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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I often find it hilarious that toy makers like Funko and Lego will CONSTANTLY spoil movies that studios are trying to keep a tight lip over. Once something's headed for retail, they just lose all control of it.
  2. I never got a fever with the J&J, but I did pretty much sleep through the entire following day. I was very much completely out of it. It was that and some wild body aches.
  3. Yeah, there are a lot of people that might need to amend they're 2020 returns. Covid relief bill changes tax rules midseason. What to know about filing an amended return WWW.CNBC.COM The $1.9 trillion stimulus package that Congress aims to send to President Biden this week may mean some people need to amend their tax returns.
  4. I mean, you are sort of not wrong. As a whole, there's are a couple of really great Star Wars films and a while bunch of average ones and a few that are just plain bad. The Star Wars films have never really been so that compelling. Certainly not enough to warrant the toxic fanbase. That said, Star Wars that isn't a film is pretty damn great. The animated series, the comics, the games. The Star Wars universe is really great, but the films are so small because they're so hyper focused on reliving the glory of the original trilogy.
  5. This nation is not designed to be run by any one branch of government, mostly for that very reason. Even with all the power Congress has ceded to the executive in recent years, that still holds true. Even then, the power that has been ceded is only whatever power Congress doesn't want to be responsible/held accountable for.
  6. Why would it be when there are still so many people alive and voting that weren't born into such a connected age? The life experience of someone that grew up pre-Internet versus post-Internet is vast. I'm 38, I was a pretty early Internet adopter. I remember buying all that sketchy stuff that littered eBay when they first launched when I was in highschool. My life experience is nothing like my son's. I remembering renting a multitap to play NBA Jam and Bomberman with school buddies when I was in my tweens. My 5 year old is like level 45 in Super Kirby Clash that he plays with other people on the other side of the planet. He Facetime's his aunt to convince her to play Among Us since I won't let him play with strangers. To my son, these people in the other side of the world are just regular friends they've made online. To many Boomers, these people and experiences around the globe aren't really really real to them. It's like the racist uncle that has a black friend that's "one of the good ones", but he doesn't actually know any other black people. Their life experiences are just so small compared to the unimaginable vastness of Russian trolls to Argentinians jajaja-ing.
  7. Allow me to be uncharacteristically optimistic, with the caveat being that we'll all be either dead or very close by the time it happens. There is only so long this can continue happening with how connected the world is. My kids never lived in a world without 1Gb Internet connections in their home and 4G Internet connections on the road. My oldest, 5, was on a video chat with family across the country the day he was born. There is no way, once the Boomers and Gen X folks die out, that this country can continue to pretend that things are better here than the people my son plays Mario 35 with on the other side of the globe. When he's in middle school, he'll have online friends from countries where there is no such thing as medical debt. He'll go to college and have friends that will be flabbergasted by the prices of our institutions. I just don't see how Americans a generation of two from now will be happy knowing things suck for them compared to everywhere else in the world. That's already happening, but there are still too many people of voting age that didn't learn this at the right age and/or are unwilling to learn it now. The momentum is there. One of two things will happen then, the change will come naturally when the previous generations finally die out or the change will come violently when the previous generations' ideals learn how not to die.
  8. The US is a great place for wealthy folks. There are two classes of immigrants coming into this country. Those wealthy enough to afford the lawyers needed to navigate this country's byzantine immigration system and those from countries even poorer than America's impoverished. America is working as designed. Who would have thought a country founded on the ideals of wealthy white men enslaving blacks and murdering people of color to loot their lands to retain their power and wealth would turn out to be a country hostile to the poor and/or colored? That class of people have never not run this nation.
  9. Speaking of... Zack Snyder Says Country Is ‘Too Divided’ for an Adaptation of ‘The Fountainhead’ Now WWW.YAHOO.COM Snyder believes the current political climate still isn't right for his adaptation of the Ayn Rand novel.
