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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. We just have to make sure it gets on the Internet archive. Either way, I'm now curious about where we'll hear from Trump next. I'm betting on him trying to hold a press conference and then really hoping all the major news networks just cut him off three words in .
  2. This is sad, but for a moment there you had me thinking something happened to Ken Griffey Jr.
  3. They think removing their liability protections opens them up to censorship lawsuits, even if censorship lawsuits against private entities isn't a thing. Twitter can't violate your first amendment rights, but they REALLY think they can and do.
  4. That part is fine. The bigger issue for me is the effect this would have on cloud-based email and messaging/chat clients like Discord or WhatsApp. They'd be equally liable for content and I really don't want to see what that looks like. Would someone like Signal even be able to exist?
  5. Ending 230 doesn't end Facebook or Twitter. It would have a more serious effect on this site than any of those larger social media sites. It would just lead to greater moderation and anyone that has the resources to automate that come out on top. Folks just want to see the hilarious fallout of all these conservatives being banned from everything from YouTube to Reddit for liability reasons.
  6. It should also prevent Trump from running a campaign to solicit donations to grift from.
  7. Well, it won't be a long wait to check this out ourselves... Studio Ghibli's 'Earwig and the Witch' Gets Theatrical, HBO Max Release Dates | Hollywood Reporter WWW.HOLLYWOODREPORTER.COM Looks like the movie is hitting HBO Max on February 5th.
  8. Turns out that happened to a lot of people. The IRS used old information they had on file. I'm some cases, even sending payments to Turbotax and H&R Block. TurboTax says it expects stimulus payments to be deposited in correct THEHILL.COM Tax-prep software giant TurboTax is telling customers that some people may not have received their stimulus payment because of an "IRS error" but that they expect the issue to be corrected "within Error puts millions of U.S. stimulus payments in wrong accounts -TurboTax | Reuters WWW.REUTERS.COM Millions of pandemic stimulus payments have been deposited in incorrect customer accounts due to an Internal Revenue Service error, according to Intuit TurboTax, which is helping to distribute the payments.
  9. If he's 25th, it's immediate and he has no opportunity to pardon himself and his kids. At least if it's impeachment, he'll have time to get his pardons in order
  10. The Police’s Tepid Response To The Capitol Breach Wasn’t An Aberration | FiveThirtyEight FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Authorities are more than twice as likely to break up a left-wing protest than a right-wing protest.
  11. I should be more clear. It's not that we literally don't know what to do. We just choose not to do anything about it because the people in power are domestic terrorist sympathizers and are keen to not offend the large number of racists in this nation. These people know they could quickly end things by just holding the right people accountable for their actions, but they choose not for whatever bullshit reason they want to spew publicly. They can get away with it because those in power aren't going to have their power and wealth taken from them, so why bother.
  12. The USA has never known what to do with domestic threats from white people. We're really good at blowing up foreigners and people of color, but good old white insurrectionists/terrorists? Half this country could literally rise up and try to kill off the other half of this country and there is fucking presedent to just let them off with a stern letter.
  13. It's an institutional problem. Their failures at the higher levels of office allow for the failures at the lower levels. This country is a mess because those in power refuse to hold their contemporaries to account for their actions. Everyone looks the other way because they also want a free pass for any potential future transgression. If the Dems want to look the other way when Senators and the president incite violence, then they are equally at cause for abdicating their responsibilities. Bad actors can only be bad if the supposed good ones are willing to turn a blind eye.
  14. I don't see it as being any different than being pissed at the "good cops" that stand aside and watch the "rare bad apples" squeeze the life out of people. These people have the power the reign in this crazy, but just choose not to.
  15. Griffith was losing his head over being called a liar even though he knows they lied. It's ridiculous and the media in this country feeds these people's egos by also refusing to call them liars when they straight up lie.
  16. It took billions of years for any species to grow a backbone after the Cambrian Explosion. I'd say Dems need at least half that much time to do the same. Either that or a major extinction event. The Boomers are all going to die out over the next few decades and then there's climate change, so there's you're hope. I think Romney's an awful politician and I'm from Massachusetts and was of voting are when he won the governorship. I'm not at all a fan, but you are correct. He does believe in this silly democracy game the US has been cosplaying as for the last few hundred years.
  17. The Biden administration likely won't look into any charges against Trump, let alone direct the justice department to look into this insurrectionist asshats. There are already Dem leaders saying we must look forward, not backward. It's all bullshit, but I'd rather deal with that spineless bullshit than the GOP's racist/classist/misogynist bullshit.
  18. Nah. Maybe that clown trying to walk away with the podium, but the vast majority of these people clearly visible on camera are going to get to go home and treat this like a funny story they'll share with their grandkids.
  19. Pence isn't going to run for president, but maybe two weeks will be enough that he gets to do all the fun former president stuff like visit baseball games or pop up at a photo op at some national disaster. For the vast majority of Americans, that'll be enough to get the Trump stench off of him. Trump's rabid based would certainly turn on him. Even if he never holds an elected office again, he'd be welcome on TV or spitting out some stupid book.
  20. I mean, yes. I'm just surprised that hasn't happened yet. I don't envy being a senator and going home tonight. Every senator is going to need round the clock protection.
  21. I assumed one of two things would happen. This or they'd just riot in the streets and set some cars in fire. There was zero chance we'd see a peaceful protest and we already knew they weren't prepared for a violent protest the same way they were for a peaceful BLM protest. This was all a recipe for disaster. The only thing shocking to me is that protestors haven't killed anyone yet.
  22. A former president Trump is going to fan the flames on Facebook causing the same thing to happen the next time Democrats try to pass some legislation with their new majority.
  23. This is not at all surprising and shouldn't be too anybody because this has happened at state houses and federal buildings multiple times over the last decade. I don't see how this is any different than right-wing protestors storming the Michigan capitol building with little to no resistance.
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