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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Netflix doesn't have the best track record for live action adaptation of anime, but Gundam also isn't really your typical anime. Vogt-Roberts could be a pretty good fit, but we'll see. A good Gundam movie should be primarily political drama with crazy cool mechs. I'm going to assume that this will be his next film after Metal Gear Solid.
  2. This is one of those cases where liability insurance would be perfect. She doesn't get fired here prior to the trial, but accidentally killing someone would render her unemployable due to the costs.
  3. Best numbers I can find say the market for PC games should do like $45.5b this year and Steam has an 89% market share. Obviously, Steam isn't a simple 30% of 89% of that $45.5b. Some of the biggest game franchises on Earth aren't on Steam. I thinking of Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox. Still, if even half that number is dollars generated on Steam, you're looking at more than $10b in revenue for hosting an online market. Losing $330m on free games and exclusives seems like an easy call to make. Epic made $435m on PC last year, so there seems to be a ton of people with the EGS installed. I think the last count I saw said Fortnite alone had some 60m active players on PC. Epic is absolutely making the right call here even if it pisses off a bunch of gamers that wasn't to play everything within Steam. Hell, fronting the money to help offset the costs of porting console exclusives is the way I'd do it if I were them.
  4. Revealed: the Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens | Facebook | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM A Guardian investigation exposes the breadth of state-backed manipulation of the platform Very cool. While Facebook does a fairly shitty job of deleting fake pages and fake users in the US and Europe, they just don't care to do even that in other parts of the world. It looks like this has allowed for authoritarian governments to use Facebook as a propaganda outlet. Facebook is aware of this, but they don't really care since they aren't likely to face bad press in those countries and they, rightly, assume most people in wealthier nations don't care enough to make a stink about it.
  5. I hope it is and this is just an origin story for the Flag Smashers. I feel like Captain Better Represents America than Steve's latest actions could further embolden their members. What's America and the rest of the world gonna do? Kill a bunch of poor, mostly brown people?
  6. @Xbob42 You just have the worst luck. I finished downloading/installing Kingdom Hearts on EGS and gave it a shot with my Pro controller synced via Bluetooth. At first it was terribly calibrated so I needed to fix that in Windows calibration tool, but then it worked fine. I mean, it worked fine before, but Sora was left running left. Kingdom Hearts even recognizes it as a Switch controller and swaps the A and B button placement. I wonder if Steam is trying to take priority with the controller and that's screwing things up for you. I know I often close Stream completely when I play anything not from Steam because anytime I accidently press the Xbox or Home button it minimizing the game and opens the Steam client like some needy cat. Steam is definitely keeping tabs on your controller input even when you aren't playing something in Steam. It does it with EGS, Xbox, or even stuff like RetroArch. It's REALLY annoying when using Moonlight for a non-Steam game, like streaming RetroArch to my livingroom TV. If it's a KH3 problem, I'll have to test it out another time. I just dropped $50 on KH1&2. I don't feel like dropping another $60 on KH3. Either way, give this a shot. Close Steam completely, and then launch Kingdom Hearts directly from EGS without attempting anything weird to try to force it to work. Like I said, KH1&2 recognizes it as Switch controller natively without having to remap anything. I tested it with both a Nintendo-made Switch Pro controller and a third party Switch Pro controller. They both worked fine.
  7. Now I'm really curious, so I guess that means I'm buying Kingdom Hearts. I was planning to anyway since I was looking for a game I could play while my kids watched. Downloading now. I haven't played an entry since the first game hit the PS2, so I guess I'll just jump into 1.5.
  8. I hope they don't kill off Walker. I'd prefer he end up on some vigilante team everybody hates in the future. Narratively, it'll be better to have Bradley left to live in near poverty after being used by the government and Walker getting to walk away and make a mint for some shady military contractor.
  9. I don't think having any super soldiers here really helps. Without them, the story could instead be focused on all the regular people, especially the poor across the globe, spring the cause. Once it's a cause supported by everyday regular people, it gets a lot harder to throw a nuke like Edith or Hulk into the mix. At that point it makes perfect sense to go smaller scale with someone like Sam. I feel like that's the direction they were going in, but sort of lost its way. Zemo would totally be down with the Flag Smashers if not for the supers they employ. That all said, there are two a couple more episodes left and new Cap has certainly put on quite the show. There's still time to make this an issue of a ton of civilians versus a few super powered individuals representing uncaring world governments. I just don't know if there's enough time to adequately resolve that...though maybe you don't really have to.
  10. Yeah, I was hoping for a little more world building here since I totally empathize with the Flag Smashers cause. With Sam's sister being introduced, I thought we'd get a bit more insight into the lives of those that managed to pick themselves up after the snap and then lost it all again when everyone came back.
  11. In the general election, sure, but we're not talking about the general election. We're talking about the primaries. The kinds of people that vote in the Republican primaries usually represent the oldest crowds and the most right-wing crowds. Those are two groups that Trump did very well with.
  12. Ah, I've never messed with any of those options in Steam, so I had no idea what you all were talking about. I used to use an old license of Xpadder for that kind of thing. Thinking about it, I never reinstalled Xpadder when I rebuilt my PC. I should play around with it again. I've never used it with EGS fans.