  10. This is HIGHLY amusing to me. There's nothing quite like some DC/Halo fanfiction accidently ending up in the Snyder Cut. Deathstroke really sports a Halo emblem in Zack Snyder’s Justice League WWW.POLYGON.COM How did a 20-year-old Halo icon wind up in Justice League?
  11. The first Borat was up for adapted screenplay as well for the same reason. It's treated as a movie adaptation of the Ali G sketches.
  12. Biden hasn't been president THAT long. How is this stimulus rollout so much neater than the last? Last time around the IRS site didn't detail where the money was going nor did it give you an idea when it would be. Hell, the last time I checked it still said a payment was pending for me even after I got it. Then again, last time around money was sent to TurboTax for millions of people.
  13. What do you know, the site is back up again and it says I'm getting something as well. I guess they are basing this on 2020 tax returns because I would not have qualified with my 2019 tax return.
  14. People Make Games posted a great video on how major studios around the world have been avoiding the bad press of forcing their employees to work ridiculous hours by just sending all that extra work to southeast Asia. Best part is that now the comments are filled with former employees talking about working from 8am to midnight, sometimes later, seven days a week, for months many months straight. They're basically just sweat shops for art assets.
  15. This is only a problem because the online portal lets them better vet people trying to get the vaccine. It's literally only as problem because we have to means test everything in this country. In my local city, there's a mass vaccination site with an online portal AND an elderly care center that's vaccinating anyone that's willing to call and just make an appointment over the phone. You'd think that they'd be booked for the year already, but nope. My wife had an appointment to get vaccinated at the end of the month at the bar vaccination site. She called up the senior center on Tuesday, told them she was an in person teacher and got her first shot of Pfizer yesterday. When she got there, she was mostly in line with the elderly and some homeless folks. Every city should have similar places set up for folks without Internet access.
  16. So what you're saying is that this is the perfect game to play with my oldest friends over everyone swings by after we're all vaccinated. I'm on it.
  17. I'm close. I owned a huge chunk of those, but think there are a couple here and there that I never watched. I'll probably have to pick this up on the Switch. I swear, monkey fist is going to be a pain in the ass to fight against.
  18. I was just talking about this with an art major buddy of mine. If any digital artist is going to get paid for his work, beeple is just about the most obvious choice. In this case, he's selling a collage of all 5000 of his work a day pieces. I just can't help feel like a physical media snob. If this was $69m for a single, signed print off this collage I'd totally buy into this being a legit art purchase. For an NFT, though? Will they even still be a thing in ten years? How about hundred? Other works that have some for this much can be expected to survive for hundreds of years with the right care. There's no laptop or computer on Earth we can expect the same thing from. There's certainly no way of even knowing if there'll be a system to confirm our even read the metadata on an NFT a hundred years in the future and I sort of doubt there will be. I'd hate to be right because I can empathize with the idea behind NFT, but I'll be long dead by then so nobody can prove I'm wrong.
  19. I'm either getting $0 or the full amount with our three kids. It'll depend on whether they base this in my 2019 tax return or my 2020 tax return. That should be fun.
  20. A little of both. Everyone is born with some affinity for magic, some just more than others. If a person doesn't explore and train in magic those abilities slowly die out. Before Agatha realized Wanda was the Scarlet Witch, she mentioned that Wanda's magic would have "died on the vine" without any of the training she never got. Agatha assumed that contact with the Mind Stone awakened her mostly dormant magical powers. That much was true, but that awakening was a bit more severe since Wanda is the Scarlet Witch. It's very likely that even her encounter with the Mind Stone was a result of her chaos magic.
  21. Ha, for a second I thought this a was a sequel to Shaolin Style...
  22. Each additional trailer is pretty good. Then again, I was always a fan of this style for King of Fighters. Also... ...we should acknowledge that KoF has ALWAYS had the best fashion among all the fighting games out there. Even when the games weren't very good, everyone looked great. I've always appreciated that SNK treats their characters like people that might wear a different outfit from year to year.
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