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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Anyone around here from Minnesota? Minnesotans furious that they have to pay for Texas’ deep-freeze problems ARSTECHNICA.COM Natural gas prices surged across the country during Texas’ February freeze.
  2. If you need catching up, a bunch of theaters around the US will be airing the first 8 movies for free. Fast Friday Screenings | Universal Pictures WWW.FASTFRIDAYSCREENINGS.COM Search for screenings / showtimes and book tickets for Fast Friday Screenings. See the release date and trailer. The Official Showtimes Destination brought to you by Universal Pictures
  3. This was always one of those places my wife and I said we'd visit if we ever made the trip out to Japan. Super Potato, Famous Japanese Video Game Shop, Has a New International eBay Store - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Japan's legendary retro video game store Super Potato has a brand new eBay store. You can now browse and even buy some of the most highly sought after collectable games for the N64, Super Famicom, and... Here's the link to their eBay storefront... SUPERPOTATO retro games | eBay Stores WWW.EBAY.COM Superpotato - retro games // With main store in Akihabara of Tokyo, we are retro game stores with 8 locations throughout Japan. We dedicated Japanese retro games and consoles. Please enjoy...
  4. Sam has yet to show that the US government has been redeemed. Sharon has no problem with the American people and has yet to show she does. Problems with the US government? Yes, and deservedly so from where she's standing. What did the government do in regards to Sam that showed it had been redeemed? Even Isaiah's plaque passes the blame of his mistreatment to "some people".
  5. This is definitely more of what I was expecting with these series. In the grand scheme of things, everyone is back to where you'd assume they are after End Game. The only difference is Sharon, but she was already assumed dead. You could skip this series and go to the next movie without missing a beat. I'm not sure the same is true for Wandavision. That series has far longer lasting implications for future movies than Captain America and the Winter Soldier.
  6. They both put on pretty spectacular performances. Maybe not Elizabeth Olsen levels in Wandavision, but still very good ones. It's good. I'm glad Disney kept the series short and tight and so managed to find some time to breath here and there. I feel they also did a great job exploring the repercussions of a black Captain America. This wasn't a subject just glossed over given the current political climate and I'm happy they handled it as well as they did.
  7. She's not even close to irredeemable. She's not killing anyone for funsies. Why would she see the Sam going to bat for her as redemption? She had nothing to redeem. She did what she thought was right and was hung out to dry by the government she was dedicated her life trying to defend. Why would she need redemption? These are world governments that are now labeling previously legal residents as refugees and rounding them up at gun point to toss in camps away from the home they've built over the last few years. The only reason they didn't go ahead with the vote is because new Captain America embarrassed them all on international TV immediately after capturing the terrorists they failed to capture.
  8. Yeah, were getting Star Wars for May want then back to Marvel in June.
  9. Voices of a Distant Star is especially brilliant when you consider that he wrote, directed, animated, and voiced the entire thing alone in like his bedroom.
  10. In case anyone was curious to know what exactly the restrictions Trump had placed on the aid were, well... Trump administration blocked investigation into delayed Puerto Rico hurricane aid, inspector general says - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM A watchdog report uncovers bureaucratic hurdles the Trump administration erected for the struggling island to receive aid after Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
  11. I remembered them being buds, but I had completely forgotten he represented Peter in court. She Hulk just screams more repping heroes in court to me. That said 12yo Tom Holland and Netflix Daredevil would be very strange buddies, even if they get to share a rivalry with Fisk. That reminds me. There MCU really needs a good villain like Fisk or Osborn. If love there to be an always around villain that never really enters supervillain territory. I guess that's Zemo for now, but let's see what Julia Louis Dreyfus does.
  12. He's also rumored to be in She Hulk, but I don't know how much of that is wishful thinking and how much is real. The Spider-Man rumor was that he's representing Peter Parker in some trial or something, but that would make a whole lot more sense for She Hulk.
  13. Now there's a repressed memory I didn't know I had. I don't think I watched Bell and Sebastian regularly. There wasn't a whole lot I watched on Nickelodeon in it's really days.
  14. None of those are underrated, though. Actually, I'm fairly certain Gummi Bears was just Disney flexing. Wasn't that Disney's first or second animated TV series? The quality of the animation in Gummi Bears is ridiculous for a Saturday morning cartoon compared to most anything else you'd find in the mid-80s.
  15. This show was a trip for young me. Especially the ending where... This is one of those obviously not made for American audiences TV series. It wasn't a series cleaning designed for little boys or girls or to sell toys.
  16. Some Spanish environmental propaganda before Captain Planet was a thing based on a children's book series called The Secret Book of Gnomes. Basically a slice of life series about gnome veterinarian. There was an English language version released in the US back in the mid-80s on VHS and maybe aired on Nickelodeon in the mid-late 80s.
  17. All the underrated 80s cartoons weren't all action series. Case in point, I can't be the only kid that watched David the Gnome.
  18. @Bjomesphat mentioned Perfect Blue, but I actually think Millennium Actress is Satoshi Kon's best film. It's honestly one of the best examples of animation being a medium for story telling that's often impossible to tell live action. Even with today's tech, it would be a difficult story to tell convincingly. How about Grave of the Fireflies? It's one of the best WW2 films ever made regardless of medium, full stop. Into the Spiderverse is another film that only works in animation. It's also the best superhero movie ever made. How about Persepolis? Who says all cookbook adaptations need to be based superhero comics? How about another movie that only works as an animation? Coco is Pixar's best and most heartfelt film. Fight me. I feel like Disney should be mentioned here...Moana. it's Disney's best princess musical going back all the way to 1937. Also, fight me. @ort Stop motion also totally gets included here. The Wrong Trousers, Mary and Max, Kubo, or My Life as a Zucchini are all so good.
  19. People would probably be a lot more would sympathetic if the cops weren't doing this shit...
  20. This is correct. I used to have a Venmo account, but I'm just not a fan of PayPal's. I think the final straw for me was someone trying to scam me over a laptop I was selling on eBay that wound up locking both my PayPal and Venmo accounts for like a week. After that, I said no more. I use Square's CashApp for my need to send someone money needs.
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