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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. "He was taking a bad day" needs to be added. You can swap that in for "Loved comedies".
  2. If you thought the CGI was inconsistent, then it's probably a good thing you didn't watch it at 120fps.
  3. Gwyneth Paltrow has said she'd do the odd cameo here and there, but has no interest in anything greater than that. Gwyneth Paltrow says she's willing to be in another Marvel movie — if she can film it in 'a day or two' WWW.INSIDER.COM Don't expect a Pepper Potts standalone movie anytime soon. Gwyneth Paltrow only wants "small" appearances in the MCU going forward. Either way, Tony's money is all with Stark Enterprise and his widow. I'm sure if Falcon asked, he could probably get Pepper to help him out, but I also don't think he's looking for a handout. He shouldn't have to be a charity case. Like @NeoJoe said, there's no way Captain America doesn't get that loan approved.
  4. The obvious answer is money. Someone thinks it'll make a lot of money and probably not cost a whole lot to make. Also, physical humor and people being stupid translates pretty well, so it'll be a comedy that might not be stuck in the English-speaking world. Dumb and Dumber To, for instance, made like half its money internationally.
  5. Here's my take. I completely trust 2021 Jim Carrey to be able to turn the character around and make him not problematic and even possibly very progressive. There would have to be some strong retconning here. At the same time, any sequel will just bring attention to the previous two entries and nothing good can come from there. Unless Carrey pulls a Chappelle and demands every outlet drop the previous films from streaming, a sequel here isn't a good idea.
  6. He was the only thing good is that movie. If the sequel was mainly him on Sonic's home planet, I'd be fine with that. Jim Carrey is such a good actor. He's always been the highlight of pretty much any movie he's in, whether good or bad. I'm always down for more of him in anything, though I'd really prefer something I'd actually be willing to watch twice and not something I watch once out of morbid curiosity.
  7. The touch bar still sucks, so that is perfectly valid. Changing volume still requires a press and then a swipe. I also can't figure out who would ever use the autocorrect on the touchbar. Either way, I only heard the fan coming on when I'm running a Linux VM. If it's on any other times, it's either running so slow it's inaudible or my kids are just too loud. This is the opposite of my last Macbook that ran so hot so often and often sounds like a jet. Apple is REALLY bad at keeping their laptops cool in the name of slim with hidden vents. This CPU just runs cooler than Intel. I was more concerned with the life of the CPU with worse cooling than getting more speed of of Apple's M1. That's the only reason I have a Pro over the Air.
  8. It's 100% a colonial thing. Everywhere white Europeans settled/enslaved/conquered, we see issues like colorism or problems with natural hair remain generations later. That's not by accident. Indigenous and native people don't just randomly start hating their own skin color or hair texture out of nowhere. That comes from generations of outside influence.
  9. They should be, but Godzilla has changed so much over the years I think the better answer is that it's best not to think too hard about it. Godzilla went from regular dinosaur that was accidentally hit, scarred, and given super powers by a US nuclear bomb to Godzilla has always been, sleeping at the bottom of the ocean, feeding on the Earth's natural radiation. I think nowadays, Godzilla is absorbing radiation so she shouldn't be exuding it. Her atomic breath should totally leave a deadly amount of radiation behind, though.
  10. I don't have the Air, but I do have the M2 Pro with 8GB of RAM which is pretty much just the Air with a fan. Either way, I like it. Like the Surface Pro X, I'm just shocked at how well these machines emulate x86 applications. I think I'll give Apple the win here for quality of emulation, but everything I've downloaded on the Mac side has been from the store other than Parallels and that's a native M1 app. It's the complete opposite on Windows. Also, I had trouble flashing an FPGA from the M1 Mac Pro, but had zero trouble doing the same on the Surface X. Weird little things that affect all of like five people. Battery life is solid and I really appreciate his quickly this thing wakes up from sleep. It's fast enough that you'll question whether the laptop actually ever did go to sleep. I actually haven't really messed with much in the east of MY native apps other than Parallels. That was mostly because I was curious to know if it would show emulation of an ARM-based OS. Huzzah for the whole three people out there in the world that care. You can totally run Ubuntu Server for ARM in Parallels on an M1 Mac with no trickier. It just runs fully native. It's a great little laptop.
