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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Thinking about old cartoons nobody really ever talks about reminded me of this classic...
  2. Has Amazon ever directly produced anything, TV or feature length, coming anywhere close to a budget this large?
  3. From that video, MASK, Dino Riders, and The Visionaries had the BEST toys.
  4. Later this summer, there's Kena: Bridge of Spirits coming out. No idea if it'll be any good, but it looks great and might be something to look forward to. If also recommend Okami. It's the best Zelda-like game that isn't actually a Zelda game. I'd also consider Beyond Good and Evil a Zelda-like even if the setting is sci-fi and not fantasy.
  5. And according to update, he did just that.
  6. I'm sad nobody's made a light gun peripheral for the Switch. All your need is a gun attachment for the right Joycon and a Wii-style lightbar. The right Joycon already has the IR camera there just waiting to be used for this very purpose.
  7. If there's any demographic police kick around like minorities, it's certainly the disabled.
  8. So, does this mean ISPs will now start charging folks $35/mo to rent their $50 cable modems?
  9. @sblfilms An actual house is an NFT now WWW.THEVERGE.COM The artwork and house are just 48 ETH.
  10. Possibly, but I don't see how MCU Zemo does that considering his motives and distaste for supers. If we're putting together a Thunderbolts team in the MCU, I say you go US Agent, Batroc, Ghost, and...the MCU has a real problem killing off villains. Vulture is still alive, as is the Prowler even if he has yet to become the Prowler. Tim Roth will be in She Hulk, so he'd be a good choice here. He's not exactly young, but luckily the Abomination is 100% CG so he should be good.
  11. She's either the Power Broker... I feel like her introduction here was supposed to make a lot more sense if Black Window were already out since she's in that movie.
  12. Sega Sammy buying them would be the best case scenario for gamers. I don't think they'd get sold to a non-Japanese company and a company like Sony or Nintendo owning them would suck.
  13. Our city is like 15% Cambodian. There's also a rather significant percentage of our Vietnamese population that also speaks Khmer. If I'm not mistaken, there are a larger number of pure Khmer speakers here than pure Spanish speakers. That is, folks that don't know any English. ...and the number of Khmer-speaking teachers in the entire district can be counted on like one hand.
  14. Just read the article... I love the please line. I've had to call out folks restoring to me for making a mess, but I still ask them to clean up with a please and then offer to buy them food and booze as a thanks.
  15. Slightly off the topic of minorities getting killed, but totally on the topic of systemic racism. I just needed to rant over the bullshit of it all. My wife is a special needs teacher and fluent in both Spanish and English with a little bit of Portuguese mixed in. She's been super stressed lately because a not insignificant number of her special needs students are getting services they don't need. Our city is 40% Southeast Asia or Latin American. She's the only minority working in her schools of well over 500 students. Other schools in this city have similar demographics among the faculty. The problem? Teachers aren't required to evaluate special needs students in any language other than English. Can't follow simple instructions in English? Guess that means the child is nonverbal autistic, because who cares if the kids can hold entire conversations in Spanish or Khmer. Now these kids that can probably just get by with some ADHD medication or whatever are being held back by being treated like they don't understand spoken language instead of just being stuck in ESL classes. Got to love it when school districts don't bother trying to hire more minority teachers when 29% of the city doesn't even speak English as their first language. So yeah, my wife is now taking Khmer lessons. Systemic racism. Yay!
  16. Ralph Lauren's official pictures used the whitest wypipo models imaginable. Other pictures that aren't so Nazi sailing team look much better. I actually do also like the Canadian uniform. The US just needs to try someone new for their Olympic uniforms.
  17. Apple is going to argue that Epic knew they were breaking a legally binding contract.
  18. I really liked the first game. I'm pretty sure I own multiple copies of it. I'm definitely getting this one.
  19. There are actually a lot of great looking games here. I might actually pick up the first, like, five games they showed off. Road 96 looks pretty damn great. I guess I missed that reveal last year. I'm also completely down for an Oxenfree sequel. That was a bit of a surprise announcement.
  20. I'm, honestly, shocked how much Gundam is on Hulu. I watched a lot of this stuff on VHS and DVD way back when. I had no idea all the major series are on Hulu. They have the original series and Origin, 08th MS Team, 00, Seed, Wing, and Iron Blooded Orphans. Netflix has Iron Blooded Orphans and Unicorn. Crunchyroll also has the original series plus the Gundam Build stuff that we can totally pretend don't exist.
  21. There's no order for lot of Gundam. Many of the most popular series are self contained stories in alternate timelines. There are a good number of series that take place in the Universal Century timeline. Those are the closest any anime gets to something like Star Wars, with a single linking storyline covered in movies and TV series starting in 1979 with the original Gundam series up through this year's Gundam Hathaway. If the Universal Century stuff is what you're most interested in, there are timelines out there, but it is VERY much mostly a war drama...just with mechs. I always feel the need to earn people because they remember Gundam Wing and think it's all big robot go boom. A lot of the Gundam UC stuff is political/war drama. Only instead of trench warfare, they're flying mechs around in space and trying to blow up space stations. My favorite of the UC stuff is 08th MS Team. You can watch that series on Hulu. The original 1979 Gundam series is on Crunchyroll, but you can get an updated summary series on Hulu with Gundam The Origin. A great newer entry in the UC timeline is Gundam Unicorn. That one is on Netflix. If so if that sounds way too damn complicated, here are my favorite Gundam series outside of the main storyline: Gundam 00 (Hulu), Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans (Hulu and Netflix), Gundam Seed (Hulu).
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