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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. My biggest source of optimism is that we aren't medically advanced enough to allow the boomers to use their hoarded wealth to live forever. I don't have much hope for Gen X folks that were raised by that wildly selfish generation, but the Millennials and Zoomers growing up in poverty compared to previous generations could make some serious change. What the pandemic/climate change landscape looks like then will be an entirely different question. The racist landscape will also be worlds different and this lockdown year likely accelerated that. White folks under 18 are officially a minority this year. There could, maybe, be a light at the end of white supremacist politics. Who knows. Trump is either the crest or the sign of worst things to come. I'm hoping for crest here because it'll make life a LOT easier for my brown kids.
  2. I did not account for the fact that all the would-be faithless electors would instead be cosplaying as electors on a news station so fake, it looks like a spoof of OANN; which nobody can convince me isn't some low budget reboot of the Onion News Network. This fucking year. At least we're getting some great comedy out of it.
  3. @Air_Delivery is going to be right unless some chucklefuck out of Massachusetts votes for Elizabeth Warren. I'm shocked we didn't even equal 2016's number. My faith in humanity has not really changed all that much.
  4. That's because the idea has gone mainstream even if the conspiracy is based on pure crazy. Those are RightRingWatch's two latest tweets. I don't even have to dig around to find this stuff. I told me wife we need to stock up...though that's only because we might be getting a blizzard later this week, so not at all related. EDIT: I should also note, this isn't new. Back in 2016 there was this right-wing belief that Obama was going to declare martial law, cancel the election, and declare himself president for four more years. That, obviously, never happened because "God stopped him at the just minute". For those same people, if Obama had that power, certainly Trump does as well. That doesn't even delve into whether the crazy they're talking about is even a thing a president can do. If Trump doesn't have that power then that means their little conspiracy from 2016 was stupid and that can't possibly be the case. If that makes your head spin, welcome to what is like being a sane Christian in the 2010s.
  5. I have to assume if they're in the "Trump is going to uncover it all" crazy, then it's likely the latest Q craziness. They're all going wild right now trying to figure out why Trump didn't win reelection.
  6. Actually good to know. When the bugs are ironed out and I do pick this up, I was wondering if this fix was worth checking out for a 3900x.
  7. I didn't feel like starting a new thread for this. Hyundai takes control of Boston Dynamics in $1.1B deal WWW.THEVERGE.COM Boston Dynamics’ robots could soon come to even more places. Ha! If you've ever heard me talk about SoftBank in the past then you'd know this was completely expected. I'm assuming that the 20% that's being managed by a SoftBank subsidiary is going to held by SoftBank Robotics, which is another one of SoftBank's acquisition. Those guys, however, did share talent with Boston Dynamics, so it makes sense.
  8. Yeah, I'm not suggesting any actual shenanigans to attempt to overturn the election results. I'm taking about regular elector shenanigans. Like some elector out of Vermont voting for Bernie instead of Biden or another one from Oklahoma voting for Kanye instead of Trump. I'm also sure there will be a few that will very publicly vote for Trump knowing that their vote will be tossed out looking for their fifteen minutes of fame on OANN and Newsmax. All of that tells me it's got to be more than 2016, but it will be fascinating if THIS batch of electoral votes is more orderly than four years ago.
  9. There's going to be at least one elector who refuses to vote for Harris for VP and end up voting for like Biden and "insert white guy here".
  10. So what are the odds on the number of faithless electors we get come Monday? The over/under has to be 15.5 right? There were ten of them in 2016. I mean, it doesn't really matter. It won't move the needle, and a bunch of them will just get reverted back to what their respective states voted on thanks to those states' laws. I imagine we'll even get a couple face some sort of legal punishment and do what they can to turn that into a lucrative career on Fox. I just can't imagine we don't double 2016's total, so I'm on the over there.
  11. I'm pretty sure I read a few reviews that said combat in this game is broken, especially in regards to pistols and swords. That sounds about right after watching that.
  12. It would be the most tasteful, for sure, but not really the best thematically. Imagine you have no idea Boseman died because you've been living under a rock. His death would be very confusing for anyone coming in. It's always unfortunate when characters are killed off screen. You always have to come up with some sort of in-universe explanation. This one is just going to be tricky to navigate. I mean, could still be the big bad, just not actually animated/filmed. I guess we'll see. Either way, I completely trust Coogler here. He hasn't given us a reason not to.
  13. Pretty much. Marvel send much more conscious of the fact that they should set up future teams and characters and this one seemed like the next step. I expected it to be taken like a decade from now, so 2020 sucks, but it's still where we could wind up. The only thing I'm wondering is how they handle this. Do they off screen kill the character or do they CG in a fight with the new big bad that kills him in the opener? Both options kind of suck, so I have no idea.
  14. Ironman was about Tony Stark. Black Panther starred the titular character, but was about Wakanda and Killmonger. That's why both are so memorable. Even with the Thor films, Asgard is mostly set dressing. There was more world building in one Black Panther movie than any other single Marvel movie. Wakanda is the most technologically advanced place on Earth in the MCU. It can't and really shouldn't just be abandoned. We've got Ryan Coogler, Michael B Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, and others back. Sure, Boseman was great, but that's a ton of amazing talent still here.
  15. I mean, that could have happened with Boseman still around. He's the only one missing here. Everyone else, including the director, is coming back. Just like real life, the world keeps moving, so seeing the kingdom torn apart by the civil war, followed by the snap, followed by End War, followed by the loss of their king can lead to a great story.
  16. Yeah, there's no reason for multiverse when either "Shuri patched you up" or "Black Panther powers can miraculously heal you" are perfectly valid. Not like those both aren't things that already happened in the first movie.
  17. That would be a huge disservice to him, the rest of the cast, and all the black kids that were happy to finally see themselves in a big budget action film but also as the majority of the cast. There's nothing else Marvel has that would feature such a predominantly black cast. Dropping the series would not allow us to see another movie set in Wakanda and it's the most interesting culture Marvel has put to film. It's also the only culture aside from the Asgardians Marvel has really gone into detail about, but that's neither here nor there. Set Shuri up as the new Black Panther, as she was in the comics, and continue with the story. What would be interesting is if they give her Black Panther powers or if they'll just leave it as no flowers left after Killmonger burned then all.
  18. Cool. Name a games studio or of Latin America or Africa. I honestly can't, even if I've played a few games from Latinx developers. They're lost in the fray of the million other indie devs and the regions don't get much attention since these markets don't have as much buying power. Those are always voices I'm ready to hear from.
  19. She's probably an awful person in the sense that very few successful actors are very normal human beings. That said, a lot of the accusations being lobbed her way were being perpetuated by Depp fangirls and the same Gamergate-type dudebros. No court has sided with Depp here, so I'm inclined to believe this is all just Depp trying to ruin her. It doesn't help his cause that there's plenty of evidence of him literally saying he wants to ruin her.
  20. Don't worry about that. HBO Max will shut down as soon as AT&T sells them off to like Facebook or something.
  21. I'm firmly in the camp that were it not for IBM buying Red Hat, Linux would likely have taken much longer to find a foothold in enterprise. That said, that sounds like an merger that went wrong since CentOS was a separate acquisition.
  22. Are we splitting hairs with mergers and acquisitions? Acquisitions can often work because the bought company can often times be struggling with little chance of righting themselves. I'm thinking Marvel being acquired by Disney or Red Hat being acquired by IBM. As far as mergers go, the only good merger I can think of is Pixar and Disney. Maybe Sirius and XM, as well, since I'm convinced the split market on satellite radio would have killed them off sooner. Yeah, I know they're still in business. Sue me.
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