  11. The only time I want spent on humans in a Godzilla movie is when they're super tiny and singing.
  12. Better question. Could this actually be good with a good editor?
  13. I often find it hilarious that toy makers like Funko and Lego will CONSTANTLY spoil movies that studios are trying to keep a tight lip over. Once something's headed for retail, they just lose all control of it.
  14. I never got a fever with the J&J, but I did pretty much sleep through the entire following day. I was very much completely out of it. It was that and some wild body aches.
  15. Yeah, there are a lot of people that might need to amend they're 2020 returns. Covid relief bill changes tax rules midseason. What to know about filing an amended return WWW.CNBC.COM The $1.9 trillion stimulus package that Congress aims to send to President Biden this week may mean some people need to amend their tax returns.
  16. I mean, you are sort of not wrong. As a whole, there's are a couple of really great Star Wars films and a while bunch of average ones and a few that are just plain bad. The Star Wars films have never really been so that compelling. Certainly not enough to warrant the toxic fanbase. That said, Star Wars that isn't a film is pretty damn great. The animated series, the comics, the games. The Star Wars universe is really great, but the films are so small because they're so hyper focused on reliving the glory of the original trilogy.
  17. This nation is not designed to be run by any one branch of government, mostly for that very reason. Even with all the power Congress has ceded to the executive in recent years, that still holds true. Even then, the power that has been ceded is only whatever power Congress doesn't want to be responsible/held accountable for.
  18. Why would it be when there are still so many people alive and voting that weren't born into such a connected age? The life experience of someone that grew up pre-Internet versus post-Internet is vast. I'm 38, I was a pretty early Internet adopter. I remember buying all that sketchy stuff that littered eBay when they first launched when I was in highschool. My life experience is nothing like my son's. I remembering renting a multitap to play NBA Jam and Bomberman with school buddies when I was in my tweens. My 5 year old is like level 45 in Super Kirby Clash that he plays with other people on the other side of the planet. He Facetime's his aunt to convince her to play Among Us since I won't let him play with strangers. To my son, these people in the other side of the world are just regular friends they've made online. To many Boomers, these people and experiences around the globe aren't really really real to them. It's like the racist uncle that has a black friend that's "one of the good ones", but he doesn't actually know any other black people. Their life experiences are just so small compared to the unimaginable vastness of Russian trolls to Argentinians jajaja-ing.
  19. Allow me to be uncharacteristically optimistic, with the caveat being that we'll all be either dead or very close by the time it happens. There is only so long this can continue happening with how connected the world is. My kids never lived in a world without 1Gb Internet connections in their home and 4G Internet connections on the road. My oldest, 5, was on a video chat with family across the country the day he was born. There is no way, once the Boomers and Gen X folks die out, that this country can continue to pretend that things are better here than the people my son plays Mario 35 with on the other side of the globe. When he's in middle school, he'll have online friends from countries where there is no such thing as medical debt. He'll go to college and have friends that will be flabbergasted by the prices of our institutions. I just don't see how Americans a generation of two from now will be happy knowing things suck for them compared to everywhere else in the world. That's already happening, but there are still too many people of voting age that didn't learn this at the right age and/or are unwilling to learn it now. The momentum is there. One of two things will happen then, the change will come naturally when the previous generations finally die out or the change will come violently when the previous generations' ideals learn how not to die.
  20. The US is a great place for wealthy folks. There are two classes of immigrants coming into this country. Those wealthy enough to afford the lawyers needed to navigate this country's byzantine immigration system and those from countries even poorer than America's impoverished. America is working as designed. Who would have thought a country founded on the ideals of wealthy white men enslaving blacks and murdering people of color to loot their lands to retain their power and wealth would turn out to be a country hostile to the poor and/or colored? That class of people have never not run this nation.
  21. Speaking of... Zack Snyder Says Country Is ‘Too Divided’ for an Adaptation of ‘The Fountainhead’ Now WWW.YAHOO.COM Snyder believes the current political climate still isn't right for his adaptation of the Ayn Rand novel.
  22. This is HIGHLY amusing to me. There's nothing quite like some DC/Halo fanfiction accidently ending up in the Snyder Cut. Deathstroke really sports a Halo emblem in Zack Snyder’s Justice League WWW.POLYGON.COM How did a 20-year-old Halo icon wind up in Justice League?
  23. The first Borat was up for adapted screenplay as well for the same reason. It's treated as a movie adaptation of the Ali G sketches.
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