovery come the day he gets sworn in. The only way a stimulus ever happens is if things still suck in February, Biden wins, and Dems take the Senate 50/50. Even then, it's a toss up.
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