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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I thought about requesting $12 as a tall tax for you being a whole foot taller than me, but I also don't Venmo.
  2. Going back in time to bump this thread because that's how long is been since the money Congress approved for Puerto Rico disaster relief has been held up by Trump policy. Restrictions that Biden has just lifted, opening up the funds for use on the island... Biden administration lifts Trump-era restrictions stalling Puerto Rico hurricane aid WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The Department of Housing and Urban Development also made $8.2 billion available to Puerto Rico, three years after Congress initially approved the aid.
  3. That's the thing. If you don't have the time to train someone up to be martial arts master believable, then cast sometime that's somewhat proficient in martial arts. I'll place the blame, again, on Loeb here. He likely didn't like Tan for the role even though Tan would have been better for the role given their time constraints. I'm sure Finn could have been good if he was given the chance, but there was never any time in the schedule to make it happen. Making matters worse is Loeb's dislike for Asian-inspired storylines and there being too many Asian characters which likely added to the series' dysfunction. I mean, even if the fights were good, the series still sucks.
  4. Journalists will always lazily default to authority figures when it's the easiest/fastest way to get a story out. For decades, they've just ignored the fact that the official stories come from a party that has a thousand reasons to lie.
  5. I don't either. Hell, I think Finn Jones is probably capable enough for the role. 58yo Bob Odenkirk just pulled off bad ass with a gun that doesn't need one, so there's no reason Jones couldn't with the right choreography and time. A part of me assumes they were just short on time here. No way you get fight scenes like the one I posted above from the same studio that gave us those single take fights in Daredevil.
  6. The initial pitch for Iron Fist that Loeb shot down was featured an Asian American lead, right? I'd be down for a Jackie Chan-lead reboot. Actually, he's be s great to head a Heroes for Hire movie.
  7. Luke Cage season 1 was phenomenal...at least in regards to Mahershala Ali's Cottonmouth. He was such a good villain. I mean, Mike Colter was also a great Luke Cage. Actually, Iron Fist is the only weak villain here. Vincent D'Onofrio was brilliant in Daredevil, as was David Tenant in Jessica Jones. A lot of the weaknesses of Iron Fist and even latter seasons of Daredevil I'll be perfectly happy blaming Jeph Loeb over. I don't know how you decide to make either of those series less Asian. I mean, that has nothing to do with the awful choreography, but at least explains why the stories fell apart.
  8. Maybe, I haven't been paying attention since I already got mine in early March followed by my wife two weeks later. I live on the New Hampshire border and I know NH opened it up to everyone 3 weeks ago.
  9. Hey, Massachusetts has now opened vaccines to everyone, including those who commute in from out of state for school or work.
  10. Because it doesn't move the needle so why should they care? Anyone that's isn't disturbed by escalating police violence isn't going to care about them beating up and arresting journalists. Those people are likely cheering it on because they already hate the media. I think you are going to be very disappointed if you believe people that didn't care before will start to here when police were attacking journalists last year and it didn't really change things.
  11. I don't know how much of this is Finn Jones' fault. Iron Fist had bad writing, bad directing, and awful choreography from top to bottom. There were a couple of highlights here and there, but nothing about how the series was structured was any good. Contrast that with how everyone involved with Jessica Jones made Krysten Ritter an honest bad ass that was believable scary. Then again, Ritter is also a great actress here. I remember when my wife watching an episode of Jimmy Kimmel's show with her and was shocked at how much of a softy valley girl she was compared to her acting in Jessica Jones.
  12. This was a ton of fun. There was some Home Alone stuff toward the end that we really could have done without, but it was still at great time. I wouldn't call it John Wick-light. I think I better term would be John Wick light-hearted. Like, let's take John Wick and make it not so dour.
  13. I can't be the only one that has GoBots toys, right? I'm talking about back when they were a Transformers competitor and incredibly cheap in comparison.
  14. Ha, that reminds me of the fights my brother and I used to get in over Voltron toys. Nothing like pointy metal lions that get them tossed in the basement.
  15. YouTube and a lot of tech, in general, has a sort of white as default. This story of here makes perfect sense one you realize white yoga instructors are treated as the default for when people search for yoga, but if you want a yoga instructor that isn't white you need to search for like Desi yoga. They'd need to have a breakthrough outside the algorithms otherwise and even then it's not guaranteed they won't be as highly recommended as their white counterparts assuming equal production values.
  16. According to numbers, no. They were happening even more frequently but nobody was talking about them because of the concerns over COVID and Trump's chronic verbal diarrhea. Mass shootings hit a record high in 2020. Can COVID-19 vaccines bring peace in 2021? WWW.USATODAY.COM Mass shootings jumped nearly 50% in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests and economic fears. Could vaccines bring more peace? Biden is boring, there aren't larger scale riots in every major city, and the vaccine is relaxing people's fears over COVID, so we're back to covering mass shootings.
  17. Thinking about old cartoons nobody really ever talks about reminded me of this classic...
  18. Has Amazon ever directly produced anything, TV or feature length, coming anywhere close to a budget this large?
  19. From that video, MASK, Dino Riders, and The Visionaries had the BEST toys.
  20. Later this summer, there's Kena: Bridge of Spirits coming out. No idea if it'll be any good, but it looks great and might be something to look forward to. If also recommend Okami. It's the best Zelda-like game that isn't actually a Zelda game. I'd also consider Beyond Good and Evil a Zelda-like even if the setting is sci-fi and not fantasy.
  21. And according to update, he did just that.
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