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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. This night about break, so yes, tax forgiveness is the better route. Folks can opt to not get taxed on their current UI benefits knowing they won't be penalized next year.
  2. Rich folks, politicians, and their families have all received the vaccine. I'm not sure what risk there is to open everything up now.
  3. And he would have gotten away with it in the early months of COVID. Again, Trump was just too stupid.
  4. This is really all it came down to. Had this happened under Bush or, potentially, McCain or Romney, masks could have easily been pushed as a patriotic duty. Nobody can convince me otherwise. Trump was too stupid to realize that leading here would have given him a landslide victory in 2020.
  5. Just got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. That was fun. Got it along with my "got vaccinated" card that the nurse swears is super important.
  6. Going F2P will likely help bring the player base back up a bit. Now is likely the best time to buy the devs. Early enough that everyone still knows them, but late enough that the initial rush has died down and they aren't as pricy. It's not like Rocket League was really blowing things up when they were bought. They topped out at just over 119k concurrent players. Going F2P for them bumped that up to over 1m. Rocket League passes 1m concurrent players WWW.GAMESINDUSTRY.BIZ Psyonix reaches a new milestone as its competitive driving/football hybrid goes free-to-play I can easily see the same thing happen for Fall Guys. I never bothered because the game send silly and too random for $20. Free, though? Yeah, I'll try that out on my Switch to give my kids s good laugh.
  7. I'm comparing the money made on their current movies to the money made on their previous films. Nolan's movie broke $1b back when Marvel was bringing in half of that. I'm always happy making enough money to be able to save some of it, but I' m not going to be happy of I'm making less money today than I was ten years ago. Are you arguing that WB should be happy making less money than they were ten years ago? If the movies were still great, I could see that, but they also aren't pumping out anything of real quality either. If I'm a Warmer Bros exec, looking at our current portfolio, I don't see how it's anything to be happy about. I mean, Aquaman and Joker were international successes. Yay, but neither is going to keep them afloat for the next decade. There's a reason they're eager to reboot Superman while also throwing $70m at Snyder try to fix the Superman movie that came out just a few years ago. I'm sure the people at WB are very nice people and I'm sure all the restructuring and such hasn't been fun, but like at some point we have to acknowledge that their mismanaging their most prestigious properties.
  8. The studio of Harry Potter, The Dark Knight, and Lord of the Rings should be perfectly capable of making a ton of money on the most popular comicbook franchises on Earth. If they aren't making gobs of money, they should at least be able to make good movies. They can't do either with any regularity. We've got, what? Wonder Woman and Shazam on quality and Aquaman on money? Everything else is either horrifically OK or straight bad. All the while, they've managed, in under a decade, to build up a terribly toxic fanbase like the one Lucas took an entire four decades to build up.
  9. You're also using the only DC movie to break the $1b barrier. I'm 2018/19, Disney had Black Panther, Incredibles 2, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man do the same thing. That's ignoring that both Avengers movies also broke $2b each. If nobody at WB is trying to figure out why their more valuable franchises aren't doing the same then somebody/many somebodies needs to be fired. Save for a couple of shining moments, they've been pushing out movies that review badly and underperform compared to their direct competition. Unless DC is planning to go full art house, Joker-style, I can't see how they'd be happy with any of that, even if they are making money.
  10. I don't think anyone here is judging the film on its box office draw. That said, someone at WB is certainly comparing this film to Marvel's offering and trying to figure out why Batman vs Superman is only pulling in $870m when fucking Ant-Man and the Wasp is doing $622m. Yeah, that's more, but are the two biggest superheros on Earth really only worth 30% more than a hero that's never even managed to carry a Saturday morning cartoon? I mean, we really should take into account that Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man are the most well known superheros ever put on paper. DC holds three of those and Marvel doesn't even own the film rights to the one they do. That's the issue here. It's the golden age of comicbook movies and DC/WB just have no idea what to do with the most valuable franchises the medium has to offer. They're making money on name recognition, alone, when they should be doing much more than that. I've said it before, but literally just making Disney-style shot for shot live action versions of their animated movies would be such a step up, quality-wise, that is unthinkable they haven't even tried. But, nah, let's just give Snyder another $70m to spend on a vanity project that's going straight to streaming.
  11. For me it was the speed at which things went. Prior to shit hitting the fan, I was worrying about things so I pulled senior management aside and told them that I was about to spend a lot of money to prep folks for the possibility of everyone working from home for the summer. I put in an order and before anything was even delivered we had visitor who had tested positive and that sent us all home real quick. That was last spring. I think I've been in the office maybe four times since then.
  12. Stealing dogs is totally a thing since they can catch pretty good cash prices on Facebook and Craigslist. Facebook, particularly, has a pretty bad wrap when it comes to showing the sake of stolen or otherwise illegal animals. Facebook sucks. Big shocker. Either way, this ask randomly reminds me of It's Bruno and it's criminal that series doesn't get more attention.
  13. Eh, is not very often that a dog napping where someone gets shot gets caught complete on tape. This may have gone viral even without the wild fact that a celebrity was involved.
  14. And we missed out on Common as John Stewart. DC, you cowards, he's only a few years older than Ryan Reynolds. It can still happen. A man can dream.
  15. Ok, looked it up. White Vision merged with other dimension Vision to regain his personality, but not his memories. They could totally do that here, but I still can't see how they bring Vision back like "Oh well, guess Wanda doesn't really have to deal with her trauma after all." I guess they could do the same with her kids, maybe? Comic precedent. They were going to die anyway. Speaking of, I had always assumed that the series would reset back to the status quo for the sake of movie viewers who aren't keeping up with the series. That would mean they can't bring back Vision. However, I'd also be cool with Disney changing major events in TV that's reflected in the movies.
  16. I'm digging really easy back when, but I swear the story was that white Vision merged with an alternate dimension Vision to regain a story of consciousness with emotions. If we're going off some comic history, maybe the same happens here with fake Vision gaining a body with white Vision. What is really like to see if Agatha help pull off the merger. I don't want to see her disappear after this series and helping to save Vision would really put her in Wanda's good graces.
  17. All DeJoy. He's complaining that going all electric would cost an addition $3-4b and USPS won't have the money for it.
  18. That was how she got her powers in the MCU. This was A GREAT retcon since their previous explantation stands since it was true as far as Wanda or anyone else was aware. This was such a good episode.
  19. Yes, but it's also only the ones that make boatloads of money that can launch their own storefront. That's why I'm kind of curious as to why Apple thinks Steam is proof competing storefronts didn't cause them to cut into their 30% cut.
  20. I totally get what Apple is trying to prove here, but didn't Valve adjust their cut with major publishers in response to all the rival game stores? Valve’s new Steam revenue agreement gives more money to game developers WWW.THEVERGE.COM An unprecedented change to Valve’s financial agreement with game makers
  21. Ghost_MH

    Opera GX

    I love Opera's software. Yes, they switched over to Chromium and yes they were bought up by a bunch of Chinese firms, but they're still based out of Oslo so I wouldn't really worry about any of the things many folks normally worry about when it comes to Chinese software. That said, unless someone has changed in recent years, it doesn't have a real VPN. It just bounces your data through a proxy in whatever country Opera has a server in. Now that I think about it, Opera is actually one of the oldest pieces of software, outside of anything by Microsoft, that's that I've continuously used for more than 20 years now. I still think their Presto days were better before Google went and threw a bunch of money at them.
  22. Didn't the Nuon's gamepad have an N64 layout, complete with c buttons? That and Tempest 3000 is about as much as I know about this console thing.
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