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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. That's mostly because Friends is a group of terrible people the audience is supposed to love while Seinfeld is a group of terrible people and the audience is in on the joke. It's why I could never get into shows like Friends or even dramas like Sex and the City, but am totally cool with Seinfeld or Shameless.
  2. Yeah, this isn't about Disney forcing anything. This is a combination of things. The budget for hand drawn animation is through the roof, especially Studio Ghibli hand drawn animation where do much of the screen is alive. Also getting any feature length movies done in a reasonable amount of time takes a ton of people, people the studio no longer has after the exodus that occurred following Miyazaki's retirement and the move of some folks over to Studio Ponoc. I think their current hand drawn feature is scheduled for release like 2/3 years from now and it's already been in production for a few years now. On top of that, the market for hand drawn features has dramatically shrunk over the last few decades. There is a belief that Studio Ghibli movies have a larger audience than your typical anime and that CG films do better with modern audiences, especially kids. Disney did see this as a thing that was happening, so it's no shock Studio Ghibli came to the same conclusion. I guess I'm 2020 we expect Studio Ghibli to be able pull off Moana when they're really in the Chicken Little territory.
  3. Now much that I can remember, but he did a good job of teaching people that young black men could be total uncool and unintimidating. I'm looking at him and Carlton.
  4. Massachusetts has a $500 fine in place of you break quarantine after coming in from out of state. Ask me how many people I know that have vacationed in like Florida and then went on as if there was no such thing? Nobody is taking these quarantines seriously.
  5. I picked up Anno 1800 in EGS, a promising knockoff Switch Pro controller for my son, and a new soundbar for my living room TV. That's about the only sort of game related stuff I picked up. I mean, I did also get a new snowblower, so that's cool.
  6. That's not real. I refuse to believe it. That's got to be less a real thing than Latinx. It doesn't even solve the pronoun issue Spanish has if you're trying to create genderless pronouns. Latinx I get. I've never used it in Spanish, but it makes sense to me in an English setting where English is already genderless. Elle is just awkward. I'm assuming it's pronounced similarly to ella. That would be, what? Elle and elles. Yeah, I don't like that one. I get it, but I just tried it and it isn't very recognizable for what it's trying to convey. Like, if you tried to say "the actor, Eliott Page" in Spanish, that works fine. "el actor Eliott Page". How do you remove the gender from that? It would be a ridiculously huge undertaking that I don't know is possible, especially in these inorganic ways. Elliot Page, la estrella de 'Juno', comunica su identidad transgénero | CNN CNNESPANOL.CNN.COM El martes, la estrella nominada al Oscar de películas como "Juno" y "X-Men: Days of Future Past" compartió con los fanáticos que es transgénero y se identifica como no binario, un término utilizado para... Like, it's all over the place, but luckily Elliot gave everyone an out by allowing the use of he/him.
  7. Aside from the potato quality trailer being the only one I can find online, it looks...OK? I think Lupin III lends itself a bit more to the CG look. This movie is certainly better looking than Ronja, but I'll wait for a second trailer before really committing one way or the other. The stills they released a while back looked good, so we'll see. Goro Miyazaki still isn't the best director Ghibli has, so that isn't winning them any favors.
  8. Would we really already know that there's been no spike since Thanksgiving/Black Friday? Don't people usually not start seeing symptoms for a couple of weeks? In, hopefully, unrelated personal news. My aunt is still sick and now my ~70yo grandfather has COVID. My sister and her husband now have COVID and my mother, for some crazy reason I already scolded her for, went to their place for Thanksgiving. She's getting tested on Thursday. A family friend and their entire clan also all have it, even after my wife told them to be more careful and they said they didn't need to be. That's cool since she is in the middle of chemo and her mother is pushing 90. Just so much awesomeness.
  9. Greed and the accumulation of wealth isn't just a moral virtue, but a righteous one as well. All those multimillionaire televangelists with millions of viewers/congregants helped shape the modern day evangelical religion. They're the crazies going around proclaiming that God will steal back the election for Trump. They preach that if you aren't flush with cash, it's because God hasn't blessed you and he can totally bless you if bless them with a small donation that will be used to put a down payment on a private jet. That's how you get crazy laughing peacher man being worth like $300m, tax free.
