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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I just want to know what that nuclear-absorbing pickaxe thing Kong was holding was.
  2. I'm also holding out hope for a Mecha Godzilla movie...
  3. Watch the trailer again at 1:40. They're talking about something setting Godzilla off and nobody knowing just what. I don't think it's just Kong setting him off, because Godzilla was fine with him on Skull Island.
  4. Godzilla is ALWAYS the baddie until everyone learns there's an even worse baddie and everyone was just getting in Godzilla's way. Even this trailer seems to imply that may be the case.
  5. This is right up my alley. I'm going to have to check this one out.
  6. Not just updates, but updates from more than one person. Cool. That's...awesome.
  7. This is exactly it. Above anything, we need to stop having a completely ineffectual government which is half run by people with no actual plan or desire to accomplish anything that remotely looks like governing. Trump and the whole of the Republican party had a whole decade to and have NEVER presented a healthcare plan to compete with the ACA. Like, I know people suck and Americans have the worst political amnesia imaginable, but there will likely be a time in the future where people may actually start voting on real plans. The younger generations don't watch commercials and skip/tune out ads they see online. It'll be interesting to see how future politicians engage and soak to these generations when the Boomers and earlier Gen X folk die off.
  8. Social media isn't bad. Ideally, social media companies could just come together like the videogame and movie industries did and self-regulate by setting up some common nonprofit. In this case, they'd manage ethics and the advise a user may potentially face when visiting these sites. Then you just need to get Google and Apple on board to just not allow any sites that don't self-regulate advising to industry-approved standards. Does that mean somewhere like Reddit might get screwed? Yeah, but Reddit also contributed to this mess so fuck them. That'll never happen, though, because these companies are run by silicon valley dipshits that think they're gods on Earth defeating the titans of legacy media. I just don't know if Zuck is self aware enough to be of the fact that his inability to compromise with anyone can lead to greater government-led regulations. Either way, social media has just amplified everything good and bad about communications to 11. They should, in theory, be neutral but humans are pretty shitty and the shittiest humans are very loud. I'm their car, I think we just need to ramp up laws against targeted harassment online. Did that mean we can no longer get away with sending folks to the wall? Maybe, but I'll take that if it also means people like Gamergaters on Twitter get hit with cyberstalking and cyberbullying charges.
  9. A boring presidency sure is nice. Also, real sugar sodas are always better. Bring on the Mexican and kosher Cokes. I also love ginger ale and will prefer anything with actual ginger in it.
  10. Are there no YouTube videos out there for her? That's what I did the last time I had to take apart my washer. It's the exact same thing as right?
  11. Puerto Rico needs to be a state yesterday. They can't even go through a natural disaster without sitting on the edge of their seat wondering if they'll get help. While we're hemming and hawing over statehood, how about Congress permanently carve out an exception in the Jones Act for any state and territory facing a natural disaster? One less thing for a future president Ivanka Trump to fuck with. Either way, Puerto Rico is the largest group of Americans in one place without the ability to vote for president. DC is in a terrible position, but at least they have their three electoral votes. Puerto Rico is worth six or seven electoral votes. We're taking about an entire Utah of disenfranchised Americans. It's gross. As for DC, they have their own identity. I'd be for them becoming a state as long as any federal lands are carved out and remain independent. As for other huge cities, there really aren't many is say are comparable to the situation DC is in. I'm thinking probably LA and NYC. Yeah, if those wanted to be states, that's cool too. I don't think you could really extend it beyond those three cities, though. Even then, are you looking at all of LA county? All of NYC and the neighboring boroughs? Blah, DC is fine as its own state. That said, I do believe all Americans with a permanent address on US soil should be able to, at the very minimum, vote in the presidential election. That doesn't mean Guam gets an electrical vote but maybe you could just merge all the smaller territories into a smaller than Wyoming 1 or 2 votes, even if they don't have voting members of Congress.
  12. I was agreeing with you by just explaining why you're right in as few words as possible. See, @stepee this matter is now settled.
  13. There is no year 0, so the first century is years 1-100.
  14. An Epic Timeline of QAnon Delusions, From Election Day to Inauguration Day WWW.PASTEMAGAZINE.COM Here's how the sadly deluded conspiracy theorists of QAnon rationalized every defeat and setback since Election Day, including the Capitol riots.
  15. I mean, they also believe there are tunnels full of hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops ready to invade, so who knows.
  16. What's the point of labeling it bribery if there's no penalty attached and no actual laws prohibiting it?
  17. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law both work in hospitals so they've already gotten their vaccinations. Presumably, my wife will be in line to get it next since she's a teacher. At this point, who knows for the rest of us. Fuck 'em. Just move on. My mother is hitting 60 with terrible asthma. My grandmother is pushing 80 with equally terrible asthma. Just let them schedule their shots and forget about trying to figure out who the next most deserving. Like I totally get trying to get to everyone working on the frontline of COVID care first, but just leave it open to whoever at this point. These holdouts are going to be such a strain on finally closing down this pandemic. I move that insurance companies should deny covering coronavirus care costs in the event a person was offered the vaccine and turned it down. Just bill them directly for it. If we're going to have for profit insurance, then we at least deserve some sort of schadenfreude out of it.
  18. At this point, yes. If half the population refuses to get vaccinated then stop holding up vaccinations whole you hold out hope for them. Just open it up publicly to anyone that comes by and schedule drive-ins the same way many states are handling testing.
  19. Yeah, that's why I don't think they're listening. Doing something with the GPS data they periodically poll? Absolutely. That one is easy to parse too. They know there's a concert at x address and x number of people's phones are polling from this address.
  20. I don't know if they're listening, but they're certainly tracking your GPS. If you're at concert, Google or Apple know it. Facebook will also know it is you have the app installed. The best way to control Facebook is to simply pass laws that regulate what they can do with your data and what days they can collect. This can be done at the state level, even. Nearly 1.6 million Illinois Facebook users to get about $350 each in privacy settlement WWW.CHICAGOTRIBUNE.COM Nearly 1.6 million Illinois Facebook users will get about $350 each in a landmark biometric privacy settlement, pending final approval from a California federal judge.
  21. A lot of the government is broken because rich white folks are worried that well off minorites will get to the front of the line. As a result, everything is means tested to the point of absurdity. This is just a reflection of that. That's how we can have not enough vaccines to go around while also throwing away a ton of perfectly usable doses.
  22. Yeah, it was always swapping the previous $600 for $2000, not a new $2000 stimulus bill. I too would love to be wrong.
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