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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. That's like asking the question "If Trump were guilty of colluding or accepting help from a foreign government for the 2016 election, how would he be acting differently?" The answer to both of those questions is nothing. He would be acting exactly the same way. For the last four years Trump has really been acting like someone that was guilty of working with a foreign government to help win the 2016 election. Does it matter if that help didn't amount to much? No. That's like asking if the Patriots or Astros really deserved to be punished for cheating if it didn't really help them much. If Trump had plans to win this 2020 election by any means necessary, including a coup or faithless electors, how would he be acting? I'd argue he'd be acting the exact way he has been. Nothing he, the White House, or GOP leadership has done has pointed to anything other than an attempt to see how far they can push the narrative before a coup gets called out as one. So far the only evidence against an attempted coup is that it's either been unsuccessful so far or that it's crazy talk. I can point to Republican leadership talking about faithless electors being a legal option for them and that gets brushed aside as just mindless speculation. At what point do we start holding Republicans accountable for their own words and actions? Like I said earlier, we deserve Schumer and Pelosi if the answer is nothing.
  2. That's exactly it. Trump is bad at planning things, but just because he has thus far been pretty bad at planning this coup doesn't mean his attempt shouldn't be considered a scandal that should live forever in highschool history classes and then promptly forgotten about. Americans aren't going to learn anything by this other than, maybe, how to work it for someone else that's far more competent. However, just acting like it's not happening because it hasn't been very successful until now or because norms is crazy to me.
  3. I forgot Sakuna of Rice and Ruin just came out. I might pick that up on the Switch.
  4. I'm glad this story is getting more coverage. I don't think Trump will be successful here, but he's certainly going to try and that alone is worth so the coverage in the world. However, the current stance from many in the media and elsewhere seems to be that there's no way Trump would actually attempt this. I just don't understand how anyone can look at Trump and the GOP and think to themselves "there's no way they'd stoop so low". Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt? With that kind of thinking being in the forefront, we deserve Schumer leading things in the Senate.
  5. To add to this, most people don't really pay attention to the news. If everyone in the country cm got a few masks in the mail with a letter asking them to use it and stay safe, I would imagine that would change the minds of a not insignificant number of people. Even then, if it's only 1000, then that lives saved.
  6. Massachusetts has a Republican governor. If Biden elects someone from Massachusetts to his cabinet, that would leave a vacancy our Republican governor could fill. This is proposed legislation to force Baker to fill the position with another Democrat.
  7. I'd be sad to see Warren leave the state, but if she's headed to the cabinet, cool. That said, it would be utter bullshit if Dems win both seats in Georgia, but still loss out because Baker appoints a Republican to her seat. We need to stop electing Republicans to the governorship.
  8. Yeah, but Corman isn't the one that spoke with the Trump campaign about choosing their own electors. I'm not suggesting this is going to happen, but let's not pretend the White House hasn't been trying to figure out if they can.
  9. Then what do the words of the Pennsylvania Republicans mean? To me, it sounds like they're saying the law allows then to choose their own electors if the election in their state isn't sorted out quickly and people lose faith in the election results and litigation over the vote gets dragged out to long. I am literally all ears for another interpretation of their words.
  10. No, they haven't done that, but you can't possibly be arguing that the idea hasn't been flagged around by the GOP. Let me link to this story again... There were also folks inside the Trump campaign pushing this idea. I mean, it's not like this was posted by Trump's own family. Donald Trump Jr. Just Promoted a Brazen Plan to Steal the Election – Mother Jones WWW.MOTHERJONES.COM The president’s son retweeted a call for Republican-controlled state legislatures to try to override the presidential election.
  11. The original tweet makes no such claim, so I wouldn't go that far yet. That said, the conspiracy theory only came up because Republicans said that's what they wanted to do before the election and then again after the election. It's not an out of thin air conspiracy theory if the GOP is publicly floating the idea and has been for weeks.
  12. That's best case scenario, but probably not the case. I mean, I could really imagine a scenario where Trump did make that request and now he's blaming Esper for his loss. That said, I'd really imagine he'd be a lot more vocal about this being part of the reason for all the "rampant voter fraud".
  13. Of course he is, because then he'd get to continue raising campaign funds. I'd say he's going to be SO far ahead of everyone else running in the 2024 Republican primary, but we know he's just going to spend it all between now and then.
  14. So what awful thing is Trump attempting to do that he had to fire Esper to make it happen?
  15. Let's see... Probably Cyberpunk, if it actually releases this year I've already pre-ordered Age of Calamity I might also pick up Kena on the EGS if it's as good as the initial trailers make it look Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is in December, right? So, yeah, that one too
  16. That's the only thing that makes sense here. Trump can still damage his political career and he assumes that Trump will be readily available for interviews by anyone within shouting distance.
  17. The only way she's ever filling for divorce is if she think they're about to go Schitt's Creek, she thinks he's going to jail, or she thinks he's going to die. I don't for a second believe he's leaving her a dime of his imaginary wealth, not when he has Ivanka right there.
  18. His family just learned about how much of a grift political donations can be. There's no way they aren't all just running for whatever office they can think of from here until the day they did.
  19. I don't normally play early access games, but this game is legit brilliant. Spending half an hour trying to plan your escape and then getting 60 seconds to pull off your plan is so incredibly satisfying/nerve wracking.
  20. It is perfectly in character for Trump to purge the White House of anybody he thinks failed him in his re-election bid, even if it didn't make a while lot of sense. This administration was never going to assist with the transfer of power.
  21. Trump will trash everything he can while also trying to figure out how much of the expensive artwork in the White House he can keep. Best case scenario is he sulks off to Mar-A-Lago, but nothing about 2020 had been best case.
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