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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. VRV is an AT&T thing, so yeah, it'll shut down. It was a phenomenal deal when Funimation was on the service. I dropped it as soon as CuriosityStream and Funimation left. The app is awful and I was only using it for Crunchyroll by that point.
  2. Laws with no punishment associated with them are pointless. Punishments that require the cooperation of the Executive to punish itself are pointless. Here's a store. We work on the honor system. Just pay for whatever you take before you leave. However, we won't chase you down if you don't pay. Like, sure, that'll work out mostly fine for the first few days, but the second Trump comes in, grabs all the steaks and laughs at anyone that paid is the second everything else falls apart.
  3. If I remember how things went correctly, the app was trash and then development was kind of canned when they tried to push everyone over to VRV. However, VRV was even worse trash and everyone bailed when Funimation and CuriosityStream pulled out of the deal.
  4. Looks like AT&T is unloading some of its properties. Next on the chopping block is Crunchyroll which they've just sold to Sony for a little more than $1b... AT&T to Sell Crunchyroll to Sony’s Funimation for $1.175 Billion VARIETY.COM AT&T agreed to sell its Crunchyroll anime business to Sony's Funimation group for $1.175 billion in cash.
  5. The biggest thing Facebook has against it are literally emails from Facebook execs saying "We should buy Instagram to stop them from competing with us." Outside of a slap on the wrist, the next most likely scenario would be Facebook being forced to sell off Instagram, but getting to keep WhatsApp.
  6. I'll own up to my own shit. I assumed Trump would win because this is how my brain works here... I just assumed racists would vote in crazy numbers and the younger activists would be too busy with TikTok to actually vote. Were COVID-19 not a thing and mail in voting so widespread, I still think that happens. As far as electoral tomfoolery, I've long been in the a close vote could allow for a steal camp. I'm pretty sure I told folks here to vote to make sure the win was large enough to stop Trump's attempted steal from succeeding. I'm pretty sure everyone else was in the same boat. Either that or I missed their posts here.
  7. Sounds like he's a mess of a human with the only yes man left in his life being the high price lawyer willing to bleed him for every last lawsuit he can come up with.
  8. I doubt it. Facebook will, likely successfully, argue that they're dumping tons of cash into an emerging markets that doesn't yet have a clear leader.
  9. Pretty much. Unless they're forced to sell off Instagram and WhatsApp, there is no amount of fine or future regulation that will fix anything. I don't believe for a second anything will come of this, but I will be happy to be wrong.
  10. I can't play this game until they completely get rid of the literal seizure-inducer. While I'll be fine, I don't know if my kids will be and they like to sit and watch every game I play. That puts the game off limits for the time being. That's aside from my limited time and unwillingness to deal with a buggy game. That all said, I don't know if I'd even have the time to play this if it really is a big old 200hr game. Blame CDRP. The game is unfinished and they gave it to reviewers too close to release. Views on game reviews drop after a game is released, so the market has dictated that every reviewer rush to get these reviews out between the tiny window between the embargo and release date.
  11. Every complaint about the game is not the fault of the developers. This is all on management over at CDPR and they can take all the shit. They're the ones that fucked up planning of this game so badly that their employees got stuck working crazy hours while also trying to gas light the press into believing those same over-worked employees were happy to not see their families and sleep in the office.
  12. Ha, true enough. Go pick up a nice hot sauce then. Last time I had pneumonia, I lost my sense of taste. I wound up eating virtually nothing but chicken soup with a good helping of chili oil.
  13. Yes. I don't think anything posted by anyone includes the patches dropping tomorrow. It's part of the reason CDPR isn't allowing video reviews of the game. Everything is going off the day zero patches unless nvidia has access to updates reviewers don't.
  14. Go all in. I've got stuff like ghost pepper powder and szechuan peppercorns that I cook with...often. The szechuan peppercorn should work out pretty well since you should definitely feel that even without taste.
  15. I can't believe this game is going to be running around 30fps for me. I've got a water-cooled 3900x, 32GB of RAM OCed to 4Ghz, and a 2080TI. I wonder how much of that is bad optimization versus the max settings for this game being so ahead of the curve.
  16. Try spicy foods. As I understand it, even in cases of extreme taste loss, spicy can still register.
  17. I'm being snarky to CDPR, not you. CDPR was warned their portrayal of trans persons could be problematic and they failed to even look into those charges. Like I said. We know they failed to even think about it because it would have been caught literally seconds into the game.
  18. I had the dollar amounts wrong, but they're still the largest game publisher/developer in Europe, ahead of Ubisoft. They're worth $8b+ USD. CD Projekt is now Europe’s most valuable game company ahead of Ubisoft | VGC WWW.VIDEOGAMESCHRONICLE.COM Remarkable growth continues as The Witcher 3 celebrates its fifth birthday…
  19. Voices are a sometimes sensitive subject in the community. Here's what literally 2 seconds on Google gets me. The Sound of One's Own Voice HMS.HARVARD.EDU Voice and speech therapy can help transform identity and aid in gender affirmation If CDPR were a small indie dev team, nobody would really care. The issue is they aren't. They pull in like $500m/yr. That's some $500k per employee. For years now people have been telling them they need to be sensitive about they're portrayal of trans people after they started marketing the game with a trans stereotype. This is at the character creation stage. That means they didn't listen to anyone here. They didn't hire a single person to check for LGBTQ sensitivity over the years people have been asking them to. How do we know that? Because this would have been caught since it's literally on the character creation screen at the start of the game.
  20. I'm going to quote you because now it seems trendy. The kind of representation people are looking for is any type that isn't some lazy or sexist or racist or whatever stereotype. I'm Puerto Rican. I'd like to see more representation for Hispanics or Latinx folks in general. However, just giving me another drug dealer or hood rat or Latin lovers or maid isn't the representation I'd like to see. It doesn't even have to be good representation. Just make it something new and interesting. It could be a calculating serial killer, a hacker taking down a government, a sniper giving the good guys hell, or, I don't know, any normal person. I'm a straight, married man, with a whole bunch of young kids driving me a little crazy during this year of isolation. I won't pretend to know what trans folks are feeling here, but I'm also sure they'd like representation that isn't just another sexy trap.
  21. CDPR is not some tiny company here. They're a billion dollar publisher/developer with their own storefront. It's more than just this one thing, though. It's more about how over the last year or two, they've been prodded about the game's inclusivity and just come up flat while using a trans character at the forefront of a lot of their marketing.
  22. Nobody is trying to make the game go away. This is all stuff people are hoping can be patched in because it just shouldn't be that bad. Also, CDPR had always been pretty great about supporting their games for years after release, so I'm sure everything everyone could ever want will be patched in at some point. That just tells me I'm better off waiting. Maybe I'll even wait until they get around to patching in VR support.
  23. The comparison to CoD isn't about how those games are mostly crappy. It's about how they're churned out, one after the other, and this game has been in development for years. I don't think CDPR would be getting any of the grief they're getting if not for their thin veneer of inclusivity. There's nothing that irks people more than companies/people being fake.
  24. They're going to patch in an epilepsy warning. With the effect they have going, I don't think it'll be enough. It also may not be out in time for launch. If the effect is as bad as it sounds, we're going to have a lot of people that had no idea they were mildly epileptic all of the sudden going into seizures. That's cool.
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