  10. Yeah, but if they did anything to help prevent evictions then there wouldn't be all that sweet property to gobble up on the cheap.
  11. Please tell me this is the real Lin Wood... Could this boycot of the runoff elevation really be picking up steam? That would be awful.
  12. I now know too many people infected that I've lost count, because I guess folks just stopped caring in the ramp up to the holidays. That includes one friend currently on chemo and her 80-something year old mother. My wife and I are currently on lockdown. I don't have Facebook, but it sounds like we've had a ton of people celebrating Thanksgiving and even doing some Black Friday shopping. This is going to be a mess.
  13. Trump won't run for anything again, but he'll ALWAYS be campaigning for a future election that he doesn't actually enter. With even Deutsche Bank cutting ties, he needs to raise funds another way and what better way than to grift voters. It'll be a real shame to see conservatives donating their money to his future imaginary campaigns instead of Republicans running for real offices.
  14. Well yes, but I mean that they never assumed it would go beyond that. A lot of the things we do are built around how they worked a few hundred years ago. Electors traveling out to Congress to report their states' election results make perfect sense when you can't pick up a phone. We, as a nation, just have refused to update any of it. We live in a nice old, Victorian house with drafty windows that's costs a fortune to upkeep because we don't want to get rid of the old, warped glass.
  15. That was me and I stand by it. The founders just assumed that wealthy land owners would be the only ones voting and the only ones with enough time and money to running for office, travel around, and getting themselves spoken about in the paper. That's why they were initially ok with having the runner up in elections serve as the vice president. It was almost a hundred years later before poor people were even allowed to vote in every state. Some random founder, "There's no way any Senator would ever besmirch his name in such manner. If they did, nobody would ever invite them to tea again. They'd be barred from all the best coffee houses in New York."
  16. This is me here. I'm firmly in the "there's a chance and we should acknowledge and maybe even worry about it" camp, but the win was just large enough to keep the worst from happening. My issue with the margins was that it was only just large enough. I would have been happier if the win margin were larger and that we didn't have to rely on Federalist Society judges to save us from a stolen election. I still think that just because Trump failed doesn't mean we shouldn't shore up the laws in this country to stop it from happening by someone actually competent.
  17. Just work with eBay, Amazon, Walmart, and Google to not allow new consoles to be sold at greater than retail prices. You'd still sell out, but customers would be less upset if jumping online to find one in stock somewhere didn't only list units marked up 20-50%. My son wants a Mario Kart Home Circuit for Christmas. I ordered a Japanese model from Play Asia because even with the $40 shipping, it was cheaper than anything I could find elsewhere online.
  18. That's mostly because that's exactly what their stated stance was. There was no reading between the lines. That's exactly what they said they wanted to do. Just because they tried and failed doesn't mean much. As I said previously, there was no reason not to take Republicans at their word. Some people were acting like there was no way Trump would actually try anything, but he did. He just failed spectacularly like one of his casinos.
  19. We were worried that Trump would attempt to do it, and he did. What didn't work out for him was that the results were too far apart and his legal cases too flimsy to allow conservative judges to tilt things in his favor. Many of us were concerned that Trump needs to lose by a lot to not allow any judicial/elector shenanigans from taking place. Hindsight is that he did lose by a lot, but he still went with the gameplan. A more competent authoritarian in a closer election would have been able to steal it. Laws in this nation shouldn't allow for such things, but norms and all.
  20. This isn't really news. Facebook employees have, for years, written up algorithms that would fix many of the problems associated with Facebook. It just hasn't happened because Zuck is a terrible person. Nobody is forcing his hand. The largest social media conglomerate on the planet is run by a right wing sycophant who's more than glad to make authoritarian governments happy, but will do nothing for the mental health of its users. As long as the unwashed masses keep clicking and the authoritarians don't ban them, he's happy.
  21. Eh...I'm just being salty because they're like half an hour from me and I hear from their recruiters like four times a year. Everyone I know that's left places like iRobot, FLIR, Boston Dynamics/SoftBank go there. It's crazy and I refuse to believe that Amazon isn't OmniCorp. Their Ring and police shenanigans aren't helping, though.
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