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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Brave is...fine. it makes sense narratively and is mostly paced OK. It just doesn't tell a very interesting story and what is interesting is telegraphed from like a mile away. At least it has some memorable set pieces and a coherent aesthetic. Merida showing all the boys up on the archery range was pretty good. That's more than I can say for The Good Dinosaur or anything Cars.
  2. Teardown deserved it's honorable mention here. That game doesn't get enough love. For an early access games, it's so well done, gorgeous to look at, and incredibly fun. It's $17 on Steam right now. Everyone should pick it up.
  3. Because Bill Gates and Microsoft control 5g and made COVID-19 to inject you with the Mark of the Beast trackers from the book of Revelations in the Bible. What, Bill Gates doesn't work at Microsoft anymore? What, Microsoft doesn't even have a 5g-capable phone in their product portfolio? What does the Bible have anything to do with this? None of this matters. This is all Q bullshit. Q has taken every conspiracy and rolled it up into one shitty turdball and we're all dumber as a species because of it. Bill Gates is a great target for them because he doesn't really act like one of the richest men on Earth. It's just easier to make up conspiracies about him than to acknowledge that the vast majority of the ultra-wealthy are broken humans. One of the richest man on Earth is using his billions to try to cure diseases and feed the poor in Africa? That can't possibly be true, so he must be experimenting on them or some other insanity.
  4. All that said, this doesn't stop the movie from being very good. I'm being incredibly nit-picky here. Pixar doesn't really have much in the way of misses. There's Cars 2 and The Good Dinosaur. I mean, none of the Cars movies are really all that great, but at least I get what they're going for. Cars 2 was just plain bad and The Good Dinosaur is just so awkwardly paced. Every so often, I watch the movie because my youngest loves dinosaurs and everytime I think to myself "Well, shit, I forgot this entire chunk of film even exists." Like I forget that there are villains in this film and that it also features the most horrifying death in Pixar history.
  5. Toy Story 4 was very good, but it didn't quite hit its mark the way Toy Story 3 did. The best thing to come from Toy Story 4 was the Forky Asks a Question said of shorts on Disney+. Those were great. Coco is just brilliant. The music is spot on, the aesthetic is the perfect amount of colorful, and it hits all the right emotions. It's also very much my favorite Pixar movie.
  6. You should fix that. They're both amazing. Also, Moana has some legitimately amazing music. It's crazy that Moana's amazing soundtrack was followed by Frozen 2. That said, Frozen 2's Show Yourself is pretty damn good and the first song with any real emotion on the Frozen movies. That particular scene hits hard and it's entirely earned. It's so good.
  7. Yes, but that entire relationship is incestuous enough. Either way, these new movies Disney and Pixar are putting out are really good. I still think Wall-E's opening half hour is the best hair hour of any Pixar film, but Coco is so good from beginning to end. Toy Story 3 gets pretty clear, but I still think Coco strikes better. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that my own grandmother died like a week before Coco came out. Also, Moana is the best Disney princess film, ever. Fight me.
  8. Correct. Klaus is phenomenal and The Willoughbys is pretty damn great as well. Also, Glen Keane deserves a mention for a pretty OK Over the Moon. He might be striking a little too close to his Disney roots, but it's still pretty good.
  9. This is where I stand. This was a good movie, but I don't quite place it as highly as either Moana or Coco. I do also like Soul better than Onward. It's also a pretty great movie compared to a lot of the air l animated movies we got this year. It's better than Over the Moon, Trolls World Tour, The Croods, or Scooby. The Willoughbys came out earlier this year. That was pretty great. Random tangent, Netflix Animation has two great films under its belt. That's pretty cool. Back to Soul. My biggest issue with the movie is that the two leads are mostly unlikeable. It's hard to thread the needle when you need redemption arcs for both of your leads. I think they're mostly successful here and I would totally contribute to the film's fresh score. However, in regards to redemption arcs, 22's was easily more deserved than Joe's and that's really where the film slightly misses for me.
  10. I had this racist, shitty VP who would have got right in. We got a bit into once over someone I wanted to hire as my own damn report. His issue was that "anyone could go to these ivy league schools if they really tried" and because "getting your parents to pay and/or getting loans and graduating from them shows you have commitment". This guy always hired the worst, do nothing people imaginable. We went through like a two year stretch where everyone he hired either quit or were fired less than a year in. He was awful.
  11. Perfect timing for the president that "wants to defund the police" and "have protestors burn down their cities".
  12. If Congress does act, it'll be in the form of a reprieve for home/property owners. Nothing will be done for renters. It's already too late, anyway. Outside of cutting everyone like a $10k check next week, it's just simply too late. Single bedroom apartments in my city run for around $1600. If you're a renter using whatever UI benefits you have to eat and not making rent payments you could easily be $8k in the hole since the end of the CARES Act. What's great about this is that they'll now have an eviction on their credit which could make future job hunts that much more difficult in the future. It's also going to be cool that these people with no money for rent will also not have any money for security deposits for their next apartment. We likely have a new generation of people with even worse buying power and credit than they had only a year ago. That's sure to do wonders for future home and car markets.
  13. We are so on the verge of a gigantic economic depression that Biden is going to conveniently inherit. How more people in the press and Congress aren't freaking out over the looming eviction crisis is criminal. I think I've been banging this drum for like nine months. I assumed at least the press would make more of a stink about it, but I guess Trump is too much of a distraction. Late January/early February is going to be so cool. There's going to be Biden with barely any transition, peak deaths from COVID, and hundreds of thousands losing their homes. Awesome.
  14. I mean, yes, but Trump isn't an altruistic white nationalist. He's not fighting for any cause that isn't himself. Trump didn't know who any of these people are. Miller could be pushing for them. Miller totally has a little black book of racists.
  15. Some of these pardons only make sense if Trump believes throwing bones to white nationalist militia types would help him remain president beyond January.
  16. Cool. Why would any country the US ever operates in ever trust this country to bring murderers to justice? It doesn't even matter who the president is.
  17. I'm pretty sure he'll have that $400m he's due on thanks in so small part to the $600m+ that Kushner vanished from the campaign. What's even better is that'll give him the credit leverage to convince some random bank somewhere in Russia to give him a loan to keep his lifestyle going. That said, even if Trump isn't running in 2024, he'll continue to keep a campaign open for donations while continuing his rallies. He likes the admiration he gets from the rallies and running a campaign will allow him to continue his grift. He'll just keep paying his kids handsomely in undisclosed consulting fees. While I see one of the Trump's shooting for the moon in 2024, they can certainly also spin it off into a Kennedy-esque legacy in some state like Florida. Massachusetts keeps voting in unqualified Kennedy's on nothing but their name. There has to be another state and dumb as us, but more Trump-leaning.
  18. Yup, I have the P65. I shut off all of that frame smoothing bullshit. The higher framerates don't bother me, but only if the content is actually meant for it. I've never found a real time implementation built into a TV that I liked.
  19. Yeah, but is it as important as all the alcohol I ordered from Reserve Bar that's been stuck in the same status?
  20. XKCD's hover text is a good reminder. Just because California or Massachusetts are solidly blue means nothing when California has more Trump voters than Texas and Massachusetts has more Trump voters than Mississippi. This being a highly partisan issue means it doesn't really respect the overall politics of each state.
  21. Sounds like she's still in the movie, but her role has been greatly diminished mostly because she refuses to follow pandemic protocols. The original article says she was dropped from being a co-lead and are rewriting things around here. Likely there just putting more focus on Ant-Man and his daughter.
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