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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Toy lineups definitely count as potential spoilers for an unreleased movie...
  2. Yeah, I remember when that happened. I want to see him brought back to theaters or a Disney+ series. I'd like to see him team up with like Blade and Morbius and the other supernatural Marvel characters for a sort of Midnight Sons team up.
  3. There's are some pretty great ideas here that three league will never implement.
  4. Gabriel Luna's Robbie Reyes was such a good Ghost Rider, though. I'd love to see him reprise the role.
  5. What the fuck is this movie? It's incredibly short and feels like the first episode of some new series. A series whose story is told in the closing credits with a bunch of stills that had more life to them than the stiff animation. I really don't get it. The movie literally "yadda yadda, happy ending" itself in the literal last five minutes. Earthsea, Goro Miyazaki's directorial debut, was also incredibly stiff, so I'm not convinced it's the CG animation team's fault. They certainly put in a noble effort, even if it falls far short of the Ghibli charm. From up on Poppy Hill was good, but it was also penned by his dad. I'm not sure I have much hope for Goro Miyazaki's next outing if his father isn't going to be working closely with him. I'll call it now. Studio Ghibli's two worst movies are his so that's not a very promising start for his career. Worst still that they aren't even bad by Ghibli standards. They're just not very good, period. I has a sad.
  6. So, I guess we now know how Monica Rambeau gets her superpowers. One thing I'm having a hard time figuring out this series is where the line between foreshadowing and Easter eggs fall.
  7. Oh, I completely agree. This is just a whole different scenario than where at Facebook this would happen and upper management would be like "that's fine". Something that literally happened when employees noticed Facebook had advertising demographics like white nationalist and Nazi.
  8. I hate to defend Google here, but this sounds like an oversight on their part, not something malicious. I know with Google, you can choose your target demographic for ads. Looks like if you leave the sex target as blank, it hits everyone. If you choose men, it'll hit men and the same with women. However, if you choose men and women, it'll hit men and women but won't hit anyone Google doesn't have sex info on. That is whether you told Google you were neither or whether you didn't tell Google and Google couldn't figure it out on their own. Sounds like Google is just changing their algorithm to always include unknown if you're trying to target either male, female, or both with your ads.
  9. Ethiopia should get the dam and Egypt get the extra aid to offset the damages the other dam might cause. Landlocked nations have a hard enough time getting things like water without the help of neighboring countries. It's not like we can just tell Ethiopia to invest in desalination. I don't think we need a world government, but Africa could sure use a sort of EU-type of presence. Even without it, allocating aid to the countries in need should be about as much as the UN does. We can't run a country without putting flappy haired idiots like Trump and Johnson in charge, how would a UN with actual governing responsibilities look like? Is rather not know.
  10. The most obscure thing I owned that made the list was the Tapwave Zodiac. I wonder if I still have Tony Hawk for that thing somewhere in my basement. I mostly bought it for emulation which it handled pretty well for a portable back in the early '00s. I was a huge PalmOS nerd, so I bought the Zodiac 2 with its whole 10MB of RAM the second it came out
  11. I hadn't realized Bowser's Fury was so much more than just now 3D World levels. Good to know it still performs fairly well.
  12. So, is anyone buying into the whole Agnes is Agatha Harkness theory going around? People were speculating Hahn was playing Agatha since before the series had even begun.
  13. Yet there are people that travel across the world because, like, Mary's face popped up on a piece of toast or something. Either way, people have been getting caught up in cults since the beginning of time. Seemingly normal, smart people drink the Kool Aid all the time. Q is just the first major cult to grow on the Internet in front of everyone to see. You might not know people susceptible to this stuff, but you'd be surprised what people are primed for after decades of exposure to right-wing media and the echo chamber of social media. I've had so much family and friends ask me about all the random shit they see online like 5g conspiracies or whether there really could be chips in vaccines. It's wild how much this bullshit gets spread.
  14. You have WAY too much faith in humanity then. People are simple. They look for answers when there are none. For years folks have been spoon fed conspiracies about Soros and the murderous Clintons, climate change and false flag operations on the most popular, most mainstream talk radio in the nation and the most popular, most mainstream cable news network in the nation. Thid leap is, unfortunately, not as far as it may look on the surface. You had a president stoking fear and anger every chance he got, joblessness, sinking despair as everything gets more expensive and wages remain stagnant, and then a pandemic that the highest levels of government played off as a conspiracy themselves. Even if things are fairly stable by historic standards, it feels chaotic thanks to the side of information. My bedroom has a randomly textured ceiling. There's this bunch of squiggles that looks like a face when I'm not wearing my glasses...which I do a lot in bed, coincidentally. We, as a species, are just trained to look for patterns in things. Sometimes when folks, even successful folks, look out at the world looking for answers they can easily be lead down destructive paths. That's nothing new. We just get to combine that great human feature with the anonymity of the Internet and trolls and sickos. It's a great pairing.
  15. One thing that you need to remember about this Q cultists is that for a lot of them, this is an extension of their already ingrained religious, particularly Christian, beliefs. I can easily see how someone very familiar with fire and brimstone, Apocalyptic Christianity can go from watching YouTube peachers talking about the signs of the end times to YouTube peachers talking about Satan worship and demonology to YouTube peachers that are full on Q freaks. The almighty algorithms used by YouTube and Facebook inevitably push people down this rabbit hole and even smart people are wholly unprepared with how to deal with that.
  16. My wife comes from a gigantic family. We comprised down to the number of kids we can fit in the backseat of a sedan. It's not so bad one you get them on the same schedule. We also lucked out a bit, so I wouldn't recommend it to everybody. My oldest is pretty self reliant. I just need to be careful because he's perfectly happy playing through Luigi's Mansion in one sitting if you're not careful. He's also a brick when he sleeps. He's literally slept through me accidently dropping him. My middle is on the spectrum and would rather play alone most of the time. She can get lost flipping through a book for a couple hours straight. She's also deeply pattern orientated. If I lead her into a dark room, she'll find a blanket and just go to sleep. My youngest is wild. She's adorable, but a pure fire cracker. At two years old she lives up to every Puerto Rican woman stereotype. We really pushed our luck after the first two
  17. Don't say that. My kids are 2, 3, and 5. I don't really want the pity, but the money sure would help.
  18. It's very on brand for a Republican that happens to be Mormon to cap benefits at three children per family.
  19. I'm aware. I was paying pennies to a family member to be our nanny while she was attending college online. Half the time my wife was home, so she wasn't even alone with the kids the entire day. Still cost us around $20k a year. That's still a steal compared to any other childcare services. You're allowed to take some money out, pre-tax, to cover child care costs. Those benefits max out at $5k/yr for me. That doesn't come anywhere close to covering costs. It's ridiculous.
  20. A child stipend is the right-wing solution to not just providing every child with free childcare and/or preschool out even lengthy government funded parental leave. It's only a left-wing policy in the US because we're so right as a nation.
  21. If the Republican party is fracturing over Trump, Romney is in a pretty good position as the classic conservative. I just don't think anybody on the right actually cares, though. The ACA is the old classic Republican healthcare plan that Romney put in place here in Massachusetts; albeit without the public option anybody can buy into. I just don't see how anybody deprograms most of the Republican party's constituents to remember that Obamacare was the old conservative dream. Romney would have a thousand other points to have to deal with beyond just that one. I don't see how he even makes it out of the primaries and I don't see the RNC changing the rules to give him a better chance.
  22. And as @Jason just said, this is all based on 2019 tax returns. Sure, my wife and I's combined income was straight cut by 40% due to the pandemic, but we've got to means test everything in this country because reasons.
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