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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. That was how she got her powers in the MCU. This was A GREAT retcon since their previous explantation stands since it was true as far as Wanda or anyone else was aware. This was such a good episode.
  2. Yes, but it's also only the ones that make boatloads of money that can launch their own storefront. That's why I'm kind of curious as to why Apple thinks Steam is proof competing storefronts didn't cause them to cut into their 30% cut.
  3. I totally get what Apple is trying to prove here, but didn't Valve adjust their cut with major publishers in response to all the rival game stores? Valve’s new Steam revenue agreement gives more money to game developers WWW.THEVERGE.COM An unprecedented change to Valve’s financial agreement with game makers
  4. Ghost_MH

    Opera GX

    I love Opera's software. Yes, they switched over to Chromium and yes they were bought up by a bunch of Chinese firms, but they're still based out of Oslo so I wouldn't really worry about any of the things many folks normally worry about when it comes to Chinese software. That said, unless someone has changed in recent years, it doesn't have a real VPN. It just bounces your data through a proxy in whatever country Opera has a server in. Now that I think about it, Opera is actually one of the oldest pieces of software, outside of anything by Microsoft, that's that I've continuously used for more than 20 years now. I still think their Presto days were better before Google went and threw a bunch of money at them.
  5. Didn't the Nuon's gamepad have an N64 layout, complete with c buttons? That and Tempest 3000 is about as much as I know about this console thing.
  6. So much for being a Q1 title, but I can wait. It looks great and comes out on my birthday, so I know what I want for getting one year closer to forty. Well, I hope it's hitting PC on the same day it's coming to the PS5.
  7. For anyone that wanted to use Virtual Desktop to stream games from their PCs and not have to sideload a patch into their Quest 2, be happy. Virtual Desktop on Oculus Quest WWW.OCULUS.COM Connect to your computer to watch movies, browse the web or play games on a giant virtual screen or in various theater environments. Virtual Desktop is a highly optimized, native application developed... The full streamer is now all official-like without the need for any patches. Looks like Facebook had finally decided to allow it. From the version notes...
  8. You know, when I avoided Justice League and never bothered to watch more then fifteen/thirty minutes of it, the entire time all I thought to myself was that the film could use more black and gray.
  9. So what you're saying is that Snyder is a bizarro Tarantino, complete with bad taste and probably has a hand fetish? Sure, why not.
  10. I was a teen in the days of pouches, sharp edges, and capes that went on for days. I don't at all understand how a dude his age got so caught up in that aesthetic that he's made it his defining look thirty years later. He's around McFarlane's age, so maybe the terrible cars of the 80s had a lasting and horrifying effect on these people's tastes. I'm making up this theory now, there has to be a direct line from posters of the Lamborghini Countach adorning young boys walls to Punisher 2099. Maybe we should be blaming the dudes over at Burtone and not Liefeld. Yes, but Goku is WAY too saccharine for Snyder. I say give him Yu Yu Hakusho. Nobodies doing anything with it these days anyway. His Kurama would be majestic.
  11. Like a month or so back we got like 2 feet of snow so heavy my snow blower choked on it. It was heavy enough that it turned the bottom inch into a sheet of ice. There are still remnants of that ice on my driveway... mostly because I've been lazy about salting it to death. I'll take powder any day. The only issue with powder is when the wind blows it back in your face. That's not fun on below freezing days.
  12. It's easy to ignore that someone you're professional equal or below is racist and thinks you might be less than human. It sucks knowing that you're colleagues think less of you and your family just because of the color of your skin, but I've ignored plenty of racist people in my life (Yay for working in the tech industry in the Boston area). It's different if that person is in a position of power. There's is absolutely no way of separating managerial decisions or the treatment of employees further down the ladder from their racist views. Even more so if they feel comfortable enough in their racism to declare it publicly. I've never worked for someone that just jumped on Facebook and told everyone that they just hate minorites. To me, it's no different than being stuck trying to work with someone if I found out they posted on Facebook that they thought my kids were stupid and ugly.
  13. This world is too connected for that to still be true. Things you do outside of work don't create a toxic work environment, but things you publicly blast on social media do. If I know my colleague is racist, that will lead to issues that aren't the fault of me as a brown man. I also wouldn't feel comfortable working for a racist and I've had to leave places I REALLY like working at for that very reason. That's bullshit and things shouldn't work that way. Star actors and actresses already get more pull on the set compared to all the assistants and riggers and so on. If they're going to be racist/transphobic/whatever in public, then it should be in a company's employees' best interests to see that toxic person removed from the equation.
  14. Facebook STILL gives meaningless video stats. They count 1 second as a view on their videos AND automatically play them in people's timeline. If you're a brand with 100,000 followers on Facebook and create a new video, it's all but guaranteed to hit 100,000+ views in a manner of minutes after posting it. However, none of those views matter since those are all 1 second views. Facebook then likes to break down views in 1-second, 3-second, and 10-second chunks before going into more meaningful stats. Source, me. Until like a year ago, I ran the live stream feed for our local church and spent WAY too much time explaining why YouTube's 100 views were WAY more valuable than Facebooks 1000. The YouTube views were averaging 30+ minutes each and the Facebook ones were averaging fewer than 10 seconds, with like 90% of those coming in under 3 seconds. Top this all off with Facebook's outright refusal to do anything about video content stolen from YouTube and TikTok.
