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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I don't think she was either. She was listed as missing after the blip, but that didn't mean she was missing because she was dusted. Seems she was just really good at staying hidden.
  2. Now I'm trying to imagine what Lebron, with his build, could do as a goon in the 80s and 90s. Lawd, he'll steamroll everyone and he'd be known as the best defensive player ever before even getting into his offensive game.
  3. Blah. Friends of the family just had they're entire household wrecked with the newer COVID strain. Looks like no one will die, but one of them will now need to relearn how to walk and might be stuck with crutches for the rest of her life. Just had a conversation with family trying to explain, yeah, this is a thing that has been happening since the start. A year of this shit and people still don't get that it's not a black and white live or die thing.
  4. This makes me sad... Space Jam: A New Legacy | Official Site WWW.SPACEJAM.COM Space Jam: A New Legacy – In theaters and streaming exclusively on HBO Max July 16 Looks like they've finally updated the site after 25 years.
  5. She was on the run with Captain and everyone else when the Cap and his side refused to sign the Accords. I always assumed she was pardoned the same as all the heroes, but it looks like that wasn't the case. I believe she stole the shield and Falcon's wings.
  6. Amazon apologizes for lying about pee — and attempts to shift the blame WWW.THEVERGE.COM "This was an own goal," the company admits However, now they're trying to shift the narrative to this being only about their drivers and how it's common for truck drivers to pee in bottles.
  7. This is correct. Nothing should ever been done to avoid fueling right-wing anger. Everything sends these people into outrage mode. These were the same people that were up in arms because Biden was said he was happy we might be able to return to normal by the 4th of July.
  8. Yup. I also get a TON of text message spam with obviously malicious links. I just block each one and mark them as spam. It's obnoxious.
  9. The people in this movie are so dumb. The greatest dumb thing in this movie, though? I loved this. I liked that we had Godzilla five minutes in and not dragged out into the middle of the movie. I love that Kong was the legit star of this movie, though now I need to know... The most surprising thing for me was how well paced this movie was. Sure, Wingard has had some great movies, but I want expecting a Godzilla film to work this well and at such a brisk pace. Five minutes in, I pause to get a drink, only to realize we were really twenty minutes in. Somewhere Snyder is trying to figure out why this movie isn't five hours long.
  10. Glad I'm not being hyper sensitive here. My wife is always giving me crap for referring to her younger sister's friends as girls or kids. They're all in the early/mid twenties. The phrase "seventeen year old woman" is just sounds wrong and creepy.
  11. I think the thing they don't want to acknowledge is how recent this is. Nobody bats an eye when Disney is putting these historic context labels on content created in years of Jim Crow. The stuff Peacock is looking to cut out was created in the last ~30 years.
  12. That's fine, but I'm just trying to explain to you that's not the same as someone that lost their job and it's now getting rejected for other jobs because of poor results on their credit checks or people that are trying to move and are getting rejected for RENTALS because of bad credit. Medical debt is one of the top reasons people file for bankruptcy in this country and that's just wild to me when you consider that medical debt isn't really a thing anywhere else in the world.
  13. She was bed ridden for like a week before they figured out what want wrong. Turns out she needed a blood transfusion. A week in the ICU is really expensive, though. We still haven't paid that bill. The best part about all this is that I do believe we'll eventually get universal healthcare in this country. That said, there's no way past medical debts will ever be forgiven for folks. If they were, some dipshit in Congress will demand that count as income, because we suck.
  14. With our third kid, we got hit with more than that with an in hospital natural delivery with the best and most complete insurance package my company has to offer in a state with great healthcare all because my wife had the audacity to almost die shortly after child birth. I should also note that ambulance rides in this country are hilariously overpriced. I've mentioned it before, but my son needed surgery at 1 month old. Our local hospital couldn't perform surgery on someone that young so we had to move him to another hospital. We tried to not do that in an ambulance, but we were required to. It was an hour long drive and we were charged thousands. He was strapped into his car seat the entire way with my wife riding along next to him. The ambulance was literally just a taxi from one hospital to another.
  15. Medical debt is one of the biggest stressors in this country. Even with insurance, people can very easily be saddled with tens of thousands of dollars they have no way of paying. Debt that limits what jobs they can get and where they can even live.
  16. We're the same age. I don't think I've ever said "17 year old woman". I mean, my wife says I sound old when I refer to people in their early 20s as kids.
  17. I have family that works at the VA that tells me the same thing. I've always assumed it's a combination of depression and "therapy is for pussies".
  18. The problem with Cats is they went backwards. CG cats on practical sets makes zero sense when they could have just done practical cats on CG sets. Full CG could be tricky, though. Sounds like he might be looking into going the Avatar route...maybe just a little less real? Avatar meets Speed Racer? I'd really love for this to actually work, but that sounds really hard to pull off.
  19. Someone Photoshop a bo staff into Taylor Swift's hands. First, I really hope they go practical with the makeup. Second, wearing clothes will make it so much less creepy than whatever this is.
  20. And now Nike has to sue MSCHF because Republicans are stupid. Nike sues over Lil Nas X’s ‘unauthorized Satan Shoes’ WWW.THEVERGE.COM MSCHF is selling 666 pairs of the $1,018 sneakers. I'm going to guess they'll settle out of court for an undisclosed sum of like $5 that Nike's lawyers will then "accidentally" drop on their way out of the bank. @marioandsonic Ha, thanks for making me realize I posted this in the wrong thread
  21. Never. I just usually use she since Godzilla has totally laid eggs in the past. I doubt I'm at all consistent here, though. Not like the movies are either. I think you're right. These are important questions in 2021.
  22. That's what I'm saying. I don't really watch much wrestling these days, but I watched a WHOLE lot of wrestling I'm the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. If they're looking to chop out the offensive segments, but not pull the entire episode, there are going to be a whole bunch of 15 minute episodes all over the place.
  23. Peacock pulls racist WWE segments from streaming service WWW.THEVERGE.COM Some fans are displeased with Peacock for deleting history. I guess that explains why they're saying they won't have the entire library up until August.
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