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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Amazon eats roboticists like they do small businesses. I swear, I know ten times more engineers go to Amazon Robotics than just go to any robotics company not owned by Amazon. It's great to know the future Robocops are named Alexa. It's a very feminist future. I can't wait for my minority ass to be beaten while also being asked if I want some painkillers shipped to my prison cell via Prime.
  2. That's what I'm thinking. How is this not shaped somewhat like an arcade cabinet. Even SNK got the design somewhat right and those fools put analog sticks on their mini MVS. And $200, too?
  3. He's going to live in Mar-A-Lago and is hoping he can charge whatever Secret Service is watching him an arm and a leg to have their rooms.
  4. For the first time since March my city has hit the 100+ new cases in a single day. Even then, that spike in March could almost entirely be attributed to Boston commuters and that convention. Once folks started working from home, it's kept pretty stable until just this last month. Cool. Just love it. My wife is a special needs teacher and they've decided to keep kids with severe disabilities in school, however the limit on adults present in each class is down to one. That's awesome. Let's just have a single teacher with no aids handle a class of 10 kids with severe disabilities.
  5. I couldn't find the Reverb G2 anywhere in stock, so I just caved and shelled out the $300 for a Quest 2. I'm not sure I want to go back to tethered gaming after getting to enjoy Alyx complete wireless with nary a dropped frame in sight.
  6. I had no idea we were even getting a full fledged sequel. This one is coming next summer to the PS4 and Switch.
  7. And just a few weeks ago Webtoons was having a Latinx artist spotlight. The term is definitely used, but now I'll have to check out what games are for sale. Never a bad idea to support minority artists and developers.
  8. Well, yes. The disinformation campaign against Spanish speaking communities was nothing at all like it was in 2016. It's was everywhere. Everywhere enough that I was exposed to it and I don't even have Facebook.
  9. Yeah, older religious people aren't visiting the more left-leaning blogs that use the term. Most people have never heard of the term and it gets a lot less play in Spanish-language news that it does on English-language. This is my take. Blame the media. Their insistence on both-siding everything and refusing to call Trump and his ilk straight racists and/or liars leads to folks simply not believing the worst aspects. This works both ways. Less politically informed people view Republicans and Democrats on more centrist terms. Republicans not as far right and they really are and Democrats as a little more left than they really are with the worst bits of either simply just being shit slinging by the opposition. That's how you get people to not believe Trump is trying to take away pre-existing conditions protections or that he's not racist. Once you take the racism out of the equation, guess what older, more religious Latinx are? Conservative. Even more socially conservative than white folk. The only thing stopping Republicans from cleaning house with these people is a fear of alienating white racists. If that weren't their worry, the older generation would vote Republican at much higher rates.
  10. As I've mentioned before. I'm Latino and will sometime use the term, mostly in a professional setting. Even if I don't care much for it, there are a bunch of non-binary Latinx people that feel the phrase is more inclusive for them. It doesn't cause any harm and it makes those folks feel better, so I'm in the 3% there. That said, I don't think I've ever used it out loud. Mostly in emails and such.
  11. Nobody told me you could pilot the divine beasts in this game. That all said, I'm enjoying this one. I skipped the demo since I had the game pre-ordered. I'm enjoying it so far. It is easily the best musou games based on a Nintendo franchise so far and I quite like Fire Emblem Warriors.
  12. I was just thinking about how He's death by COVID-19 could actually wake up conservatives too how serious this disease in, but then I realized that's just make up some conspiracy about how Jr was assassinated or faked his death.
  13. That won't happen, but he will make a plea to the electors to vote for him. I actually wonder if they'll try to dox the electors if/when they refuse to go faithless.
  14. Half this country doesn't have laws in place to stop faithless electors and the half that do don't have penalties in place for them. This country was designed with the assumption that everyone that mattered were members of the same country club.
  15. Like everything else in this country, I'd put money on there not being an actual law to stop it from happening or even if there was a law, there's zero penalty associated with it.
  16. I guess my wife has it easy then. Our local city puts like 70% of it's budget into education. She's a special needs teacher and has only a handful of students. She started the year in person with a lottery system and was moved to 100% online after the city started spiking. Last she was told, they'd remain online until at least a couple of weeks after New Years Day. The thinking was to try to see if there's a huge spolike after the holidays. The city is in pretty bad affair, though. We're nearing 500 new infections a week for a city of 112k. It's the suburban and college parts of the city causing issues; so basically Trump voters and college kids.
  17. AMD was pretty much there like five years ago. The Opteron A1100 was a fantastic CPU. I still have one in production because I can't find a faster 32bit ARM CPU. No OEMs signed up 5 years ago and AMD then abandoned the line. Sucks because it was a genuinely great CPU back then.
  18. If I remember my gnosticism correctly, it's the belief that the creation God sent Jesus down to save us all from the wrathful God of the Old Testament. It's a shame more early-Christianity gnostic texts didn't survive.
  19. I wouldn't worry too much. While Trump is definitely attempting a coup, he's REALLY bad at the whole execution thing. Right now he has Giuliani making barely coherent arguments in court on his behalf. I don't mean that in a partisan way. He was, literally, incoherent at times. As of right now, it doesn't seem there's enough wiggle room for Trump to outright steal the election. It looks like Biden won by the bare minimum he needed to in order to prevent that from happening. That said, you should totally be aware of a future not idiot Republican will likely be successful in pulling off this stunt. We just aren't there yet, so it's not something really worth sending every liquor store owner in your area into early retirement over.
  20. So they really are going all in with the idea that because red counties handled the election worse, blue counties should have their votes thrown out.
  21. I'll give that one a shot. That sounds easier than what I was thinking about. My thinking was that the best way to go about this one is going with an herby mashed so you don't miss the dairy. Half russet, half yellow on the potato side, a good helping of salt, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, white pepper, thinly sliced chives and thyme, a couple sticks of Miyoko's cultured European unsalted butter, and some Forager half & half...or maybe Tofutti sour cream.
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