  15. Tom Brady is an idiot that's just really good at football. He was all in with Trump, but even his political naivety didn't lead him down the Nazi hole. I think the last time anyone asked him his response was something like "my wife said I shouldn't get involved with politics because I don't understand it", after which he rolled over for belly rubs. There's just more steps to take between MAGA hats and comparing yourself to victims of the Holocaust. This isn't even something that should need to be said, but then again, there's half the country that feels otherwise.
  16. I mean, yes. I'm a huge fan of the original comic, but Snyder sort of stumbles into the grand premise of Watchmen entirely by accident. I say by accident because it's clear from his resume that this is just his voice and Watchmen just sort of happened to sort of line up with his for reasons Snyder is entirely oblivious to. He doesn't actually get any of the Watchmen characters. I just mentioned Rorschach because it's so laughably off. This is nothing new. 300 is a pretty successful film, but he doesn't really get anybody in that movie. However it works since the movie is literally armies of hopelessly vain brutes crashing into each other. 300 is the mindless fun of slamming He-man action figures into GI Joes, even if Snyder seems to think he's telling a deeper story than that. I often wonder if Snyder was just born in the wrong era and hjs movies would have been better received in the 90s when folks weren't expecting much from their comic book movies and everything was edgy and had way too many pouches. I bet he would have made a dope Spawn movie in 1997, complete with terrible CG.
  17. Watchmen has always been about the vanity of those that would consider themselves heroes. It didn't really matter if they accomplished that via a badge or a cape. Snyder sort of fell ass backward into Watchmen by accidentally preserving the vanity while also completely missing the point. My biggest issue with Snyder is that he doesn't do sincerity very well and that's something he needs for any good superhero movie. To overlook the silliness of people in capes saving the universe, there has to be some level of sincerity mixed in. You have to believe Tony Stark thinks he's doing the right thing. The reason Snyder sort of lucked out with Watchmen and gave us a half decent movie is because there is no sincerity among its cast. Rorschach is the closest you get, but he's actually certifiable and should be locked up. It's no coincidence that he's also the character Snyder gets most wrong.
  18. Congress is run by people that want power to enrich their donors and people that want donors but don't really care for the power. Yeah, you'll find a bunch of middle and lower ranking folks that are happy to help whoever they can, but leadership is on a completely different page from any of them. These people literally held a trial and wrapped it up nice and quick with no witnesses because it might eat into their vacation time. There's literally a pandemic still ongoing with people losing their homes and going hungry, but you know, vacation time and all that.
  19. It's very sensible when you consider that a mobile OS like Android isn't really a windowed experience and everything is running fullscreen. Windows 10 works the same way in tablet mode.
  20. This is correct. Whenever I click on a some embedded tweet, I have it set to open that as a link in the Twitter app because the Twitter app is just better than mobile. I don't have an actual back button, but the back swip gesture takes me back to the browser window. Same goes with YouTube links since embedded YouTube clips are better in the native app on mobile since it lets you do things like comment, like, or subscribe. For anyone wondering, you get the same functionality in Windows by pressing Alt+Esc. You can keep hitting Esc to go further back in the task list. On Mac that's Command+Tab. Before anyone gets confused there, Alt+Tab on Windows let's you cycle through all apps. On Mac that's Command+Shift+Tab OR hold Command+Tab for like a second. I don't think you can just rewind through the task list on Mac since holding Command for longer than a second will bring up the task list. I'm surprised anyone is wondering about this since it's been a part of desktop OSes since like Windows 3.1. I should note, on Android this doesn't work in a browser. Back will go back in the browser until you get to your first browsed page and then you back out of the browser. It's mostly handy because that's also true for games. Many games on Android will let you store back to a menu, for instance.
  21. There was a Congressional hearing about Mortal Kombat. The series has spawned movies and comic books and a Saturday morning cartoon for some wild and crazy reason. Scorpion and Sub-Zero have also been choice option for cheap Halloween costumes for kids for the last thirty years. Yeah, I wouldn't put them at Mario/Sonic/Pikachu levels of fame, but just a half step below that is fine. This is particular true for the US, where Mortal Kombat has about as much cultural awareness as even, perhaps, Zelda, Megaman, and Pac-Man. If you go to Walmart and check out what mini arcade cabinets they normally carry in stores, it's usually Pac-Man, Centipede, Space Invaders, and Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat isn't even in the same generation as those others, but it gets included nonetheless.
  22. I can tell you exactly why SNK has had trouble making KoF feel fresh. KoF is SNK Smash Bros or Capcom vs before either were ever a thing. The whole point of the series was to bring all their fighting and beat'em up franchises under one title. SNK just hasn't really updated any of their other games and isn't keeping itself busy creating new franchises. KoF just sort of became its own thing and kind of lost itself along the way. The last KoF that actually felt new and fresh was R2 on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, but that was mainly a result of SNK trying to figure out how to make a KoF game the most fun for singles players. That was more than twenty years ago. I think I was still in highschool back then. The last really great KoF entry I can think of is like XIII? That was the last one that used that really nice 3D models turned 2D sprites technique, right? How long ago was that? I'll be hopeful for this one, but I also very much understand why these games have felt like they're missing something.
  23. I actually enjoyed Attack of the Friday Monsters. Is this one even going to be localized? No way these games would be very fun if they aren't.
  24. I'm shocked that Nintendo not only localized Famicom Detective Club, but even went all in with a full remake.
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