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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Massachusetts has more cases than Florida, per capita in official numbers. Florida looks to be underreporting cases by about 20%, so someone else can do the math. Looks like we'd be about even. Yay, Republican governors! He carved out a huge exception to churches and that's been a huge point of infection. Even now, the roll backs won't touch churches. Combine that with how young all our major cities trend and how younger folks don't seem to really care and it's been a disaster. Now my second brother-in-law is in and out of the hospital with COVID and my grandfather was intubated. Lots of fun going on out here.
  2. It's cool, we're rolling back to Phase 3, Step 1. Yay... Massachusetts Governor Baker announces reopening rollback to Phase 3, Step 1 amid COVID-19 surge WWW.CBSNEWS.COM He said new infections and hospitalizations are showing "disturbing trends."
  3. The entire culture is toxic and every one of these people sending these emails should be up on assault charges. However, she likely won't go down that path because gamers suck and she'll likely become an even larger target.
  4. That's my worry. RDR2 was an amazing accomplishment with a fully believable world that was lovingly created...with mostly mediocre gameplay. I didn't care for it at all. I'm very self-conscious of the fact that I worry my love for the aesthetic and the world created may cause me to overlook middling gameplay that may honestly just not be very fun. I have two weeks off this month. This was supposed to be the game I play while my son looks on. Crunch doesn't help. Crunch only helps management that has a vested interest in games releasing on time. Too much crunch leads to unhappy workers and, frankly, shit work. Nobody does their best work on the wrong side of a 90hr week. The only reason to crunch is because management did a shitty job planning things and then didn't want to risk their bonuses by delaying the game outside of their fiscal.
  5. Maybe, but probably someone actually talented. Like Che and Jost are two of head writers for the show. They're both around my age, so Stan dropped just out of highschool for them. Is Tekashi69 going to be relevant enough to get the call for a cameo in SNL twenty years from now? I mean, when Stan came out Eminem was just coming off his Grammy win.
  6. See, my issues with reviews are things like "you can't show off gameplay until the game is in player hands" and 50GB day zero patches that still okay to buggy ass games. Games this big always worry me because they come with so much momentum it's hard to know how to read reviews. I mean, it's probably good, but is it great like RDR2 good? Game reviewers really tend to look past bugs when reviewing pre-release games because the devs tell them that'll all be patched out by release. That doesn't even begin to go into what kind of monstrous hours there forcing on their employees if the mess on Monday is supposed to be mostly sorted out by Friday.
  7. If that's the case, then I'll likely wait until we get some reviews with the day one patch. I'm certainly not up for testing an unreviewed patch.
  8. Who actually airs his rallies anyway? Does Trump even get to direct Air Force One half way across the country on Inauguration Day? Is this one of those things where they'll drop him off and then head back to DC for Biden? Am I putting more thought into this than anyone else in the White House? Probably.
  9. Yup, this is me. I don't need the game right now, though I did want it for my upcoming holiday break. I can play something else. I'll wait a few months or until whenever for some patches to hit. I've got a enough games on my plate to not really want to deal with a game that'll be far more enjoyable later
  10. Same for me. I don't have cable TV anymore, so it's just chips from YouTube for me. I mean, they basically put up the entire episode along with some web only sketches with a few hours of airing.
  11. It's going to take suck between now and mid-January. My son turns five in a couple of weeks. Still not having anyone over. I'll just set up like a projector or something in the dining room with Zoom hooked up.
  12. If you're hoping for some humor, just wait to watch all the televangelists explain why Biden is president to their congregations.
  13. Yeah, in Massachusetts even Baker admits that churches are becoming super spreader events. I know of thirteen people from my church that are sick, and that includes my sister and her husband and my brother-in-law. We were just talking to me sister-in-law and she tells me that her pastor along with a bunch of the leadership at her church are all sick with COVID. It's the combination of anti-science rhetoric combined with the belief that God will protect us.
  14. I think that one was because there were rumors flying around that they were going to be bought.
  15. Wait, there was another deadline set to finalize the sale? That deadline was yesterday and the Trump administration is telling TikTok they won't extend the date deadline again? The US government will let TikTok run out the clock and ‘overlook’ its own deadline WWW.THEVERGE.COM The saga continues. Oh, but they're not going to enforce anything. Cool. What a gigantic waste of time.
  16. And fuck everyone in the press that's not pushing for answers on what everyone plans to do with the upcoming eviction crisis.
  17. Just to piggy back off of this, Nintendo isn't really looking to force themselves into huge profits. They'd rather continue with sustainable success over the ups and downs of chasing the next big thing. Their chief executives are making a fraction of their counterparts at others in the industry. They also seem like their stable group of employees over ramping up with contractors and then cutting them loose after their last big game goes gold. It's worked pretty well. There really aren't that many companies that have managed sustained success and profitablity over so many years in this industry.
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