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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Not to be outdone... Netflix Finalizing GameStop Stock Movie Package; Mark Boal In Talks To Write, Noah Centineo Attached, Scott Galloway To Consult DEADLINE.COM Netflix Near Deal On GameStop Stock Movie; Oscar Winner Mark Boal To Write, Noah Centineo To Star, Scott Galloway To Consult On Script This is a separate movie from the one MGM is looking to make.
  2. Why? Biden successfully ran on COVID aid. Just let Republicans stand at a podium and filibuster the very popular aid Biden won the election promising he would work on delivering. It makes me what want to slam my head into a wall when Democrats work to make Republicans' re-election bids easier. There's no valid reason to avoid having the public watch Republicans try to derail very popular policy.
  3. So does this series end with Wanda turning straight villain when Sword along with, maybe, Dr Strange year apart her reality and maybe even cause her children to disappear? It would be really cool if she was the big bad in the new Strange movie, but I don't think Disney has the balls for that. I'm assuming that everything will reset back to status quo after each TV season for the sake of movie watchers that aren't keeping up with the TV shows.
  4. I'm lucky that we're talking about my daughter here in that regard. She's still a brown girl, but I don't know how worried I'd be if we were talking about my BIPOC son instead. It sucks. Everything about policing and mental health support and everything in this country sucks. We just got our daughter and iPhone running one if those communication through picture apps to see if it helps since she's mostly nonverbal. There's are dedicated devices for this, but they're more expensive and not covered by my great compared to most other people insurance. My daughter's neurologist also wants her saying a therapist...which insurance won't cover, so those visits are entirely or of pocket. Joy.
  5. I've mentioned it here before and I will again. My second daughter is on the spectrum. She has her rare moments and we're worried what those times will look like when she's older. That said, my wife and I have a very simple rule. We will never dial 911. We don't care about what happens, we'll figure out how to handle it on our own or with friends and family. How broken is policing in this country that, even for a possible emergency situation, my wife and I had to talk about this when my daughter isn't even old enough for kindergarten. I would love to know what it would be like to live somewhere I don't have to worry and can call on emergency services whenever I feel there's an emergency.
  6. My wife is vegan and even she approved of this little chart because sex noises at the gym. It's her greatest pet peeve.
  7. I so hate articles like this talking about towns of as few as 2,000 people and as few as 6,000 jobs being lost as if that even tips the scale in comparison to the ~7 million jobs lost over the last year. It would just be cheaper for the federal government to just UBI these people and call it a day.
  8. Pac-Man was good, but I was all about action and fighters. Sonic was so good and the Metal Slug games were the best Metal Slug games ever made to be played by humans and wasn't designed to just eat quarters. SNK needs to stop with the mini Neo Geos and release an all in one NGPC.
  9. Don't you all just love how this nation is run by geriatric boomers right at the ends of the lives? Looking at the makeup of the Vermont state legislature, it sounds like Dems there should do the same thing they did in Massachusetts and change the law to require the governor to appoint someone of the same party.
  10. I haven't tried any of them on the Switch. This game and KoF R2 were my favorite fighters on the handheld. It was seriously a great little thing. Anyone that picked it up was instantly sold, especially once they touched that clicky stick. Like I said, this is the closest you can get to that these days... Amazon.com WWW.AMAZON.COM I don't know of any other gamepad with clicky microswitches in a directional stick and that makes me sad.
  11. Hey, another NGPC owner. I loved mine. I'm still looking for a not crappy gamepad I can use on PC with a micro switch joystick liked the one on the NGPC and NGCD. There's like the PDP Versus and...old PS2 or PS3 versions of the NGCD gamepad.
  12. I hope that isn't the case. We don't need humans that are ultimate evils in a kaiju flick. I'd vastly prefer humans just messing with things they shouldn't be and their creations getting out of their control.
  13. I think there's a clear difference between that and those people that were directly coordinating with insurrectionists through DMs. Those are the ones that I think need to be brought to light before you can really move forward here.
  14. At this point, I would wait for more information about the insiders helping the rioters. Hearing about Republicans within the House, Senate, or their aids that were looking to get their colleagues killed may move the needle. With Trump already out of office, it's more important to convict than to bring on another vote that'll go nowhere and which Americans will just forget about a week later.
  15. Are we running under the assumption that Mecha Godzilla is wearing a Godzilla skin? I hope that isn't the case. Also, there's always a chance that this could be Mecha King Ghidorah and it just hasn't been unveiled yet.
  16. I would say the law in Florida needs to change, but I see they're working exactly as intended.
  17. Didn't they already sue her? Dominion sues Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation APNEWS.COM WASHINGTON (AP) — Dominion Voting Systems filed a defamation lawsuit against lawyer Sidney Powell on Friday, seeking at least $1.3 billion for Powell's “wild accusations” that the company rigged...
  18. I can't wait to hear about how she was the moderate that left the administration when it started to turn ugly and also how the mainstream media was far too mean to her.
  19. I just came here to see if anyone else has posted this. It sounds like Disney being Disney has been working on their own, home grown, deep fake software and not branching off all the work everyone else has done. That sounds like something Disney world do. I don't think Corridor's deep fake is perfect, but I do think it's more human-like. I do think they really nailed the eyes and expressions. He doesn't look as stiff. This is especially true for something they had a week to pull off. A part of me has to assume that Disney has the resources to find a young Mark Hamill lookalike to use as a stand-in on the set. If that's the case, this makes Corridor's efforts even more impressive.
  20. We can't use that phrase when so much of Trump's policies are written by Stephen Miller. Either that or the whole entire history of racist American whites going crazy when blacks come into power/wealth. Trump and QAnon and the entire alt right was an inevitability after Obama became president.
  21. "Boring" in the sense that it's not an exhausting slog of dread over what horrible thing Trump and his administration was going to do next. So much so that nation-shattering scandals became a bi-weekly affair. This Biden administration will absolutely be pivotal in the direction this country moves forward in. It can either follow the same mistakes we made during Reconstruction or actually, I don't know, maybe learn something from history. At least this time we'll actually be able to keep track of things. The worst part about the Trump administration is that it was literally a hippo taking a shit 24/7/365.
  22. I'm there with you. Small detours to debate pizza, sodas, or certain people's terrible tastes in overcooked meats is fine as long as it doesn't feel things too badly. That said, if like to not see this thread completely nuked, so do we have an actually count somewhere of how many people have been arrested this far? Investigations Regarding Violence at the Capitol WWW.JUSTICE.GOV Actually, I guess this is as good a list as any.
  23. It's such a great feeling, though. I mean, I'd rather go off topic in another direction, but I will say it again. A boring presidency is REALLY nice.
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