  13. I want another Pacific Rim, this time actually good like the first one. If they want to tie it into Godzilla, have Godzilla be terribly injured in a previous fight and have humans to fend for themselves for the next hundred years. Retcon the alternate dimension kaiju came from as the Hollow Earth. Then have Godzilla finally heal up and show up to take out some crazy huge kaiju that's been destroying the jaegers. There, I wrote all the important stuff. WB and Legendary can take it from there.
  14. If Loki is just his adventures bouncing around spacetime then his series could go on forever without necessarily coming in conflict with the rest of the MCU. I also like to imagine Marvel has the guts to make him a secret cameo in every movie from here on out. Now I'm imagining something hilarious like a future Guardians movie where Starlord gets off this ridiculous shot only for an episode of Loki a year or two later showing that Loki had to redirect it to make it land.
  15. That's just fine. It's not for everyone. Godzilla movies can have it two ways, stupid fun popcorn or straight disaster film. Godzilla as a disaster movie would work fine, but you're also just going to upset everyone that wants to see Godzilla fight some other kaiju. I'm fairly certain Toho's number one rule for Godzilla is that Godzilla is an emotionless natural disaster. I mean, I would totally be down for a Godzilla movie where Godzilla and the other kaiju are just background noise to the disaster as it's happening. The one thing no American studio would ever do, though, is have a kaiju movie with no military. Once the military is involved, it becomes humans versus kaiju and that gets boring when the kaiju always win and it's then played off as a win for humans. Guillermo del Toro isn't helping.
  16. Yeah, but those movies are about humans versus kaiju. The Godzilla movies are kaiju versus kaiju.
  17. Demo for a full game yet to come? I have a soft spot for these retro horror games like Paratopic, so sure, why not. Well, that was a tease. I quite enjoyed that little taste. They nailed the look and atmosphere. I wonder if this game will contain any combat. There's a punching animation, so...maybe? Could also just be used to punch down doors or something later.
  18. What kind of problem do you have? Genuinely curious because I also switch between controllers and haven't had much in the way of issues. To date, I've used Xbox, Switch, 8bitdo, knockoff Chinese SNES controllers, and Oculus without much issue. Oculus because Tetris Effect, knockoff SNES controllers because I was using them with RetoArch and then feeling too lazy to grab a different controller. Turns out, there aren't a lot of games these days that don't expect you to have 4 shoulder buttons. Sundered was completely unplayable. I wouldn't really put that one on Epic, though. Is there like a Steam-specific way of adding controllers that I just missed somewhere along the way? I'm looking online and it seems that some people are adding their controllers to their computers through Steam. I don't know if I've ever used the Steam controller menu outside of fiddling with the actual Steam controller. I actually liked that thing. It's a shame Valve killed it, because I think it was like one iteration off from being truly great. I also tried the Steam controller on some games just for shits and giggles and even if works...sort of. Some games don't know what to do with it. Control works fine, but auto-detects it as keyboard emulation. Subliminal has no idea where the left analog stick is, even though it know where every other button is. I haven't had the Steam controller plugged into this computer since I reinstalled Windows last year. I actually had to grab it from a box in the basement just now, so this was just plug and play and never even futz around in Steam to get it working. Either way, I guess that probably would have been easier to do than X-input back in the Windows XP and 7 days; back when every new game required you to install Direct-X all over again. I remember adding controllers to Windows back then was something of a pain, but it's 2021 and just adding any controller to Windows 10 just has it work everywhere.
  19. I have no idea. The full terms aren't at all public. I'm just gleaning from memory about the whole free games thing as it's come up in the news over the just year or two. If I were Epic, I'd have to imagine there's a time limit on when they'd pay. I also imagine there's a lot of data that shows that the vast majority of games that are bought and then not played within a year are never played. I'm fairly certain I have like a hundred games on Steam that fall under that category. I don't think I've once ever cared about card drops or achievements or anything other than just the games, themselves. That may be why I don't really care about what launcher a game is on. They're all free to install, so I guess it's a big whatever to me. Like when The Witcher 3 came out, I bought it on GOG since I figured that would get the most money in CD Project's hands. A shame the company turned out to treat their employees like shit. Then again, Valve isn't exactly known for its great culture either.
  20. This one is fun in either English or Japanese. I guess there are a ton of manga fans upset this isn't a traditional anime, but fuck that. The author didn't want an anime and opted for an animated comic and it really works well for this comedy. I'm a fan. There's no need to stretch a three panel joke into ten minutes when it can be told just as well in a fraction of one.
  21. It's quite a thing, right? Same here. I have a pretty good collection of games, outside of the free ones, there. Honestly, if I have the choice, I'll grab the game there or somewhere like Humble just to give the devs a bigger cut. I really could not care less of having extra launchers on my PC. I'm also not going to spend cash on a PS5 when I have a great PC perfectly capable of playing those Playstation/EGS exclusives in 4k.
  22. That sounds like a lot of effort to support devs whose games you don't want to play. You could also just install the games and play them, you know?
  23. My understanding is that they pay developers a set rate, not full retail, per installation and not games claimed. If you've claimed every game they offer, but only installed and played two of them, Epic is only paying for those two. That would also explains why 2020 saw them lose more money than 2019. More people at home with more free time to play those free games.
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